LOL, no, the religious requirement in Iran does not even remotely resemble the U.S. and not only they are not advanced, their legislation is absolutely mandated by the constitution (which if you disagree with, you can't run for any kind of office) to rely on laws given thousands of years ago.
Could a Barney sanders compete for a spot in the presidential race in Iran? no, since he does not belong to the majority religion.
Could a J.F.K become president? no, since he does not belong to the majority religious sect.
The Master's degree is rather stupid since Iran has a flourishing industry of buying fabricated degrees, but even so, Could a Barney sanders compete for a spot in the presidential race in Iran, even if he was a practicing Shia Muslim? No, since Barnie Sanders does not have a Master's degree.
J.F.K did not have a Master's degree and even Abraham Lincoln and George Washington didn't have enough formal academic education to entitle a Bachelor degree, let alone a Master's.
All of Iran's "freedom" is just black shapes on white pages. In reality, the freedom of thought, expression and religion in Iran is so nonexistent, that if you are not an Islamo robofascist, you are not entitled to run for the parliament, unless you run for the minority seats which are completely meaningless and only serve to maintain an appearance, just like North Korea calls themselves the Democratic Republic of North Korea.
but hey, at least they have multi-member electorates, right?