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Author Topic: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)  (Read 2921 times)


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2016, 05:48:07 pm »

Seeing the vast clouds of ash ever present in the skies of gaia, and little else, Kyazir felt a little despondent. With the sky blocked he could not see the world for it's own beauty, nor could it's inhabitants look up and appreciate that of the lights and stars above. Something had to be done, and soon.

Exchanging his mighty act for three acts, Kyazir spends two acts deactivating all but a handful of the active volcanoes.

Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2016, 01:16:15 am »

Turn 2


After eons of evolution, changing climates and struggles, Nixos stepped into Creation itself, to reveal his presence to the stone-bodied creatures that inhabited the world by one of the few ways they would ever understand. With the strength only known to a god of Nature, Nixos rapidly stomped on what he perceived to be a lone lithofauna into a fine dust. Nearby lithofauna, sensing fresh essence, slowlyl lumber their way to the fallen creature, soaking up its essence for their own. Few take notice of the giant bull-headed arachnid but the few that do attempt at nibbling at its legs, to no effect.

Nixos kills a litho-creature!

Ulkhan The Unraveller

Desiring a claim to Gaia, Ulkhan sowed his divine essence onto the planets surface, giving birth to the might Knon. The first of the mortal races, regenerative amphibians capable of learning knowledge by devouring the brains of other Knon. Indeed, each head a Knon possessed marked an individual's knowledge, which was also reflected in the growth spurts that would then take place after a new growth.

For a time, the Knon spread out over the stormy oceans of the world, conquering the reefs, rifts and shallows for their various clans and tribes. In these early times, tribes were migratory affairs, groups that would claim a portion of the great sea for their own lineage and forage from the surrounding environs. As knowledge came with experience, age became the marker for leadership, with younger more ambitious Knon kept obedient through the promise of one day becoming elders or by the greater strength such elders held. In these first few centuries, the Knon were relatively peaceful, with tribes only coming into conflict for resources and even then most combat was settled through ritualistic duals for the tribes still yet remembered their creation and their common Father Above.

As the generations passed and the old gave way to the new. The youth and unruly disobeyed their elders, seeking new claims farther afield with some even venturing out on to the desolate land above. Exiles and miscreants, these settlers came to be seen as particularly foolish and childish for why would one create a homestead in a desolate land when one could simply follow the laws and stay in the bountiful ocean? Of course, the Exiled saw it another way, as a way of freedom and a quick way to power.

Under the sea, the death and devouring of many of the first generation lead to the birth of new cultures.

In the reefs, reef-tribes built up careful societies of finely crafted rules and laws pertaining to every possible occurrence. There, families claimed a small portion of the reef, taking only which they were allowed. Amongst these tribes, the beginnings of aquaculture developed, taking advantage of the many forms of life that sheltered in the reefs. Herders became a respected role amongst all reef-dwellers whereas others became raiders, choosing to steal from other tribes. In time, both traditions became accepted amongst the tribes in both song and dance.

In the stormy lands beyond the reefs, conflict was common. Though the great ocean was vast, food was sparse and even fewer Knon could survive on these morsels. Cannibalism for sustenance and not just knowledge became custom, with enemy tribes raiding others for their flesh. As a result, it became common for individual Knon to claim a whole territory rather than sharing it with tribe members. Because of the few available partners in the stormlands, the hoarding of females became a common practice with many Knon being reduced to giving up their heads to create offspring. Oddly, the Stormland tribes soon became the most zealous of the Knon, with most giving up a head to Ulkhan in their lifetime. Those who fed many many times became truly gargantuan, devouring countless others in their hunt for flesh. Ironically, these Knon were often the most peaceful of Knon in the open ocean due to their inner harmony, with such beings leaving the stormlands soon after reaching this size. While some perished looking for food, others drifted down below into the hydrothermal vents. There, they live in isolation, continuously feeding from the planet itself.

Around the calderas and vents of the world, vent-tribes sprung up. Attracted to the great fields of food that surrounded the volcanoes of the world, many Knon settled down in these warm waters. In time, their numbers grew to surpass the numbers of all other tribes due to the great worm fields they fed on. Of course, such tribes were easy prey for other Knon, especially those lacking traditional morals. These Knon were often the most curious in the world, coming up with interesting stories and tools before anyone else did.

