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Author Topic: The Story of Atölasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)  (Read 62185 times)

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #315 on: January 03, 2017, 09:59:57 pm »

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

01 Granite 85

Almost exactly ten years after arriving here, our faithful, playful kitten, Avuz, has died. 

He did an excellent job of keeping the rodents away from the food, and was always ready to pounce on a piece of string or long grass.  The place won’t be the same without him. 

I need to remember to order a replacement rat-catcher in the fall.

03 Granite 85

The last month has been spent arguing over who deserves the glass bed more.  Mebzuth, because he made it?  Imic, because he’s the first to face our enemies?  Airith and I, because we’re in charge?  Akrul, because Dodok put her in charge?  And on and on and on.

I think I’ve finally found the compromise. 

We have four pieces of artifact furniture: the cage, the door, the coffin, and now the bed.  I’m going to have them all put on display in the common area, so that everyone, residents and visitors alike, can admire the craftsdwarfship of those who live here.

The door will go near Dr. Urist’s library, since she keeps complaining about the noise level these days, not that that will help much.  The coffin and bed will go into our dining area, where we can admire them every time someone puts on some sort of entertainment.  The cage will go between the dining and training areas, where everyone who passes can look at it to their hearts’ content.

Of course, as is always the case with compromises, no one was particularly happy.  But, most of them had to agree it was fair.

Airith isn’t speaking to me at the moment.  But, maybe I could be convinced once we have some real quarters carved out?

That reminds me, I need to check on those cavern traps and see if we’re ready to take down that wall…

05 Granite 85

NCommander, Erib, Rith and Dr. Urist have chosen bone as the best substitute we have for ivory, and Rith has started making amulets out of the mountain to which Erib continues to add.

06 Granite 85

Great, yet another one running around and adding to the mess because they’ve gotten too big for their mothers to handle, but still too small to be of any practical use.

14 Granite 85

Excellent!  We can get rid of some more worn clothes.

19 Granite 85

Ustuth saw them first, from her position on the ramparts.

“Dwarves coming!”

Migrants!  Lotu thought, when he finally heard.  Leaving the cobaltite vein he was digging out, he sprinted up the Central Spire and panted into the depot as the newcomers strode purposefully over the bridge.

Lines appeared on his forehead as he frowned, squinting past them.  Just the two?  That’s not going to make much difference.

The male dwarf reached the group of locals.  “We’re lookin’ for Lotu.”

Lotu swallowed.  “That’s me.”

The other dwarf looked him up and down, noting the rock dust coating his clothes and marking him as a miner, rather than an administrator.

“You’re in charge?”

“That’s what Echoworked keeps telling me.”

With a sharp nod, the new arrival reached into his tunic and withdrew a letter.  The seal was instantly recognizable.  “I’m to give you this.”

This is an exceptionally-crafted sheet of jabberer parchment.  It is decorated with spikes of microcline and hanging rings of giant cave spider silk.  It is embossed with a masterfully-crafted image of a dwarf and dwarves in wax.  The dwarves are raising the dwarf.  The image relates to the ascension of Dodok Charmedmirrors to the position of King of the Figure of Diving in the year 1.  This image is the personal seal of the king.

A letter from the king.  And sent by special courier, no less.  I must have really pissed him off about the ivory.

Trying to maintain an unworried air, he slid his fingernail beneath the seal, and unfolded the sheet.

Attention: Lotu Sizzlediron

While I am delighted that you have finally stopped slacking long enough to vanquish the aquifer, I am most displeased with the other contents of your latest missive.  A lack of raw materials is not an acceptable reason for failing to meet any reasonable demand.  I have complete faith that Bomrek is, in fact, limiting his demands to you.

I hereby instruct you, as Bomrek’s suppliers, to keep breeding populations of all possible creatures on hand, so that you will be prepared for any and all of Bomrek’s demands.  Logem Echoworked will be responsible for verifying your acquiescence in this matter during his yearly visits.

