From this point on nobody may exempt themselves from taxes.
EDIT: From this point on nobody may add additional B/As exempting anyone or anything from taxation.
Banable /Allowable List (Put this at the bottom of your posts.)
Creator - B/A
1. snow dwarf - Do not use the word rule and any other form of it.
2. Tomasque - The currency of the government is the International Banana Dollar (IBD for short). Every user starts with 3 IBDs. IBDs can be spent to buy bananas at 1:1.
3. Taat - If two banables and/or allowedables conflict with each other, the one using fancier words will invalidate the other.
4. Gwolfski - All products of the nature associated with Musaceae are hereby subject to a tax in percentage of 5% value in IBD, or in the case of bulk items, 5% percent of the items.
For the laymen: all banana-related products are taxed at 5%
5. snow dwarf - Any member of bay12 who's username starts with s and ends with f, does not have to pay taxes.
6. Askot Bokbondeler - the fanciness of a word is measured by summing up the numbers corresponding to the position of each of its letters in the alphabet then multiplying it by the cubic root of the number obtained by reinterpreting every o, ó ör ò of the word as a 0 and every l, i or d as a 1, which when read out aloud and ignoring all other characters should spell a binary number that should be interpreted in complement for 2. the relationship between the value obtained and the fanciness of said word is one of rereversed correlation
7. Vivalas - All taxes will be paid to the 1st Central Bank of Adhoc, managed by me. Members of the Adhocracy may deposit funds into the bank for an interest rate of 1% every 5 posts, starting 20 posts after this posts.
8. Vivalas - EDIT: From this point on nobody may add additional B/As exempting anyone or anything from taxation.