I think this sequence of events actually helps the Democrats, because the issue of her leadership is off the table now,
Bernie was the one who put it on the table in the first place. He could have taken it off the table at any fucking time.
Most people don't know, or give a shit, who Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is.
So what? It's an unforced, self inflicted wound. This could have been dealt with discretely but Bernie Fucking Sanders wanted to humiliate Debbie.
We are running out of days here. He just cost the democrats a friendly day. It's all he ever does, cost democrats opportunities for complete bullshit that makes me wonder if he even is aware of how hard it is to run for office outside Vermont. Just look at the signature concession he got from Clinton, that fucking free state college plan. It makes it easy to label her a profligate liberal spender, and it takes her previous plan which was good for poor people off the table and it can be labeled shameless pandering because it is shameless pandering. It's just handing ammunition to republicans trying to win back conservatives who dislike Trump's racism but have always voted against "tax and spend liberals trying to give your money to deadbeats" in the past.
Schultz stepping down was probably the best thing that could have happened at this point, tbh. Deserved or not, she's been a magnet for bad publicity for these last few months, so it'll be good to have someone a bit less controversial there.
The best thing that could have happened was Bernie saying let bygones be bygones and Schultz keeping her head down until her term was up. Then we would have a day of stories about how Tim Kaine balances being a middle aged white man with having a midwestern upbringing while still finding time to be fluent in Spanish and the political darling of a swing state.
It's just... fuck. Free news days are a precious commodity. You basically get four of them, the convention days. Tim Kaine by virtue of being a human Venn diagram gave team democrat a fifth. Bernie by virtue of not giving a shit about the election just took that free day away. It's not as bad as Cruz did but he is still ratfucking his own team... if it even is his own team.