However, I am not an unreasonable dwarf.  I have sent you Sigun Pulledroof, of Clan I and the bearer of this letter, to act as your primary animal trainer.  His credentials are above reproach, as he has learned his methods from no lesser dwarf than my wife, Doren Geniusnets, who was the first dwarf from the Figure of Diving to tame a jabberer.  Sigun will be responsible for training and taming any wild animals you catch.

Signed: His Majesty by the Grace of Armok, King Dodók Charmedmirrors, Cheesemaker

Lotu looked back up.  “An animal trainer?”

Sigun nodded.  “And my wife, Feb, is a tanner.”  He gestured toward the female dwarf standing silently watching.

Lotu nodded cordially to her, then turned back to Sigun.  “This says,” Lotu tapped the sheet, “that you’re supposed to be our senior trainer.” 

Sigun shrugged.   “That’s what the king said.”

Lotu waved NCommander closer.  “You’ll be happy to learn your work load will be easing.  King Dodok has sent us an excellent trainer, so you can focus more on weaponsmithing.”

NCommander took one look at the usurper, and sniffed.  Excellent?  He doesn’t look like he knows the difference between a dog and wolf.  With a sniff, she stalked off heavily, without even a greeting.

“Ah, don’t mind her.  She’s been moody the last few weeks.”

Turning to Feb, he indicated a dwarf currently struggling with an aurochs cow that most certainly did not want to be slaughtered.  “That's Erib, our butcher.  She’s been so overwhelmed trying to be both butcher and tanner, I’m sure she’ll be happy of the help.”

Feb nodded, gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek, and headed off to work.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

20 Granite 85

If anyone was overjoyed to see the newcomers, it was probably Erib.  She practically fell at Feb’s feet, so great was her relief at getting rid of half of her workload.  Sigun is already making himself useful with some hauling, while waiting for the cage traps to catch something.

They brought a turkey poult and a guineacock to help us get started.  Wouldn’t it have been better to bring a breeding pair of something, instead?

But the shock of their arrival must have shaken NCommander even more deeply than she let on yesterday.

21 Granite 85

Well, the elves were finally ready to trade.  And, as always, they brought a kea.

At least they brought some useful stuff, too.  Amazing!  Who would have thought there would be a point to all of those caged animals they keep bringing?  Now, if only I could convince them to bring breeding pairs…

I bought all the animals they had, except the kea, naturally.  And I ignored the tame vermin too.  I don’t think even Bomrek would ever request those.

They always seem really happy to take our worn and tattered clothing in exchange.  Do they not know how to collect and work with silk?

Before Trade:                                                  After Trade:


24 Granite 85

As usual, some of the merchants were relaxing in the increasingly tiny common area, swapping stories and enjoying the local entertainers.

At the end of a particularly daring saga from one of the visiting humans, the elf Acithí broke in.  “I have one for you.  A few years ago, my niece, Ithithí Skycradled, was exploring alone in the Dune of Clefts.”  The dwarves nodded.  The foothills to the south were marked on their maps, though none had ever been there.

“She came across a cave, and inside the cave was an entire city’s worth of kobolds.  Do you know what she did then?”

Heads shook.

Acithí grinned, rather bloodthirstily.  “Well, she fought and killed every last one.  Thirty-eight of them, in the space of a week.”

He noticed the disbelief on several faces.  The local militia, especially, were well aware of how difficult it could be to catch up with a single kobold.

“Look, here’s proof!”  Acithí drew out an amulet.  A rather distinctive one.  “This was one of the first amulets their craft kobold made, at the dawn of time.  Look how shoddy it is!”

“Oh!”  The soft gasp came from Besmar, but it was echoed by several others.  The last time they had seen that, it had hung proudly from the neck of a kobold called Tayldis.

The elf laughed at their expressions.  “According to my niece, the kobold wearing it was more upset at the thought of losing his first attempt at crafting, than he was at the thought of dying!  Then again, who could expect anything else from such a primitive creature!”

He was still chuckling as the dwarves filed glumly back to work.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

26 Granite 85

We had occasionally wondered why our regular visitors had stopped announcing dangerous seasons, but I don’t think anyone suspected that they were all dead.  I’ve been finding myself sniffling a bit, when I think of the poor little guy.

