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Author Topic: Doc Helgoland's Asylum for the Politically American: T+0  (Read 1350426 times)


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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1665 on: July 28, 2016, 06:56:13 pm »

I'm not the only one here who feels that Hillary might just decide to burn anything resembling a bridge with Russia and start WW3, in fact someone posted something like this within the last few pages.
Why would she do that? Hillary isn't an idiot, and WW3 would be a disaster. Where's the motive?
Funny, she sure seems like at least as much an idiot as Trump is, what with the emails that she was negligent on and such. And there isn't necessarily motive, she's just REALLY good at making Russia not like us, blaming them for her emails getting out and whatnot.
Perhaps thats a good thing. I'd rather someone who isn't interested in letting the oppressed russian minorities in Eastern Europe cause a scene.
Also I think I'd rather be in the alternate universe where interesting things happen, and Trump is more interesting no doubt there :P
There's no nice way to put this, but... this is a really petty way to vote. Remember: Even if you aren't LGBT, a person of colour, or an immigrant, plenty of people are. Will you let them suffer, just so that you can see an "interesting" world?

(If this reason is wholly non-serious, I apologize for overreacting.)
Every decision made on the speck we call Earth is petty. We are all sacks of meat and chemicals, organic computers that depend wholly on our bodies to not only perceive the world, but to think and make decisions about it as well.
As far as I'm concerned, the interesting stories we can make are the only thing truly real in all existence. That serious enough for you?
I hope God blesses you to live an interesting life then.
  • He will be a bad president for people of colour. Trump has a long history of personal racism against African-Americans, and refuses to distance himself from groups like the KKK. I guess I can't prove that he'll be a bad president for people of colour, but it's hardly a stretch.

Examples? This seems to mostly be based on media lies and half truths. He certainly DID distance himself from the KKK. Vehemently even, as I recall.
Lies and half-truths? So what Trump says on a daily basis?

People of color? Well, first, Mexicans, because they were cursed to be so far from god and so near the United States. Hispanics as well, because they have the misfortune to look and sound like Mexicans, as Trump reminded that judge. Also Arabs, of course, since they look Muslim and are thus potential terrorists. Also because "Muslim insurgency", we can potentially include Chinese, Indonesians, Phillipines, etc. Chinese in particular, of course, because they had the misfortune of not being the foreign almost-superpower that Trump wants to buddy up with. And I have serious doubts Trump will appreciate any concern for police brutality in the US, given his statements recently, so we may as well scratch the black man and recent racial tensions off the list of things Trump cares about, even if he isn't literally the KKK.

So its safe to say Trump will not be much of a healer of racial tensions. Much the opposite in fact. I would expect race riots in the future when Trump says something inflamatory. In fact I would put money on it.
I consider as many factors as possible. Meatsack is only capable of considering so many factors unfortunately. Would love to literally consider every factor on the planet, throughout the billions upon billions of years that will succeed any decision I and everyone else make about those factors, but sadly lack the capacity for that.
So I mostly just go with my gut.
The gut is a great way to digest food and turn it into nutrients, and a poor decision-making organ.

You want to know something I learned a while back that was useful? Parents are morons too. My mother is an amazing woman, absolutely brilliant and accomplished and was once a professor of Political Science at a Ivy League school. And I swear to god the damn woman throws it all out into the freaking trash the moment you aren't talking directly about her field. I mean mind-bogglingly stupid comments, part of an impressively warped world view. And do you know why? Because she was so aware of her intelligence that she started thinking that it meant she was smart everywhere, when in reality she is at the bottom tier of discussion, where most is dank memes and living stereotypes (also known as the Liberal Crime Squad level of discussion). People think that "I'm good at this, I must be really smart" when in reality they are just that: good at that one thing. Ask my mom about US politics and she is not interested or willing to discuss it at a level above hashtags, memes, facebook, etc.

Everyone is a moron the moment they stop being skeptical of how smart they are.

And my problem with Trump is he convinced he is a genius.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 06:58:42 pm by misko27 »
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1666 on: July 28, 2016, 07:01:48 pm »

Though I do worry that we're acting too slow on climate change and renewable energy, but nobody cared about that in the debates.  I might be irrationally fatalistic about the issue now.

The democrats seem to have concluded that it's best just not to talk about that stuff and try to do it via regulatory fiat later.  For example the EPA powerplant rules.
True.  It really doesn't scan well in debates because it's somewhat at odds with job creation (not completely, but enough to hurt).  There are positive measures being passed though.
No justice: no peace.
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1667 on: July 28, 2016, 07:19:30 pm »

I don't think Trumpo's particularly racist himself, but he's almost certainly not going to do anything for what looks very much like an impending race war.


