Interesting, does anything else carry this boolean (in gm editor its a yes/no) under ARP? This was the only reference on the DF wiki of ARP if its relevant, seems to be a background thing.
arp := ""
ctr :=0
Gui, Submit , NoHide
if (construction) {
preCommand := "{RIGHT}"
apresCommand := "{ENTER}{ENTER}"
spacer :="{RIGHT}"
} else {
apresCommand := "{ENTER}{ENTER}{RIGHT}"
spacer := "x"
IfWinExist, Dwarf Fortress ; make sure df is running
sleep, 3000
chars = 0
StringReplace, arp, Designations, %A_Space% , %spacer%,1
Stringsplit, lines, arp
ctr := a_index
thisLine := lines%a_index%
if (thisLine ="") {
if (thisLine = "\r") {
if (thisLine = "\n") {
if (!Construction){
Send, {DOWN}
loop, %chars% {
Send, {LEFT}
} else {
send, w
Send, {DOWN}
loop, %chars% {
Send, {LEFT}
send, %a_space%
chars = 0
} else {
send, %thisLine%
sleep, 20
send, %apresCommand%
chars ++
if (construction) {
send, w
send, {RIGHT}
send, %a_space%
if (chars >100) {
; clear out the lines "array"
lines%a_index% := ""
Also for you,
[NAME:grow crafts from seed]
I tried recently making some grown objects with a custom reaction to try out some things but this almost makes it look too simple, does the grown subtype automatically adopt the seed? (also plump helmet seeds/logs sounds very impractical so needs some restriction and polishing)
Strange ordering, is the ARP a keyword for subtype because normally if you used (Ant:Soldier) it would nullify the second, so what if you tried as a bit of a stab in the dark (ANT:CASTE_ARP:SOLDIER) ?
*EDIT* Ok im going to blow your bubble but apparently the elves in that said 'all races playable mod' still have objections to it being a [wood] object, which implies the ARP might either not work or it doesn't have the properties we would want it to have because wood material material definitions.
What is it that elves object to when you give them wooden items? The original mod thread for future reference & probing can also be found here -
[0.43.02 - 0.43.05] All Races Playable mod It appears to be popular but nobody's actually took notice of how it works.