And this morning, I overheard Catten referring to ‘Tayldis Bridge’.  It’s fitting, given the number of times he was spotted near there.  Don’t worry little guy, we won’t forget you.

 10 Slate 85

I’ve decided this is a good time to pause construction on the surface tower, in favor of getting the caverns opened up and trapping some animals there.

13 Slate 85

The merchants just departed, and as if their departure were a signal…

It’s made of crystal glass?  Will axes work against that?  I think I’ll have a couple of silver hammers and maces made, just in case.

Somehow, I get the feeling this one is going to be a bigger challenge than the two surface ones were.  I’m going to leave the wall sealed up, at least until Aban finishes the last few pieces of steel armor for Rigoth.  And maybe, long enough for Geño to get some protection as well.  All that leather and jewelry looks nice, but I wouldn’t make a bet on how long she’ll survive a pitched battle in it.

And no, I don’t care if it means we won’t show progress on the breeding populations.  Some things are more important than the king’s, or even Bomrek’s, wishes.

Like survival, for instance.

22 Slate 85

The dwarf was cheerful as he worked, but he tried to hide it.  Given the current grim mood pervading the village, any cheerfulness would make someone take notice, something he could easily do without.

But it was difficult.

A forgotten beast!  The gods have heard my prayers.  Surely a forgotten beast will manage to cross at least one name off that dratted list!  Assuming Lotu ever gets around to actually removing that wall.  What is he waiting for, anyway?

27 Slate 85

A human tapped Lotu on the shoulder.  The dwarf turned from his contemplation of the dwarven ale in his mug.

“I want to talk to you.”  She pronounced, as if it were a revelation.

“Yeah?”  Lotu shrugged disinterestedly.

“I’ve heard you’ve spotted a legendary monster in the caverns below this village.”  Lotu nodded, and the human continued.  “When your military goes to fight it, I want in.”

Lotu stared at her for a moment, then shrugged again.  “It’s your funeral.  Would you like some armor first?”

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

 08 Felsite 85

And the onslaught continues.  No sooner did this dwarf arrive, than she came to find me as I was eating my lunch.

The Clan H Mother wants to live here?  She does realize none of her Clan are likely to join her here, right?  Or is that the whole point?

Oh, wait a moment.  Maybe it was the four artifacts on proud display in the common area…

At any rate, I said ‘yes’.  Having one of the Great Ones living here can only boost morale.

13 Felsite 85

Another troupe of capuchins approached today.  But this time, the traps were ready for them.  Two of the males are now residing in cages, waiting for Sigun to get to them, while a third male was killed in a stone-fall trap.  Now we just need to train the first two and catch a female…

14 Felsite 85

The capuchin success has inspired Imic’s and NCommander’s daughter.  She’s claimed a crafters’.

19 Felsite 85

Imic is insisting that his steel axe is perfectly capable of cutting through Arod’s crystal glass body.  And he seems to really want to get to it.

I told him I’d think about it.  For now, Arod is safely trapped below ground, but if the Pale Roads fail…

24 Felsite 85

Thikut has been running around the village, scrounging into stockpiles and workshops.  She’s even managed to piss off Logem, who has been yelling at all and sundry that the cut gems are for the quota, not for personal use.

Now after all that trouble, what is she going to make?

28 Felsite 85

And another season draws to a close.

While Akrul isn’t happy about the amulet substitution, at least she isn’t yelling about our ‘unmotivated, laidback, laggardly slacker hides’.  That dwarf does know how to insult someone.  But the rest of the numbers do look quite good, even if I do say so myself.

OOC: You may have noticed that I've reworked the clan membership designations.  Clan membership is patrilineal (as it was before, arbitrarily because we started with a king), but the world gen founding couples from our civ (The Figure of Diving) have been assigned letters from the beginning of the alphabet (currently A - K), while the founding couples of Finderboards have been assigned letters from the end of the alphabet (currently X - Z).  Locally, we now have dwarves from every Clan except J and K,

Interesting note: Sigun Pulledroof is the only surviving male descendant of the world gen founding couple for Clan I.  The only other male member of Clan I (ever) was his father, who died by elf in 76.  Fortunately, Sigun does have a wife (Feb), so all hope for Clan I is not yet lost (assuming he can produce at least one son before one of them dies).  Sigun's surviving relatives (all of whom's children will be born into other Clans) are: his one adult daughter, two older sisters, one younger sister and his widowed mother (not counting his wife).  Poor guy.

