Stick them all together. Boom, MOAR DAKKA.
+1, Let's also ask if they have any captured Ork weapons we could requisition.
(Would you guess that 1ed orks have not just 1 but 2 set of rules for custom weapons, oh and three different rule books.
The dice say you get a kustom weapon this time, three upgrades and two down sides)
"Oh! humie you gotz any proper shootas back there?"
He recoils like a little grot about to get a thump'n, so you climb over the desk for a better look.
You can't see any good shootas, but there a big box of mendy bitz an some spanner'z an big nails.
"I'll take dis for a start, but y'u got a get some proper shootas for da boy'z dis naff thing an't gone'a cut it." you waves the las pistol in face to show him how naff it it is.
Whistle a tune to your self you head to your room and start work.
A few mendy bit here and there, some more batterys for power to the spark box, join two barrels to make a longer one and your done.
range 24 (meters 240) str 3 dam 5
jams on a 1 to hit
wild shots 1 in 6
you head back to the humies mek's place but the doors locked an even your boot does't rase him.
He must be out get'n some proper shootas for da boy'z like i told him.You turn around to find the lumpy one, the Inkwiziter Celestoya.
"Good to see that you've been practising, we'll be arriving at our destination soon."
"Who'z we fight'n?"
Your fighting the ?
Well i'll let you all pick