Everything is for a reason. The tendency towards using civilians and "sacred places" as shields, as well as suicide bombing, isn't because Islamic radicals are crazy. I mean, they are crazy and that certainly helps, but that isn't the why. It's a fundamentally practical strategy.
The only form of war that can be meaningfully waged against the big leagues, the West, Russia, China, is psychological. Physically defeating any of them is far beyond the capabilities of any dedicated Islamic group, and any group that got big enough for that to become practical would inevitably be culturally infected and turn away from the task (this, for the record, is the real reason why the Islamic State is so utterly draconian towards everyday practices in the territories they control).
Forcing world powers to bomb hospitals and massacre civilians is the real tactic. They're not protecting themselves with it, and it's not "cowardice" like some people insist. It's stacking the deck. You don't bomb the hospital, they live and keep operating. You bomb the hospital, they spread pictures of splattered children all over the internet to gain more recruits and demoralize the general public in nations where that's a serious danger to politicians.
That's the bind, and it's also why so many people seem to want to embrace Islamophobia: it's an easy out. If they're just barbarians and howling lunatics you can justify killing them all to the public anyway. Point-Counterpoint. The darkside is real, is what I'm saying.
What we should really probably do is try to find a paradigm-breaker. I'm sure if you gathered a wide group of people both in and out of the War on Terror echo chamber, you could find something. As long as we're caught up in the trolley dilemma of Bomb Hospital or Don't Bomb Terrorists we will always lose. Stop playing the Islamic State's game.