Current character list:
Spoiler: Training in Moonstone: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Opal: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Obsidian: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Scholars (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Joined by Petition (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Children: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: NPCs: (click to show/hide)
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #316 on: January 03, 2017, 10:31:30 pm »

Journal of Airith

You can't win them all, said some famous person. Well, I lost the bed, only consolation is that no one else got it. A shame, it looked really amazing to sleep on- wait... a glass bed.... huh. On second thought....

Carp. I have to make it up to Lotu... I won't ask for a full blown mansion.... just a very large House :P

I read the reply letter I received last year finally. It didn't have much, just that the king is a fat dick, Bomrek is worse. But what intrigued me was the particular section of Dwarven Law that my associate uncovered for me. The letter came with a sheet of old paper title "Laws of Succession". Huh, this'll be an interesting read. I wonder why my asset thought it would be of use to me.

Got to keep Lotu from interrupting me without it seeming like I'm still upset.... AGGHHH, being married is so aggravating... But I still love him much.

I'll probably need Dr. Urist's help, I'm not one for the political jargon, the Doc'll help me read it, after all, we're both working for the same thing.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 10:54:28 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #317 on: January 04, 2017, 08:58:10 pm »

Bye Bye Avuz.

No Peregine Falcons?

Well...Going to need a new cat, then.

So communal furniture. It'll be sure to brigthen the day of those who pass within a tile of them.

Heh. Another letter...Felt tense, before reading. Good job!

And well...Is this greatness or croynism? Or perhaps both? How great is Sigun?

Barely used car or clothes and you pay 25% less?

I can see why the elves would like the deal.

Your imported wealth is really down as well.

I like you usage of ramps :)

That's convenient number of couples!

As for Sigun, it was inevitable.

Lots of children in cast. Few more years, and they'll start growing up I guess.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #318 on: January 04, 2017, 09:55:08 pm »

Your imported wealth is really down as well.

Partly due to having mostly scholars and entertainers as visitors at that point, rather than soldiers with their more expensive equipment.  And I've been spending quite a bit of time going through the entire stocks screen to hunt down everything marked as <fill-in-the-blank> and either marking it for trade or micromanaging so that it gets used pronto.  I think we're comfortably under now.

That's convenient number of couples!

There may be more, those are just the ones I've been able to pinpoint by tracking the lineage of each of the migrant or visitor dwarves who arrive.

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #319 on: January 05, 2017, 03:20:53 am »

I would be most honored, if you dorfed NCommander's newborn son "Bob" and changed his job to "The Chosen One".  Who knows?  In a few years, he might even be useful.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #320 on: January 05, 2017, 09:39:58 am »


- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #321 on: January 05, 2017, 10:49:41 am »

I want a baby.... Everyone else has one   :'(

Seriously,are we like incapable of having one, or do our dwarves not have enough alone time?
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #322 on: January 05, 2017, 12:00:18 pm »

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

01 Hematite 85

Well, Thîkut has started summer off with a bang.

I guess it makes sense that a kid would make a toy.

11 Hematite 85

And, they’re back!

I’ve ordered all of our bins of random stuff moved. 

12 Hematite 85

Someone cleared their throat behind Lotu, causing him to jump and slam the hammer in his finger. 

“Aaaah!”  Shaking his hand violently, he stuck the offended digit in his mouth, laving away the sting.  Turning, he cast a baleful eye on the dwarf who had dared interrupt.

“Sorry but, I’d really like a word.”

Lotu froze in shock.  Is everyone crazy, to want to live here?

Aloud, he protested, “Have you even seen this place?  Go ahead, take a look around.  And then there’s the monster in the caverns?  You are aware of that one, yes?”