As Ulkhan oversaw the growth of the Knon, he also looked towards the stone creatures that existed side-by-side the organic beings of the world. Taking an interest, he attempted to guide them towards ascendance, towards a true understanding of themselves. Through trial and error, as well as many centuries, he finally succeeded in turning a group of volcano-dwellers into sapient volcano-dwellers. Slow and barely understanding of their place in the world, they were slender basalt quadrupeds with fierce glowing eyes.

Ulkhan creates the Knon!
The Knon split into Exiles, Reef-tribes, Storm-tribes and Vent-tribes!
Ulkhan uplifts a small tribe of lithofauna!


Watching Ulkhan's own foray into the creation of mortals, Radgorix cast himself down into Gaia, creating humanoid fish-creatures gifted with the ability to traverse land and sea. Choosing the caves of the ocean as their home, they sought to escape from the storms of the world, as well as the leviathans known as 'Knon' which were so commonly found in the safety of rifts and the plentiful vents alike. Lacking the abundance that was possessed by the Knon, Radgorix blessed his creations even more by teaching them the skill of trapping, which allowed them to capture many creatures great and small. Some brave and foolish individuals even had the gall to capture some young Knon. In time, a tradition of the 'Hunt' and 'Bravery' became part of the Radraxian mindset, a thing common to all caves despite the distance between tribes.

In time, the Radrax learnt of the god of the Knon, Ulkhan. Seen as a slumbering leviathan beneath the sea, the Radrax prayed to their deity for protection against the creature to never awaken. The Knon, for their part, saw these fish people as nothing more than crafty animals, even after a few curious Knon consumed some of their brains. Larger, wiser Knon however, saw a spark of intelligence within them and aspired to learn more of their ways, eventually learning a Radraxian tongue and beginning the first interspecies dialogue the world had ever known.

As a final gift to the world for the coming age, Radgorix bestowed plantlife into the ocean and land alike. Unfortunately, the seas were as yet dark and deep; what few plants survived were simple sea-mosses, small kelp and even smaller algae. Indeed, some of these plants even became carnivorous, capturing small organisms within their structures.

On the land, most plants died within days of their creation owing to the poor condition of the soil and little light available. The few that survived were sad scrawny things, barely able to sustain life. Whatever plant life that survived tended to inhabit the coast where at the very least, they could feed off the nutrients of the dead and decaying that occasionally washed up on shore.

Radgorix creates the Radrax!
Radgorix teaches Trapping to the Radrax! (+3 Accord)
Radgorix creates plant life! Most soon die or become carnivorous!


Not to be outdone by his fellow deities, Nosh'Noff took many of the tubeworms under him and turned them into the Grigoi, huge amalgamations of worms united under a common mind and more importantly, respect for Nosh'Noff. Like the massive Knon, the Grigoi were able to regenerate, although not to the extent of the elder race. The Knon in fact, proved to be the Grigoi's greatest fear due to their resemblance to the tube worms that all vent-tribes grazed on for sustenance. A Grigoi, in other words, was a field of worms that was too stubborn to stay still. While many Grigoi were thus devoured by the Knon, others became crafty and chose to hide and build where none would find them. Of course, their ability to change shape at will ensured that no matter how hungry a Knon was, there was always a place the Grigoi could flee to. In time, these Grigoi Holds eventually came up with crude weaponry and defences to keep away enemy Holds as well as the Knon. Due to the Knon's ability to learn the knowledge of the devoured, these Knon very soon learnt that the Grigoir were in fact, sapient. While some Knon continued with hunting the Grigoi, the majority relented and recognised that the Grigoi were not food, despite their form.

Seeing that the Grigoi were troubled by having to leave their Holds in search of food, Nosh'Noff, in his greatness, came down from the heavens and taught the Grigoi personally. Taking the lessons to heart, the Grigoi developed aquaculture, figuring out a way to safely preserve tube worms, domesticate other organisms, and in a few rare cases, dig up new Vents within the Holds. These ingenious Holds, in time, became relative metropolises housing thousands of Grigoi within their hidden halls. In time, the Grigoi would make contact with the Radrax and while some contacts lead to both races consuming one another, others lead to interspecies trade, with Grigoi trading for exotic foodstuffs found from over yonder while the Radrax were supplied with supplies of tubeworm.

