First off Max, can I... can I give you a hug?
Bring it in, or give it to someone who needs it more.
Do any of you thinking about supporting Trump, or who know people who are/will, for any reason believe that "the party of wholesome american christian family values" should be handing more power to someone who quite happily used the power he already had to do the shit he brags about doing to young women?
That is the best and most succinct indictment of the Republican party I've ever heard. Someone should shout that out from the rooftops all across the country.
That's what's been most surreal to me, the abortion whackjobs, the efforts to roll back rights for anyone who isn't a straight white christian male, the ridiculous idea that cutting taxes (which pay for the infrastructure and economic multipliers which allow a middle class to exist) will "help the working stiffs", tossed in with a healthy dose of "jee-zuusss", whatever... but ya don't get to be all pissed off at the shit Bill did and then chuckle about how "boys will be boys" when Trump brags about doing it, dammit.
Interesting news, though. Apparently the RNC's outright gone dark -- not responding to calls, attempts at communication, nothing. They're supposed to have some kind of call whatsit around 5-ish in one timezone or another, but... yeah. Could be a sight to see when they come out of it. Going to be a spectacle regardless. More of one, anyway.
Did they chomp down on their cyanide molars?