Mafol shrugged.  “Well, this isn’t as bad as some of the hellish places I’ve seen.  Have you ever been to Swimrag?  No?  Talk about living in a pile of filth.  And you have Arod locked away quite securely down below, so this seems like a pretty safe place.  But frankly, I just want to be with my brother and his family.”

Which is a better reason than a lot of these people have given.  Lotu nodded in agreement.  “Sure, you can stay.  Besmar has been a bit happier since you arrived.”

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

16 Hematite 85

While I traded a bit with the humans, it was more a matter of politeness than anything else.  The only useful stuff they brought was iron bars and some surface silk thread.  Of all of their animals, the only breeding pair was llamas, which we already have so I didn’t take them.  All of the others we can order from Theaterknowledge. 

Before Trade:                                                After Trade:


17 Hematite 85

The Pale Roads have assembled at the cavern entrance, so I suppose it’s time to take down that wall.

19 Hematite 85

With the wall down, I sprinted back up the Central Spire to Catten’s level, ready to build a floor if our brave protectors happen to fail.

21 Hematite 85

Battle was joined in a frenzy of gore and the sound of steel striking glass.

Geño claimed first strike, denting the shell.  Ino, eager to give battle, started wielding her new dwarven-made silver war hammer.  But her frustration mounted with every blow, for the shell caused her every attack to glance away.

Imic, Sky and Geño, armed with axes and swords, fared much better, as they started slicing away pieces of the shell.

Arod, clearly not particularly intelligent, focused all of his attacks on the relatively harmless hammerwoman, forcing her to dodge this way and that, blocking now and then with her shield.  A lucky blow of Arod’s knocked Ino down, just as Geño finally saw an opening.  Raising her silver sword to shoulder level and gripping the pommel with both hands, she lunged forward, thrusting the blade deep into the body.

The blade struck true, piercing the heart in a shower of gore, just as Ino rose shakily to her feet, stunned but unharmed thanks to her breastplate.

Turning to congratulate his squad, Imic’s eye fell on Sky’s battle axe.  His copper battle axe.  Shoving his own axe into his shield hand, he grabbed Sky’s upper arm and force-marched him straight up the Central Spire to the bin containing the steel axes.  As he passed Lotu, he was in full flood.

“…you blasted slow-witted thick-skulled numb-brained…” 

And from experience, I know Imic was just getting started.  Lotu thought, quickly clearing the ramp.

Now, let’s make that cavern entry a little more defensible and useable.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

24 Hematite 85

We’ve already caught a large rat in the cavern cages, so the underground breeding off to a good start, as soon as Sigun gets around to training it.

25 Hematite 85

Sigun seems to think he’s learned something about training.

Wait, didn’t the king say he was supposed to be good at this?  When I asked him, Sigun’s rather tart reply was that he’d never worked with surface animals before.  Of course training monkeys was all new!

04 Malachite 85

I guess Sigun had a point.  He trained that large rat quickly enough, but he’s still working with the capuchins.

13 Malachite 85

Yeah, yeah, safe journey and all that.  We have a new visiting bard to entertain us!

24 Malachite 85

I am so happy!  We’ve finished quota!  With a few tweaks, granted, but now we’ll actually have time to focus on relaxation.

And we can finally get some serious work done on those practical projects that have been cluttering up my to-do list.  Now, which to do first?

27 Malachite 85

I’m tired of listening to complaints about the noise.  Fine, we’ll move the tavern first.  Hmmm, how about to the first floor of that lookout tower?  It’ll be right above the current brewery and the kitchen, so hauling ingestibles won’t take long, and all we have to do is add a roof before moving in the furniture.

And the entertainers should be happy, because they’ll finally have a dance floor that’s not taken up by training soldiers more than half the time.

01 Galena 85

While the others are working on that roof, I’m going to spend some time below.  It’s time we had some nice, spacious, dwarfy bedrooms, instead of the cramped quarters we currently tolerate.

08 Galena 85

The baroness consort of Swimrag found me in the bowels of the mines, where I was digging some more downward ramps.