Nosh'Noff creates the Grigoi!
Nosh'Noff teaches the Grigoi 'agriculutre'! It is super effective!


Where others would create races and where others would focus on a single people, Grektigei instead scattered his essence to the winds, to be used by all paragons of all races. By committing to the ideals of Justice, to Goodness and Benovelence any individual could harness the Essence of Heroes, Grektigei's own gift to the world. Those empowered by it could sense the evil around them and gift them the abilities and fate that would allow them to make the world a better place.

Of course, what 'Good' or 'Justice' was varied between families, tribes and species. What constituted a Hero for a Reef-tribe Knon was evil incarnate to a cave-dwelling Radrax. As such, despite their common font of power, these heroes would at times clash, blessed as they were. To their peoples however, they were moral paragons and became figures of myth and legends, with each generation telling tales more and more legendary than the last.

Despite the conflicts between these heroes, and the thousands of adventures each hero would untertake, each were unified by a common belief in a Power that provided them the Hero's Luck. While many tribes ascribed different names and different attributes to this power, all knew him as a patron of heroes and a teacher of all despite whatever race a person happened to be.

Grektigei creates the Essence of Heroes! (+5 Accord)
Cults to Grektigei develop within all races!


Unpleased with this so-called 'Gaia', Kyazir only saw one option to rectify the situation: the closure of the world's volcanoes. With elegance, he stopped the shifting of the world's tectonic plates and plugged up the magma vents leading to the surface. The volcanoes slowly but surely dried up and died, leaving only a few scattered volcanoes throughout Gaia.

As a consequence, 85% of all life died. Whole ecosystems built to live off the life-giving properties of the volcanoes withered and collapsed, with chaos ensuing within the world's biosphere. The mortal races were, as with the rest of life, hard hit. Knon tribes and Grigoi holds that had hunted and cultivated the species around the volcanoes suddenly saw their whole world die beneath them. Anarchy and starvation began to take hold, throwing all into disarray. Holds, caves and territories alike quickly succumbed to the effects of Kyazir's induced climate change. Many were abandoned within days while a few held on, being located near the few surviving volcanoes.

With the death of the many volcanoes, the vents of the world became far and away, the most important feature of the world's oceans with the first real wars taking place to control them for without the flow of nutrients, none could survive. Those who could not contest the vents were instead pushed onto land, where they fed on the miserable plants that inhabited the coasts- now greener than ever with the clear skies above. In time, these survivors would transition fully to land, with the ocean now a desert to all but those who could hold the life-giving vents and volcanoes.

Kyazir closes off 2/3rds of the world's volcanoes! This causes a mass extinction! (+3 Accord)
The Knon species has lost 75% of their population!
The Radrax has lost 50% of their population!
The Grigoi has lost 65% of their population
The remaining ocean societies have become nomadic or are now centered on the world's remaining vents and volcanoes.
Survivors have settled down on land, feeding off the plant life on the coasts.

(Essence gain rounded up. 'Wasted essence' is used up as positive modifiers towards dice rolls.)

Spoiler: Ulkhan The Unraveller (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kyazir (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nixos The Weaver (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nosh'Noff (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Radgorix (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Grektigei (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mortals (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 03:08:45 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2016, 01:40:14 am »

The closing of the world unnerved Nixos, at least for a time.  So much death, far more than expected.  This was an unstable world.  For life to flourish, it must kill, and learn to exist even if all else should perish.  Reaching for the last vestiges of power within himself, Nixos birthed forth from his womb sentient serpents, whom he dubbed the Floulen.  Seeing his children born, he spoke to their curious minds, showing himself to be their father, and taught them how to draw strength from the lights that surrounded the world, and also the ways of the hunt.

Use one Act to to create the Floulen, serpents with frills that can open up to absorb the rays of light of the Glowing Webs in the sky, for sustenance.  Other than that, they are carnivorous, and being reptiles, exist both in the water and land.

