she didnt even give them lip service, not a single reason to hope for better conditions for working class people. Her trajectory in these last months was almost entirely focused on minorities and being better than Trump.
Their usual voterbase was ignored and is now being accused of treachery as mob mentality takes over and everyone seeks to blame someone else, with no sense me solidarity or compassion for fellow americans because their heads are so far up their asses that they actualy believe the insane narrative of everyone who thinks differently being racist, insane and evil as victimism takes over as the favored narrative.
And, y'know, as you mention FD and ree? This? Just about every friggin' line that keeps being rolled out that the dems have somehow abandoned the working class, somehow stopped being compassionate towards their problems,
somehow haven't been doing massive goddamn
piles of shit to not just give
hope for better conditions, but actually goddamn
give them?Congrats. You just pissed on me, and my family. My friends. The people they know, the people those people know. The web of democrats (and independents and every so often lighter red republicans, to be fair, for all that's not really the point right now) from one end of the country to the other that are about the only ones
doing a single goddamn thing for this apparently maligned and ignored working class that somehow hasn't spent the last number of decades with democrats being just about the only thing giving them
any solid attention, despite that being exactly what has bloody been happening, despite, yes, clinton actually going out over the course of this election and stumping and saying a whole hell of a lot of shit that would have had them perking up and listening if apparently the entire goddamn world didn't have a filter it turned on to make democratic efforts to improve things on that front disappear into the aether.
There's this talk about sneering liberal elites, well. Here we actually are, from my perspective. Y'all are so busy trying to snap at the "regressive left", or sneer at media fuckups you're calling policy and campaign decisions, or continue your own insistence in ignoring everything that happened that
didn't fit your narrative, that you are now saying we are not here, we're not fucking doing anything, and we have somehow been spending all this time calling our neighbors racist idiots or whatever the hell (hint: What the
hell? No. Beyond everything else, we're well aware that could get us
shot.). That somehow clinton's policy and regular mention of working conditions, working class issues, and so on, and so forth, never actually existed. Usual voter base ignored, as if just about the entire goddamn list of policy and probably half the shit that actually came out of clinton's mouth didn't have that voter base right in its bloody crosshairs.
I'm still not quite sure how that sodding works. But again, apparently much of my experience to date has been hallucination. That's what folks calling themselves left wing keep saying. Somehow it's the impression a lot of the working class gets, too, which I still haven't bloody figured out but at least they've been consistent enough about it I guess they have an excuse.
Lip service. Yeah. There's not at least fifty or sixty years of "lip service" out there, apparently. That policy list that consisted almost entirely of it never existed. Every time clinton mentioned the working class or shit that effected them over the course of this years campaign didn't happen! Somehow. I swear, the more this post election discussion goes (not just here, but in a lot of places), the most frustrating this is getting. I can tell yeh, there definitely
is someone and something getting ignored here, and it's not the voter base and not just the left in general that's doing it (not that the right's any better, mind, obviously enough).
I'd just like to repeat one more time, though.
Fuck the media. With whatever bushel of rusty farm implements you can dig up. More than just about anything those bastards' insistence on ignoring the vast frothing horde of shit that
wasn't the latest clickbait bullshit is to blame for what I'm talking about above. There is hate in my heart for the forth estate right now.