Swimrag…I couldn’t find it on any of our maps, and she finally showed me where it was.  And it turns out that she’s from the Corridor of Mastery, far to the distant west, not the Figure of Diving at all!  Great, not only a noble, but a stranger!

Given that she seems to think this a good place for a noble to reside, I shudder to think what her home is like.  Wait, didn't Mafol say something to that effect.  Called it a "pile of filth," I believe. 

I made it clear that she would get no special treatment, but that didn’t dissuade her in the least.

Welcome to Finderboards, I guess.

12 Galena 85

“Excuse me, Sir Dwarf?”  The words came just as Lotu let the pick fall, causing the steel head to skip and slide across the granite instead of biting deeply into it.

Don’t you people realize I’m trying to dig, here?

“Fine, fine, whatever.  Can I get back to this hallway now?”

“Thank you, Master Dwarf!”

OOC: Seriously, he had time to dig out only a couple of tiles between the two meetings.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

17 Galena 85

Zutthan has started behaving strangely and claimed a masonry.

19 Galena 85


We just dealt with one of those!  I sent the Pale Roads to deal with it.

Gems are like glass, right?

20 Galena 85

I was on my way up to get a drink, and saw an amazing sight.

Apparently, yet another human wanted a meeting.  But this one was interrupted by a gremlin on the way down, and was delayed just long enough for Un to reach them.  Un made quick work of the gremlin, then started in on the human.  I was quick to hide.

Good to know.  Crossbow bolts don’t work on this thing, and Tor was soon history.  Un scampered up the ramps to the marble layers, at which point it encountered real resistance, in the form of our resident human mercenaries.

I followed it up, hoping to sneak past during the ensuing battle, but ended up watching the whole thing.

This time, Ino’s war hammer actually worked but, once again, she drew the brunt of enemy’s attacks.  Managing to block one of its flurry of attacks, she lost hold of her shield.  Un followed up quickly and stabbed its stinger at her hand, neatly severing it from her arm.  Faint from the blood loss, Ino staggered back against the wall.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of Un’s focus on Ino, Geño was slashing and stabbing away with her sword, chipping away at the chrysoberyl body.  When Ino stumbled, Geño saw her opportunity.

Leaping forward, she slashed viciously toward the beast’s upper body.  For the barest instant it seemed that the gem-like body would shrug the attack off, but then a single, hairline fracture appeared.  As the fracture spread, the sword bit more and more deeply, finally slashing completely through the chest region and coming the other side.

Un collapsed in a shower of chrysoberyl fragments, and Geño offered to bring Ino up to our single-bed hospital.  But Ino kept shaking her head.  “I’m fine.  I’m fine.  It’s just the hand.”

Those women have certainly justified their petitions.  Now we just need to clean up the mess.

23 Galena 85

Well, at least Zutthan didn’t delve into the quota.

25 Galena 85

Losing a hand doesn’t seem to have slowed Ino down at all.  She’s working hard to become as good with one hand as she was with two.

27 Galena 85

Two more human visitors have arrived, bringing our current visitor total to 10.  Our reputation is clearly spreading, and we’re getting the new tavern built just in time.

And, if we’re building an honest-to-goodness tavern, we may as well have some beds for folks to sleep in, right?  The simplest seems to be to put them on the level above the tavern.

Which means we need to add a roof…  Again.

28 Galena 85

Zutthan is justifiably proud of his single venture into masonry.

And he must really have been impressed by Thîkut’s toy axe.

And, what do you know?  For once, Akrul hasn’t come into my office at all.  Is she actually taking a break, since the quota’s done?  I didn’t think that dwarf even knew the meaning of “relax.”

@TheImmortalRyukan: I'm hoping to rectify that situation soon.  With the aquifer done, Airith and Lotu are getting one entire month each season when they are doing nothing except eat/drink/sleep/social/temple.  If that doesn't work, I'm going to burrow them into a Honeymoon Suite until they produce (that's part of the impetus for getting some real bedrooms dug out).  Lotu does dream of raising a family, after all.
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« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 12:16:23 pm by Dame de la Licorne »
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #323 on: January 05, 2017, 01:31:22 pm »

Thank th gods. All of them.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #324 on: January 05, 2017, 09:23:48 pm »

I find that often it's relatives in troupes and visitors. Maybe because it pulls first from suitable historical figures for picking those?

