This is a binding agreement made between The Bound, Landria, God of Ruling and Technology, and The Binder, LYT, God of Light and Truth, with the Support of the following:
(list of Gods supporting binding agreement listed here)
This agreement applies to the entity currently referred to as Landria, regardless of name changes, sphere changes, deaths and revivals, or cosmetic alterations.
This is a binding agreement intended to avoid further damage to the portion of the universe capable of supporting deified entities in a stable manner, hereafter referred to as The Bubble, as well as to prevent further undue aggressive action by Landria against Gods, their creations, or the world. To that effect, Landria is forbidden from initiating direct, harmful aggressive action against her fellow Gods, or their creations, except where specified below. In all situations, Landria is forbidden from directly or indirectly causing the death of a God, including but not restricted to methods such as direct action, deceit, or willful negligence.
As the phrase is used here, 'direct, harmful aggressive action' is used to refer to actions taken that display hostile intent, have a quantifiable, negative effect on the recipient, and is done personally or on the order of Landria or a subordinate. Common interactions between mortals do not fall under this clause, despite the possibility of grievous harm to either party. Uncommon interactions such as god-incited holy wars, divinely or uniquely empowered individuals causing exceptional havoc, or other actions of such a nature do fall under this clause, but are subject to the exceptions of self-defense as specified below.
Creations as used here refers primarily to mortal races and their civilizations and/or culture, individual agents and their retinue, and divinely-made artifacts. Afterlives, alternate planes and/or dimensions, and unique landforms are also counted as creations when relevant, when they have been created by a finite number of gods, rather than all of the gods.
Landria is permitted to act in a hostile or aggressive manner in self-defense, or the defense of her holdings when they are imminently threatened. Holdings defined here as being the creations of Landria, as defined above, applicable only to those creations she is currently in rightful possession over. Theft, looting of the dead, and other methods of acquiring creations besides willful and uncoerced offerings, gifts, trades, or worship is considered non-rightful possession. The god who made the creation is considered to be in rightful possession of the creation until this is changed via willful and uncoerced offering, gifting, trading, or worship. Creations made by multiple gods acting in concert are considered to be joint property and may not change possession, except as Gods intentionally disown their possession thereof, until only one God is in possession, who may then transfer possession as they please via the methods described above. Landria may also act to retrieve those holdings that other entities have taken non-rightful possession of, that she has rightful claim to, rightful claim being defined as creations for which, if she had possession of, said possession would considered rightful possession.
In cases of self-defense or defense of holdings, the actions taken must be in proportion to the actions taken against Landria. Landria is permitted to respond to aggressive action in order to defend herself from harm and/or death, but this retaliation must be proportional in response, and if possible, via the same avenues taken to initiate aggressive action against Landria. If the aggressor does not have sufficient holdings to retaliate against, private consultation with the writer of this agreement, LYT, is required to determine what secondary retaliation is allowed. Retribution of up to 20% above what harm was quantifiably inflicted to Landria by the intentional, willful actions of other gods is permitted, so long as this does not cause them to be killed or in extreme danger of dying, and the actions causing harm to be inflicted upon Landra were unprovoked. This additional retribution does not apply to actions causing harm to holdings or creations of Landria. In cases where the aggressor does not cease their behavior and Landria’s life is determined to be in peril, or in cases in which an aggressor is attempting to imprison Landria, Landria is permitted to take action to imprison the aggressor within the Empyreal Wall in such a fashion that said imprisonment would strengthen the Wall. The length of this imprisonment is indefinite and to be decided upon by consensus of the Gods supporting this agreement, with the writer of this agreement being the deciding vote in case of ties.
If Landria is aware of another god being in imminent danger of death, and not the recipient of unprovoked aggressive action by said god within the last three (3) ticks, she must take reasonable action to prevent said death. Reasonable action is defined as action that does not place Landria or her holdings at grievous risk of harm. If a godly death occurs, and it was well within Landria’s power to prevent it, and she did so either by willful ignorance or malicious neglect, and the god had not initiated unprovoked aggressive action against Landria within the last three (3) ticks, she is subject to the punishment clause of this agreement, in a manner identical to if she had attempted to initiate unprovoked aggressive action against a god.
Landria is further permitted to defend other gods against harmful action initiated by other gods, in the same manner as if she were being attacked, with the following exceptions. The retaliation allowed is one-half of what she would have been permitted had Landria been personally attacked, and she must cease immediately if the god she is defending explicitly desire her to. She is not required to defend other gods against harmful aggressive action initiated by other gods that is not likely to cause a godly death.
Should Landria attempt to break this agreement, any actions she takes that are forbidden by this agreement will be negated and the power spent on them used to create a binding prison within the Empyreal Wall, hereafter referred to as The Prison wherein she will be imprisoned and drained of power once The Prison is completed, to be used to reinforce the Empyreal Wall. Agents and items/blessed individuals used in the process of attempting to break this agreement shall have their powers struck from them, and the essence that went into those powers shall be used to build The Prison. Artifacts created solely by Landria that are used in the process of attempting to break this agreement shall be dissolved and their Essence used to empower The Prison. Artifacts created by gods other than Landria, or in concert with Gods other than Landria, shall be removed from her possession and returned to their creator or non-Landria creators, and the amount of Essence the artifact’s total cost is divided by the amount of gods who contributed shall be taken from Landria, over multiple Ticks if she does not possess enough currently, removed from her essence gain each Tick, before any other spending is possible, and used to reinforce The Prison. Landria is furthermore forbidden to attempt to damage, destroy, or otherwise modify The Prison to enable her escape or impede its function in any way. Any attempt to do so will also be used to improve and empower The Prison. The Prison shall become functional at 50E, and the length of Landria’s imprisonment shall be decided upon in the same manner as if Landria had imprisoned a god in accordance with this contract.