the only people who complain about it every 4 years, are the losers.
for the past 8, it was the gop.
this time, it fell the other way.
It is NOT direct democracy, it does not claim to be, and never has. The claim that the US is a democracy is a filthy lie promulgated by people who have never had a civics lesson in their lives, and are not qualified to comment about the government they criticize.
You assert that the imbalance in power is bad, and make assertions about this. Say it is patently false-- Yet you are forgetting how the US was formed, and why it is the way it is. It was formed much the way the EU did-- each state was its own unique territory, a small nation, unto itself, more or less. Each had its own laws, customs, culture-- No state wanted any other to be able to just take the reigns of power and run with them. That negative sentiment the EU feels about Belgum and Germany being little dictators? Yeah, we didnt want that.
When we initially formed our government, the framers of our government had nothing to look at really except the British parliamentary system. But there is a problem-- We DONT have a monarch, We DONT have nobles. How the hell do we do the Magna Carta, and the House of Lords without a king, and without nobles?! The answer, is elected representatives, of which the president is the prime representative. But how do we get the president to not always come from the same damned state all the time representing the same increasingly influential people? We divide the power, and we make it very hard to consolidate that power.
Yes, the electoral college is "unfair", in that it denies the majority the power of being tyrants.
That is a GOOD thing.