Hello everyone! It has been a while since the last time I have been around , and while I am still not sure how active I will be, I decided to at least post both of the new series I had been working on. For now I am not sure how fast the project will go, as I still need to gather more friends to tag along for the Platinum series plus wait for one of them get a headset for their gaming pc. That and we had an unexpected issue in the first episode, so I had to make a few changes to the game to avoid the palette issue we had with the trainer's backsprite. As for the Pokémon Black run, it will probably run smoothly, as it is going to be a solo run.
I honestly never played gen 4, so this was the perfect opportunity to give it a shot, but instead of going with the normal game I decided to make things a little more... Interesting. So a lot of things were randomized in this game; pokémon encounters, starters, abilities, and the base power, accuracy and PP of all moves! And a few other things that you will find out during the game.
I was also planning to get Pokemon Black 2 going, but I will save it for when I have some people to tag along, so instead I will be doing a solo run on Pokemon Black. Maybe after I finish Platinum I will give Pokemon Black 2 a shot.
The "Roulette" part stands for the randomized part, this will be a luck-based game, as I can get a good pokémon with a terrible ability and moveset, or get a bad pokémon with a great moveset. With the base power, accuracy and PP of moves being changed, it is impossible to tell how effective a move will be against your team!
First Playlist and
Second Playlist