But Reelya. Don't you get it? It's precisely the fault of the opposition that our politicians are forced to do those things by political realities; you simply cannot blame them for making unsavory decisions in order to advance their political career. This is why the opposition is the enemy: even when they're not in charge, they still force us to do their bidding, and each and every time we succeed in escaping their grasp, or defeating them and putting them back in their rightful place, it is a feat worthy of praises the likes of which have not been given since the last great leader we managed to get into office. That's why we can't afford to give them any ground; compromise just means they can get to more of us and force us to become ideological martyrs, sacrificed laudedly to the constituents who will reelect them for bravely putting aside their values and personal beliefs in favor of prevailing political necessities.
And that's why only people in our party and cultural tribe deserve praise, reward, and charitable interpretations, and only people of the opposing party and a cultural tribe that's very similar but just different enough to be the other, are worthy of condemnation, scorn, and hatred, those vile subhuman beasts. They're just too stupid to see that we are right, both factually and morally, and they are wrong, and being misled and abused by deceitful corrupt politicians who take advantage of misinformation and moneyed politics, who can only be stopped by electing our own, honest, upright officials into office, whatever the cost may be.