I was too ill to go out for sushi for my birthday so people went without me and got me a 40 piece platter xD
And then got the worst platter they could have gotten xD
Way too much Sashimi and I've only had good Sushi once xD and there are No rolls, which are about exclusively what I get.
I wouldn't complain but... well they didn't ask me. >_<
Also I think the reason why only one place I went to (and only one) had really great sushi is most places kind of realized that no one cares and just dip their sushi in enough soy sauce that the lack of flavor is masked... and I never dip my stuff into soy sauce (because Kikoman needs to die
I just sort of realized how insane "Government Cover ups" In fiction often is.
I mean there is the whole... Transformers from the Transformer movies but that is more of an oversight (basically YES you are expected to believe that they fought out in the open on a major street and no one told them)
But then there is Paracite Eve 3 (the suckening) where 200 women were killed in a shopping center and needed the SWAT team to contain the problem... and the government STILL covered it up.
Seriously the US government is good... but not that freeken good. They aren't the MIB (and the MIB aren't even really the "Good guys"... They are ESSENTIALLY a tourism business that has become more powerful then the world governments and have total authority over what you are allowed to think and remember... and have NO oversight)
Actually lets just bring it out here... the Men in Black's organization is a abhorrent one.
They are a business that runs outside the law and outside government for the sole purpose of making money off of aliens. They are the 'Good guys' of the movies but only because there is a villain.
Double bonus is they are extremely immoral. You or your family gets killed by an alien, aliens THEY are meant to police, well they will not reimburse you... In fact they will likely wipe your memory and make you think an entirely different set of events that can be anything.
Yeah... William Smith got "Went out for a great dinner"... But the woman whose husband was killed? "Ohh you left him"... Thank goodness she was in an abusive relationship... What bastardry would it have been if she was in a loving marriage and someone warped her memories so she believes she divorced him. "Children were eaten? You have no children!"
It gets even worse in the sequel when you find out that basically the employees are slaves. Willing slaves, but slaves non-the-less whose rights have been completely revoked. When I think about it what in the world inspires such company loyalty? You can't quit, if you underperform your screwed, their exiting clause is a joke, The hours are long, the world demanding, and the vast majority of your work just amounts to being boarder patrol... And honestly the job isn't even all THAT "The right thing to do".
-Reminds me of Kids Next Door who do wipe the memory of people who age past the membership age... and yes that show actually did show that no... people didn't like that.
AT LEAST with Harry Potter not only could they often fix the problems associated with it (and did in fact practice restitution)... But they in no way pretended like the Wizardry World's "Muggle relation department" was anything but an underpaid, understaffed, beaurocratic nightmare.
And all this for what? Ohh that is right... Illegal immigrants... But lucrative illegal immigrants... With absolutely no plan to reveal their plans or organization basically ever. Some are refugees to admit and likely political refugees. With Earth having no defense and being "backwater"...
-At least I don't think the movies highlight what the aliens like about Earth... Other then it being a neutral planet, with some technology, and having a large variety of environments and cultures (has something for everyone so to speak). Though, yeah they seem to denigrate earth more then praise it for anything... Why do they like us so much?
(Also don't take this as a criticism of the movie. The movie, well the first one, is great! This is one of those "This is horrifying if you really think about it" situations.)
Though there was another MIB-esk show that sort of explains why they exist.
Which amounts to... There are aliens on earth and there is nothing they can do about it (Unlike the MIB where they sort of invited it). Yet the earth isn't ready yet for both the knowledge of aliens or their technology.
In fact one episode was them conning a alien into giving the organization the technology to solve the energy crisis, thinking he was giving it to a journalist.
Goodness I just realized every show that has something MIB did... usually had to attempt to justify or explain it... Something a movie doesn't have to do.
Also welcome to my brain. What is it like to stare at this insanity?