So basically just South America, Greenland, Iceland, the Antarctic, the South Pole and maybe Australia and New Zealand?
That's okay, it's not like I really wanted to visit you guys anyway >.>
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1668 on: July 28, 2016, 07:24:14 pm »

So basically just South America, Greenland, Iceland, the Antarctic, the South Pole and maybe Australia and New Zealand?
Continental drift has been speeding up lately, I guess 0_o

I wouldn't blame Greenland if it was subtly trying to edge as far away from North America as possible. Just in case.

Though I do worry that we're acting too slow on climate change and renewable energy, but nobody cared about that in the debates.  I might be irrationally fatalistic about the issue now.

The democrats seem to have concluded that it's best just not to talk about that stuff and try to do it via regulatory fiat later.  For example the EPA powerplant rules.
True.  It really doesn't scan well in debates because it's somewhat at odds with job creation (not completely, but enough to hurt).  There are positive measures being passed though.

Hopefully by the time we have to wear full body covering and hats outside for fear of skin cancer, it will make for good television.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 07:34:04 pm by nenjin »
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1669 on: July 28, 2016, 07:26:38 pm »

In much less unpleasant news, there is a strong probability that the navy will be naming one of their new oilers the USNS Harvey Milk,  which is really a powerful symbol of just how far we've gone on gay issues in what is honestly an incredibly short time.
On Giant In the Playground and Something Awful I am Gnoman.
Man, ninja'd by a potentially inebriated Lord Shonus. I was gonna say to burn it.


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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1670 on: July 28, 2016, 07:50:53 pm »

Though I do worry that we're acting too slow on climate change and renewable energy, but nobody cared about that in the debates.  I might be irrationally fatalistic about the issue now.

The democrats seem to have concluded that it's best just not to talk about that stuff and try to do it via regulatory fiat later.  For example the EPA powerplant rules.

Which is, to me if no one else, at least as frightening as climate change.
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1671 on: July 28, 2016, 07:54:25 pm »

These suicidal morons wouldn't do anything about climate change if you held them down in Siberian permafrost and let them taste the methane.
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To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1672 on: July 28, 2016, 07:59:04 pm »

These suicidal morons wouldn't do anything about climate change if you held them down in Siberian permafrost and let them taste the methane.

Yeah, you're probably right. But I'm as scared of Lewis's omnipotent moral busibodies as I am of fucking up the planet. It probably says something deep about my mentality.
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1673 on: July 28, 2016, 08:02:39 pm »

I don't think Trumpo's particularly racist himself, but he's almost certainly not going to do anything for what looks very much like an impending race war.
Better then Hillary egging it on with "White people are the problem" rhetoric.
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1674 on: July 28, 2016, 08:13:10 pm »

edit: Edward Snowden criticizes DNC leak for revealing sensitive personal information. Wikileaks response was to accuse Snowden of shilling to get a pardon from Clinton. Surprisingly vitriolic response honestly from wikileaks there.

I don't think Trumpo's particularly racist himself, but he's almost certainly not going to do anything for what looks very much like an impending race war.
Better then Hillary egging it on with "White people are the problem" rhetoric.
And yet you accuse the other side of being full of half-truths and media lies while defending Donald "And some, I assume, are good people" Trump? I'd like to see you provide some evidence for this assertion.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 08:17:30 pm by misko27 »
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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1675 on: July 28, 2016, 08:15:57 pm »

I don't think Trumpo's particularly racist himself, but he's almost certainly not going to do anything for what looks very much like an impending race war.
Better then Hillary egging it on with "White people are the problem" rhetoric.
I must have missed that memorable speech.

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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1676 on: July 28, 2016, 08:16:08 pm »

Better then Hillary egging it on with "White people are the problem" rhetoric.

When you asked for evidence of Trump's racism you were given direct factual references.  You come back with this...

I don't think Trumpo's particularly racist himself, but he's almost certainly not going to do anything for what looks very much like an impending race war.
Better then Hillary egging it on with "White people are the problem" rhetoric.
I must have missed that memorable speech.

It was at Goldman Sachs, you peasant.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
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« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.

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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1677 on: July 28, 2016, 08:23:57 pm »

So recent headlines.

When Clinton might possibly have transmitted sensitive information via insecure/unofficial lines, she's the worst American ever. When Trump openly calls for a foreign power to steal sensitive information and broadcast it to the world, eh's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of treason.  ::)

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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1678 on: July 28, 2016, 08:25:01 pm »

sensitive information

classified information
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Ameripol\{RK, mainiac}
« Reply #1679 on: July 28, 2016, 08:39:32 pm »

He probably means the donor's social security numbers that were included in the leak.
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