Thank you Toady. May you profit greatly from your efforts.
I like the very clean license statement in the readme.txt documentation. I'm not sure it would meet approval to build and host packages on the Open Build Service but I feel safe providing nosrc RPMs at least. I don't feel good hosting packages elsewhere in general with the effort that the brother Adams have put in here. I feel Bay12Games earned the money they get. And probably need a marketing budget. So having to go visit the Toad for your epic mincart computer slash genocide slash frustration simulator is a good thing. You have to pass by all the tip jars, you see.. But the OBS is nice because you can build a package for pretty much everything but Genotoo Linux in one project. And not go any more barmy than usual. (Well, usual for someone who obsesses over tiny glyphs of dwarves with suicidal mining tendancies.)
Oh Em Gee Dood!
You fixed the damn "data/art/mouse.png not found" thing! No more having to edit those lines with vim and keep .bmp copies around!
This made testing the 64-bit version much easier. But, all my collected crash data is now joyfully worthless since there is a new release! It also means that the binary patches won't be needed anymore. Huzza!
Unlike the early 64-bit Linux port this one doesn't die a few years into a map with all options maxed out. The early verison would die if resident memory crossed 4.3Gb of RAM. The 32-bit version would grind to a halt and crash at 3.4-ish after about a days or so.
This version flys! A large map with 768 years takes about 2.5 hours, mostly in the latter years. Before it would take 4.5 hours to get to 1050 if the map didn't die. A 250 year map generates in minutes even when the event counter passes 750,000. Looks like it takes about 2 seconds and 1Mb per year for the 750k to 1M range of events on a 80k population with 65k dead. This is on my 4GHz (overclocked) i7-6700K CPU in openSUSE 42.1 with default scheduling (no tricks with nice.) Keeps one full core maxed to the hilt but crossed that reserved memory with no issue. . I did notice that this version spawned less processes than the previous test release, too.
Of course the real test will be striking the Earth. Onward, for Dwarfkind!