Use one action to attempt to teach the Floulen how to hunt the other races.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2016, 01:56:27 am »

Ulkhan slithered uneasily. While he could see more clearly than ever, without ash blocking his sight, the mass extinction he had clearly foreseen was more devastating to the Knon that he had expected. That a race he had poured so much power into was so weak was disappointing. Ulkhan began to doubt whether they were worthy of pursuing the quest for knowledge.

But he wouldn't give up. There would be many setbacks on the great quest. The miniscule amount of power he had gained from the Knon sputtered out as it faded into Ulkhan, making himself something less and yet more.

Ulkhan uses one minor act to become a Bound

This was a step Ulkhan had hoped he wouldn't have to take, or use more power in doing it, but needs must. His length continued to stretch over the world, though he had become more transparent and faded. Two large eyeballs wriggled out of him, racing to the lands below to impart new knowledge.

The first travelled to the tribe of stone he had kept his eyes on all this time. Telling them the name of their benefactor, and how to best worship him by gaining knowledge, and then giving them a helping hand in increasing their numbers.

Ulkhan encourages the Lithofauna tribe to begin worshipping him.
Ulkhan encourages the Lithofauna tribe to become more numerous.

The second went to the Knon, to teach them new knowledge, showing them visions, teaching them how to record and copy information, to share with the entire tribe, improving all. Showing how to kill with the power of the mind, so that they may dominate this world and advance the quest for knowledge unopposed.

Ulkhan teaches the Knon writing by engraving on stone and clay tablets with their telekinesis. And by writing with blood on the flayed skin of their enemies
Ulkhan teaches the Knon effective lethal applications of their telekinesis, to make them more potent in combat. The most attention is given to those Knon who have sacrificed some of their heads to Ulkhan (like storm-tribers) or otherwise been particularly pious in giving him knowledge.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 03:51:48 am by Demonic Spoon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2016, 04:33:02 am »

No sig yet

snow dwarf

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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2016, 07:06:29 am »

Radgorix looking at the new Gaia, being even harder to survive. Goes down again and teaches the Radrax the art of trickery. He than chooses exactly fifteen of the Radrax and makes them the "Oceanblood". Their blood becomes very dark blue, like the deeps of the ocean and they get enhanced strength, agility and power of mind. There shall be 15 Oceanblood at all times between the Radrax. If one dies, a second one will be born.
Radgorix uses his 2 minor acts to teach the Radrax even more about the art of trickery and to choose the Oceanblood.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 09:36:01 pm by snow dwarf »
Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2016, 01:08:47 am »

Kyazir now looked upon the world with it's clear skies with delight, now the beauty of the world was there for all to admire, both mortal and divine. That so many had died fazed him little. If anything, the tragedy only added to the magnificence of the world. Still, with life moving to the shores of the landmasses, Kyazir thought it now time to make another mortal race to grace the world, one intended to live on the land of the world to carve and shape it as he would form and shape them.

Naming them the Tiaus, Kyazir sculpted them to be graceful and elegant in stature to their humanoid form, with a form that belied their strength. The pigmentation of their skin and hair would also vary wildly (Though Kyazir ensured that the possible combinations didn't clash, at times ensuring that certain colours could not show up if one had another that it'd clash with, That'd just be the worst sin comprehensible.).

Then seeing the relative lack of surface life, barring Radgorix's attempt which had withered due to the ash, took it upon himself to ensure that life would flourish, creating all manner of flora and fauna.

Kyazir uses one act to create the Tiaus
Kyazir uses one minor act to land based flora, with the odd differentiation with some plants including odd leaf colours among other things
Kyazir uses one minor act to start populating the land with simple creatures, with ample and dazzling variety.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2016, 02:53:37 pm »

Nosh'Noff let loose an undulating screech at seeing what that fool had done to his precious world, but was at least a little mollified at the Grigoi losing less than the Knon. The ensuing plant life also interested him a little, but if that didn't work out he'd have to fix this...

In the meantime, his people required guidance.