Hm. Big beasts are resistant to blunt, aren't they?

I think my morningstar testing versus bronze colossi might be relevant (43.03):

Copper and gold ones failed utterly (all losses, almost entirely white with a toe lost on one or two colossi), while steel and adamantine duels versus bronze colossi caused them to take at least fully red wounds, though generally was insufficient for win (3 wins and 25 losses for both). Omni-grandmaster dwarves with standard steel suit and wood shield.

(Also, testing morningstars against each other, I had 16-12 for adamantine VS rose gold, 13-15 for rose gold VS steel and 12-16 for adamantine VS steel, with same skills and outfits.)

"shower of gore" → "shower of glass" perhaps?

Also, showing that silver is superior weapon material to glass. I guess I'm looking at glass serrated disks bit more disfavourably now :p

Interesting that chrysoberyl is weaker than glass.

Complaints about the noise? RP, I take it?

Or is the mining for new floors causing 'good problems to have'?

How much do you inspect the visitors before approving the petition?

I'd say "or denying", but so far you've yet to reject anyone.....

Beautiful malachite in marble. I always like that combination.

Was Zutthan a miner? Would explain the mood. Well, a quern's....Eh. At least you're producing paper, so it can be used.

Honestly, in my experience communal social meetings don't really work, especially as the fort size increases the number of meetings possible increases factorially while time remains the same.

If you want babies, don't skimp or half-ass on marriage suites; plan them out properly. Something I wish I knew when I started Moonhome.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #325 on: January 05, 2017, 09:48:24 pm »

-morningstar stuff-

Good to know.

Complaints about the noise? RP, I take it?

RPing, yes.  I mean, have you ever tried to study while there's this endless social hour going on in the same room?

How much do you inspect the visitors before approving the petition?

I'm actually curious to find out if relatives (according to the relationships screen) of my visitors will ever petition.  So far, none of the humans are relatives, while 2 of the 3 dwarves are.  And humans make halfway decent soldiers...

Was Zutthan a miner? Would explain the mood.

He came with some skill in masonry, apparently, but I must have needed him elsewhere for one of the early quotas.

If you want babies, don't skimp or half-ass on marriage suites; plan them out properly. Something I wish I knew when I started Moonhome.

By plan them out properly you mean...?   The way I do it, each married couple gets a 3x3.  If I need to resort to locking them in, two tiles become a booze stockpile, two are food.  I make a burrow in the room, with just those two dwarves assigned, and I lock the door as soon as they're both in with supplies.  Then I remove the burrow and make a 2x1 meeting zone for a month or so.  I haven't had that setup not work yet.

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #326 on: January 05, 2017, 10:07:04 pm »

- Ah, yes. I have ^^;;

Well, it's less RPing than individual bedrooms, I guess :P

- Yeah, locking them in, with only each other to spend around in small space. Things to add, that you probs know:

• I've used both normal meeting zones and taverns for marriages - not sure which is better, both work generally, but I think if you're trying to ship them while one of them is Dwarven Child a tavern works better as it pulls them out of playing. If one is not working I switch to other and take care of needs; this sometimes helps.

• Locations may make them less distracted and happier, but if your door is unlocked the rabble will pile in, of course.

• They'll leave their burrow to get a drink when dehydrated, but this will abort the baby.

• I've read before that military sparring for married couples can be sufficient for baby-making, but I have not tested this myself. Definitely should, next time I get to boosting population that way, as if it works putting them in 2-big squad would greatly help with avoiding maternity leaves.

• Don't forget to check that the couples you're shipping will marry each other.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 10:09:01 pm by Fleeting Frames »

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #327 on: January 05, 2017, 10:19:27 pm »

I've found no difference in the type of meeting zone, so I don't usually bother to get fancy.  Since I don't worry about children until they grow to be an adult, finding ways to get them into a Courting Suite is not a problem.

