Hm, it seems my latest human caravan went AWOL and I've got some invisible stuff that isn't mine in my stocks screen. Poking around, I have a number of merchant tagged creatures in the units lists. All of them are both in the "all" and "bad" lists, and 3 of them are in the "active" list. Curiously, all of them have the "dead" flag set and none of them reacts to teleportation.
It can be noted that I haven't seen any dead merchants in this game, and as far as I know all the caravans have left the embark without incident.
I've shared my save via dropbox. It's a 0.43.03 LNP r07 game using Phoebus and DFHack (obviously): missing caravan was the summer human one, and it's currently late autumn.
The merchant id:s are in the range 36913-36938, with 17, 22, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, and 37 missing (I haven't looked to see what those are).
They show up in the "all" and "bad" lists in the range 600 - 621, with the same index in both lists, while the 3 active units are in the range 210-212 in that list.
However, running lethosor's first lua command gives the position of the cursor (where the units should have been teleported, but don't show up). Moving the cursor away and running the second command moves the cursor back to where the units were teleported.
The save is made before I messed around with things, though, so any merchants should be stuck in their "original" positions.
Thus, my case seems to match Dunamisdeios' case, where units are teleported but don't show up.
By toggling the "dead" flag on all the merchants the 3 in the active list show up after teleportation (I didn't check to see if they became visible just with a change of the flag), but none of the others. The three just stand there, however, without moving, but toggling the "rider" flag got them moving and they moved to the map edge, where they just remained standing.
It can also be noted that some of the ones that were NOT in the active list had the "left" flag set, but the "active" ones did not.
Disabling the "incoming" flag on the 3 visible merchants did not seem to cause them to leave.
Setting the "left" flag cause the units to disappear, not be teleported, and no longer remain in the "active" list.
Toggling the "left" flag on units in the all list not also in the active list had no effect.
And lethosor's second script moved the cursor to where the invisible lost goods are.
Various ramblings and poking around, but no solution.