Nosh'Noff uses an Action to encourage the Grigoi to start founding more fortresses to take advantage of the greener life.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Powder Miner

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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2016, 05:25:02 pm »

Grektigei stared, silent and unmoving, at the planet for a long time. But after he had had his gaze at the planet, he again began to move and act, albeit this time without a word. Grektigei thought himself as merely a force for karma, and if this meant he had to take a lower form in order to enforce karma and ensure the beings to whom it applied survived, then that was simply precisely what he would do. And with a flash of divine energy, he was on the planet... the time to be a hero himself had arrived.
Grektigei becomes a bound, to be the Greatest of Heroes, to ensure karma remained and to ensure survival of the mortal species.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2016, 09:35:03 pm »

Turn 3

From his womb, Nixos birthed the serpents known as the Floulen, serpents that fed on flesh as well as light itself. They were cunning predators, cornering and tricking prey and predator alike. As sapients, they were even more cunning, quickly recognising that they were not the first intelligence to swim the seas and slither on land and quickly did they figure that unlike them, these other races had the ability to craft. They were not angered at the llimitations of their bodies or whatever blessing their creator had given them. They were not in awe of their predecessors advancements or knowledge. They did not cower from the might of the great civilisations that had existed for centuries.

No, these 'Knon', 'Radrax' and 'Grigoi' were merely prey. Smart prey, true, but they lacked what the Floulen enjoyed; the cunning of Nature itself. With guile, subterfuge and trickery, the Floulen raided the other races for food, goods and most importantly, slaves (with the exception of the Knon, who could not be fought directly). After all, if Father Nixos wanted them to prosper they would need fine produce and craft and where else would they get them?

Nixos creates the Floulen!
The Floulen begin raiding the other races!

Ulkhan The Unraveller

The Knon had suffered greatly since the Great Dying with many of the reef-steads and vent-cities abandoned ruin. Of all that remained were mixed tribal populations around the few remaining vents and volcanoes. Regardless, these tribes continued on with their traditions, now greatly changed by the Dying. In time, these remnants slowly developed new technologies and customs to deal with their new environments. The custom of storing food, keeping records, creating advanced tools and the domestication of various organisms all developed as a result of the Dying.

The various sea-dwelling Knon also changed as the years went on. With a vast underclass of juveniles, the remaining elders took up authority over their peoples, despite their desires to contemplate. Deeming the youth too foolish, they developed intricate caste systems that assigned certain ages and even certain lineages to certain tasks, with some even outlawing the old duels an consumption of elders. Other tribes in comparison allowed younger Knon to rule, instead taking up the position of Teacher, who would guide their peoples towards a better future without the caveat that they would have to deal with day-to-day problems. In time, these caste systems solidified, with a basic 'Youth, Ruler and Scholar' system becoming the norm. It was the job of the youth to obey and toil, the rulers to lead and organise while the scholars learnt and prayed. As such, the old divisions of Reef, Vent and Storm slowly eroded, to be replaced by Youth, Ruler and Scholar.

On the surface, developments had occurred differently. Those refugees of every race had ended up in land occupied and claimed by the Exiled, 'youths' who had disobeyed tradition and settled on land. While individually they could not stand against the tide of refugees that emerged from the seas, together they were able to defeat any that stepped forward, even the older Knon...although casualties had been immense in such cases. These refugees eventually came into an agreement with the Exiled; they would swear oaths of loyalty to them and offer tribute to their god and in return they would be allowed to settle the surface. Over the span of centuries, these Exiled piled on yet more oaths upon their tenants to the extent that no longer could one call these creatures Exiled any longer. No, henceforth they would be called Kings!

These Kings soon saw their providence as a sign of the great Ulkhan's favour for their ingenuity and initiative. The Great Dying was their reward; the servants it had provided were there's as long as they could hold them. The Knon, those who could be trusted, would become nobility and advisors, serving the king in all his intellectual needs. Others would be scholars, priests and shamans, to tend towards the God and advance the knowledge of the realm. Those who would dare betray their lord, or those who the king feared, would be sent to toil in meaningless tasks or far away into the sea.

The other races, unless they were knowledgeable, would be assigned the far more 'simpler' tasks. The Grigoi were given the duties of Crafts and Harvest. Like in the Holds of older times, the Grigoi would spend their time in the fields and coasts, ensuring that there was food for all in the grand cities of their divine kings. Others would serve in the cities, crafting all sorts of worldly goods for the realm. The Radrax, seen as cunning if not the most dutiful, were either broken and sent to serve in the king's new armies, or allowed to venture forth into the seas to search for new resources and goods for their lords.

