I'd be completely wondering at TopHat's notes since there is no indication of a hiring price IN THE OP although there is consideration towards hiring others given the miner #'s. Unless I missed anything--hence why I only stuck to the basic 5. -_-
I don't really follow this.
@GM/Vivalas: Can we publicly announce our food bids?
I suppose you can but that just opens you up to be outbid by somebody else. Unless you intend to be misleading.
Speaking of which, Vivalas, could we at least get an idea of what's too low for food and what's too high for coal? Like, what they'll just refuse to buy or sell at? Or is it going to be experimental to determine that?
It is indeed going to be experimental, I don't quite know yet myself. That rule is just so players don't coordinate and lock the prices too high to make more money. My suggestion is just don't try to get too greedy with profits. The refusal prices are for if you go absurd with prices, like, 100g per coal. For food it would probably be like .1g.
These are the far FAR extremes of what you should be bidding. I don't really want to provide players with examples of what they should be bidding, this is more of what you shouldn't be bidding. Your bids should be based on what suits you. If you wanna try to squeeze profits, do so. If you get out bid, try to bid lower / higher next time. Competition is the main mechanic here. There will be price averages though once we get going if you really need guidance. Also I changed the food example to 1g, since .1g is a bit too extreme for even the extreme. These are not the actual limits though anyways.