((Sorry for the Wait))
The ArenaA huge projection of the arena loads in the centre of the room, as most of the screens withdraw from in front of the contestants. A dome bounded by a lattice of crackling gold energy, it consists of a mountain surrounded by several types of terrain.
To the North is a massive junkyard, full of metal scrap and rubbish of every description: disused trains, smashed cars, rusty wire and pipe and beams, tin cans, crates, boxes, farm equipment, ruined processors, washing machines, and practically everything else humans have ever made out of metal.
The West fringe of the arena is a huge jungle, full of bush, hot and humid, with trees and shrubs of every description stretching tens of metres into the sky. Practically anything could hide in there.
To the South is an expanse of grassland and gentle rolling hillocks. The Southwest, between the grassland and the jungle, contains a great lake, which is the destination of two rivers stretching through the arena.
To the East, the terrain is divided into two parts by a canyon: a dusty expanse of desert in the Northeast, strewn with boulders and tumbleweed, and in the Southeast, a forest of massive pines, barely any bushes in between each one, whose branches totally conceal the forest depths.
In the very centre of the arena a peaked mountain is visible, with cliffs on its Northwest and Southeast sides.
One of the rivers that ends at the lake runs through the Western jungle, begginning in a boggy area full of little streams and valleys, in between the mountain and the Northern scrapyard. The other cuts through the grassy plain to the South, before heading East to separate first the mountain then the desert from the pine forest. When it gets to the pines forest, it cuts into the land, forming a deepening canyon.
A pillar of stone a hundred metres in diameter rises from the pine forest at the side of the gorge, a natural arch over the river connecting it to the mountainside, passing over a steep cliff.
There are several signs of human habitation. In the Southernmost grasslands is a small, modern village with cars, vans, and houses full of the things one would expect in 2000s Earth. On top of the pillar of rock is a rather ancient village, seemingly dating back to early CE. There is a graveyard next to the lake in the jungle, in the Southwesternmost part of the arena. At the other end of the jungle, between it and the junkyard, is a large abandoned warehouse. A straight trainline runs between the village and the scrapyard, passing through a tunnel under the mountain, and over a river and several streams. There is also a labyrinthine tunnel complex running under the mountain, with exits in the train tunnel, and on the Northeast and Southwest sides of the mountain. The train eventually arrives at a station a little way inside the scrapyard.
Now PM me with the place you would like to have your trap.