It was in this time of kings and cities that the Knon Kingdoms slowly discovered the wonders of metal , which they promptly sent their Radraxian labourers to dig an their Grigoi craftsmen to smith. This new age also gave birth to the beauty that was the recording of history, debate, true war, finance and taxes; many realms instituted 'head taxes', which saw many kings grow to truly great proportions, becoming elders.

And yet while the Knon slowly but surely regained their numbers, their great god descended. Horrified after the Dying, he glumly took to a mortal form. Manifesting fully on Gaia with what little essence he had, he searched out for the lithotribe he had raised from simplicity and urged them to worship him. Aware of his previous boons, they crouched down and did as they were told up to and including the various orgies and fertility rituals that soon occurred. As these occurred, yet another part of the divine went out in search of the Knon to teach them the ways of the written word through the power of the mind. The Knon who met his form were perplexed; writing existed already through the application of chisel unto stone or clay. After several explanations, some scholars realised truly what the God meant; to use the power of the mind to form words on the clay itself! In time, this innovation spread throughout the Knon world, as a form of calligraphy and a way of showing dominance over other Knon and the lesser races.

In the seas, yet another aspect of Ulkhan searched out for the remnants of the Storm-tribes. An independent sort, the many Storm-dwellers had never adopted the new ways that had slowly spread throughout the ocean and still retained their tribal affiliations. It was these Knon that Ulkhan taught the ways of the 'Blind Death', to kill with ones eyes closed shut. Most Knon were unable to do much with mental gifts, only being able to hurt those a few metres away. Some however proved far more able, draining the blood out of whales kilometres away. These Knon were after a time became known as Stormscions for it seemed to their comrades and enemies that they inherited the wrath of the storm itself.

Pleased, Ulkhan taught the same to other Knon, hoping to achieve similar gains. In this, he was largely unsuccessful. Few had the ability to flex their mental power to the same extent as the Stormtribes, something which made the god curious. Even the students who were able to wield their minds proved to be far weaker than te Stormscions, being better as scribes. This would be a riddle for the ages. Luckily, Ulkhan could wait.

Ulkhan bounds himself to the world!
Sea-dwelling Knon develop stratified caste systems!
Sea-dwelling Knon hae learnt several technologies!
The Exiled have become Kings!
The Knon Kingdoms have progressed into the Bronze Age!
The remnant storm tribes have become adequate psions!
Strormscions have emerged in the storm tribes!


Centuries after the Dying, many Radrax had become part of the Knon Kingdoms and became their labourers and soldiers, carrying out their lords' demands. In all this time, they were allowed to worship their god as long as 'proper tribute' was given to their king and the king's god. While at times the people grumbled and even rebelled, these Radrax proved to be ultimately subservient to their Knon masters.

Other Radrax however survived in the sea, catching passing prey, laying out traps or settling by vents or even unclaimed coasts. These tribes traded with the remaining Holds or even the Knon sea-dwellers, providing them with their hunts and trapped prey. Others, hungrier and poorer, took to the raiding life, stealing and killing for what they needed and in some cases even cooperated with the newly-created Floulen. Roving 'Bandit Hordes' became the bane of many, with Floulen serpents pushing their targets forwards into Radraxi traps and ambushes.

Seeing that his people needed some aid, Radgorix provided them with yet more knowledge of trapping. This, coupled with the centuries of experience, lead to what the development of advanced engineering, specifically of even more traps. Informal schools began forming in various Radrax communities dedicated to devising ingenious and even odder applications of traps in daily life. Traps for catching whales. Traps for directing water into an air pocket. Traps for redirecting a vent. Traps for arranging transporting metal out of a mine into a Grigoi Hold. Traps for tricking the merchants. Traps for firing eels at enemies. Traps for cooking an eel underwater. Eventually, people figured that not everything built by a Radrax trapper is a trap. And so, the wondrous field of engineering and machinery was born. In some tongues, the word for Radrax became synonymous with something needlessly convoluted but utterly efficient in solving a problem.

These Radrax engineers soon became favoured 'guests' of the Knon kings, who's services were much appreciated. Some less sophisticated Knon instead made them favoured meals, which was surely a sign of some respect.

While other Radrax built on the power of the machine, yet others took to the surface and noticed the lights of the sky above. In times of dark, when the Light did not flash across the sky, small twinkling dots could be seen far above. Some noticed that these stars were not always in the same place while others could be relied upon without fail. Others, much wiser, observed that unless one travelled far enough, these truestars would always remain. From this fact, the Radrax realised they could navigate the seas and lands alike simply by following the stars and constellations in the night sky, a fact which made them very useful trackers, guides and sometimes even prosperous merchants.

Amongst a few families, strange Oceanblood began being born. As time went on, these 15 souls would guide the Radrax race to glory and towards a bright future.

Radgorix teaches the Radrax more Trapping! (+1 Accord)
The Radrax develop relatively advanced engineering!
Radrax develop Navigation!


Pleased with the clear skies of Gaia, Kyazir descended and scattered his own reflections of beauty onto the terrestrial world. First were the Tiaus, beautiful humanoids of rainbow colours and elegance rarely found in nature. For the sake of the god's sensibilities, and the social life of his creations, he ensured that the colour scheme of each and every Tiaus would match. He was after all, a loving god.

As the first Tiaus began walking upon Gaia, he immediately created plant and animal life throughout the lands, of dazzling colours and various oddities.

Both to admire the beauty of Kyazir's creation, as well as to not starve, the Tiaus took on a migratory lifestyle, travelling the dazzling plains and soon-to-be  dazzling wastelands of Gaia, occasionally spying the drab green coasts and wetlands of Gaia, where oddly ugly creatures built drab cities of mud, clay and stone.

The other races, for their part, regarded the Tiaus and the odd goods they brought as a sign that there was a life to be found deep in the continent and as such, new claims to be made and more kingdoms to be founded. In droves, Knon, Radrax, Floulen and Grigoi alike flocked to the inland frontier, searching for the Coloured Steppes of the Tiaus.

Kyzair creates the Tiaus!
Kyazir creates plants and animals on the lands of Gaia!
Other races begin settling the lands of the Tiaus.


The Grigoi Holds, despite the 'serfdom' of their landborne cousins, had held admirably despite the Dying. In fact, it had proven to be a blessing in some respects. With more space available, the Grigoi had been able to expand their Holds outside their nooks and crannies, even including the villages of abandoned neighbours. Furthermore, in their seclusion that had developed the idea of creating dry rooms in their Holds via the help of foreign engineers and their own racial intellect. Using these, many Grigoi Holds were now capable of underwater metalworking, cooking and heating. With these, Grigoi Holds became important nodes on the underwater trade routes, connecting Radrax cave-villages, Knon Kingdoms, Knon tribes and nomads alike.

Though still angered by the idiot god's 'opening' of the world, Nosh'Noff decided to put his energies somewhere more productive. In his lurching form, he spoke, nudged, influenced and demanded that the Grigoi expand yet farther. They of course, complied. In a matter of weeks, Grigoi were sent out by the hundreds to settle the abandoned villages as well as stake out new claims closer to the shore, so as to harvest the plants life that grew there. Kelp, coconut, and the like soon became favoured crops, despite the skirmishes between the new colonists and those of the Knon Kingdoms. Regardless of the Knon's superior strength and armies, they could do little when the Grigoi could disappear into almost any hole they could find.

The Grigoi advance to the Bronze Age!
The Grigoi colonise the Shallow Coasts!


Without a word, Grektigei descended and became Bound.

Grektigei bounds himself to the world!

Larxus enters Creation

Spoiler: Ulkhan The Unraveller (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kyazir (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nixos The Weaver (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nosh'Noff (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Radgorix (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Grektigei (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Larxus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mortals (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:45:29 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2016, 10:15:32 pm »

Kyazir looked upon the Tiaus and smiled, basking in their beauty and radiance. Then upon seeing the other races reacted with alarm. If the Tiaus were to survive, he'd have to ensure they they thrived and advanced faster than any other race on gaia to ensure they were not overran. To this end, Kyazir started to plot on what they Tiaus would need.

Kyazir Splits his act into three minor acts.
Using one minor act, Kyazir teaches the Tiaus Agriculture, to ensure they have the ability to settle.
Using one minor act, Kyazir teaches the Tiaus Architecture, for them to build proper, beautiful edifices out of materials that would last through the ages
Using one minor act, Kyazir teaches the Tiaus Metalworking, to enable them to craft beautiful and practical objects with the strength and value for the other races to consider them in envy of their quality.
Using one minor act, Kyazir teaches the Tiaus Archery, for them to keep their homes safe, and to aid in hunting.

Additionally, Kyazir starts to encourage the Tiaus to take up the art of sculpture, to further decorate their homes and cities.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 02:14:14 am by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2016, 01:45:42 am »

The Floulen had seized upon their birthright as the predators of this world, Nixos thought, although their current methods were rather disquieting.  Slaves?  They were attempting to match the other races in achievement and expansion, in ways that Nixos had not initially intended.  It was fascinating.  His own progeny had decided to eke out a destiny for themselves.  Deciding against controlling them too tightly, Nixos decided to aid them.

But he had been left too weakened by his exertions.  As a god, despite his affinity for this world, he was still detached.  He saw more and less than mortals could, do greater and so much less.  It was time.  The world was complex enough.  The Spider must descend.

Bind myself to the world, spending one Act on my physical form.  Actions:

1. Go amongst my Floulen and have them bow directly to me, in my physical form, consolidate their loyalty.
2. Attempt to teach them the Way of Restraint, keeping enough of their prey alive so that there would always be more to hunt, and more to fear them.
3. Attempt to teach the wisest and most cunning of my serpents the knowledge of how existence was created, as well as how to learn in general, that they may be the knowledge keepers of the Floulen, instrumental in the social and cultural advancement of their people.
4. Personally kill the weakest slaves held by the Floulen, ostensibly as tribute.  In truth, it is to ensure whatever slaves are left are the physically and mentally strongest, fit to serve and keep their serpentine masters on their metaphorical toes. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2016, 03:21:43 am »

Ulkhan slithered above the world, pleased with the progress of knowledge. Power flowed freely from his form as he sought to increase his own knowledge and make the Knon more formidable.

Minor Act: Investigate how I gain divine power from worship
Minor Act: Increase Knon knowledge of the arts of war. Command them to enslave the Tiaus and ban Kayzir worship.
Minor Act: Empower the most faithful of the Stormscions into the Fortressbreakers, capable of targeting the weakpoints and load-bearing areas of fortresses with precision and massive power to bring the whole thing down.

Teach the Knon who have done the most to help the cause of knowledge my privy knowledge of creation
Help the greatest Knon smiths to unravel the riddle of steel
Teach Knon how to carve reversed moulds, then press them into clay tablets before baking them into ceramic, to create several copies of the same writing
Investigate the Blind Death mystery, why non-Stormstribers are weaker

((The last action is referring to this mystery))
Pleased, Ulkhan taught the same to other Knon, hoping to achieve similar gains. In this, he was largely unsuccessful. Few had the ability to flex their mental power to the same extent as the Stormtribes, something which made the god curious. Even the students who were able to wield their minds proved to be far weaker than the Stormscions, being better as scribes. This would be a riddle for the ages. Luckily, Ulkhan could wait.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 06:33:30 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2016, 10:28:43 am »

Larxus would dart his eyes over Gaia, a mischievous smile crossing his face. This planet has suffered much death. I shall lay claim to the destruction. He would go inside, to the center of the planet. He would drop his fist, making fissures in the core of the planet. He would dispel the heat and pressure around him, focusing it all into a pit filled with magma. Finally, he would spread a powerful enchantment, that would reach out, seeking to lay claim to the dead.
"I am Larxus, and I shall own the dead!

Use both major and minor act to create the Underworld, where the dead go. There, they must worship Larxus for eternity. If refused, they[ shall suffer ten thousand years in the pit of magma, unable to die. After their time is over, they will be sent out and offered to worship again./b]
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: Divinity- a Godgame (IC)
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2016, 11:38:47 am »

It took but a few mere moments for Kyazir to react to Larxus' action. Fearing for another cataclysm due to the latter's choice of location. "Excuse me, mind creating the underworld elsewhere? You'll annihilate the planet if you tinker with the core, not to mention the possible escape routes back to the surface and the like."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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