I've never had a dwarf get dehydrated, probably because I give them more than a month's supply of food and drink.

I was talking about already married couples... ;)  When setting up arranged marriages, I do check that the pairings are at least potentially suitable (dfhack's gaydar is nice that way).

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #328 on: January 05, 2017, 10:38:48 pm »

I've had dwarf get dehydrated when relying on burrows instead of locked doors and not properly accounting for booze needed nor including a well - so that dwarves wouldn't refill the drinks (as a barrel can contain 1-60 units of drink or stay empty in the stockpile, can miss at glance). In that case though I'm not sticking them together for a month, but half a year+ though.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #329 on: January 06, 2017, 12:13:20 pm »

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

04 Limestone 85

Why do they always come when I’m trying to eat, drink, or work?  Can’t they wait until I’m actually feeling social?

Does this look like a human town to you?  But I have to admit, humans are proving to be a good defense against forgotten beasts.  She can stay.

10 Limestone 85

And as always, they have come to cart away all of our hard work.

I’ve ordered the quota moved.  There’s a lot this year.

17 Limestone 85

OK, that’s definitely not a human with a petition request.  Is it that time already?  Lotu greeted Echoworked, and gestured toward the dining area.

Who cares what happens at the other end of the known world?  If it’s not about Bomrek’s being replaced, I.  Don’t.  Care!

Lotu consulted his notes.

“We need steel.” 

Echoworked nodded, unsurprised.

“We need cats.” 

At that, Echoworked raised a brow.  “Cats, as in more than one?”

Lotu nodded.  “Ours died.”  And I prefer to spend our import allotment on things other than cages.  “And we need some sheep.  We have one ram, but he’s worthless without some ewes.”  And if I order a breeding pair of one new animal each year, we can demonstrate that we are actively meeting Dodók’s latest mandate, even if we don’t manage to catch anything during that year.  If we did catch things, nothing requires me to actually buy the animals, now does it?

“Here is what Bomrek would like.”  Echoworked handed across a sheet of paper.  “And you’ll need to supply 58 dwarves.”

Lotu set to work on his calculations.

Gah!  What is with Bomrek’s fascination with leather and leather-based items?!  And over two hundred units of powder?  What?

“Now that we’ve gotten that dealt with, I need to inventory your animals.”  Echoworked continued.

Spotting Sigun hanging out with his wife nearby, as Lotu had previously arranged, he waved the couple over.  “Sigun, find Erib, and then walk Echoworked through the pasture.”  He turned back to the liaison.  “As our trainer and butcher, Sigun and Erib are our animal experts.  They’ll be able to point out anything you’d like to know about them."

Several hours later, Echoworked returned to finalize the last details.  Lotu was glad to see that the liaison seemed pleased with his tally.

Yeah, until the next time you come north to enforce that idiot on the throne’s mandates.


Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

18 Limestone 85

I’m starting to think the humans are calling this place Udosamost.

But, they are rather funny to watch, with their long, gawky, awkward dances and mannerisms.  And humans are always good forgotten beast distractors.

Now, if only we could convince them to haul…

09 Sandstone 85

It took a long time to move this year’s quota, but we managed to get it done right before the merchants finally left.

They have a different lead merchant again this year.  When I asked why, they hemmed and hawed, but didn’t really give me a straight answer.  I’m betting it has something to do with Dastot getting hammered for his delivery failure.

In exchange for the quota, I bought their five steel bars, all of their waterskins and backpacks, and enough leather that we should be able to finish that part of the quota.  When I got to the rock pile, I saw they had brought only four kimberlite boulders, when I had asked for six!  And they had brought almost a dozen other boulders, so their protest that it was a weight issue just doesn’t ring true.

But, at least we’ll be able to get a couple of the minecart tracks up and running with the kimberlite they did bring.

Before Trade:                                                    After Trade:


12 Sandstone 85

The merchants have left with the quota. 

And we need a dedicated quota stockpile near the depot.  A biggish one.  Alright, I’ll add that to the list once I finish with the bedrooms.

15 Sandstone 85

With the quota sent off, we’ve had a chance to regroup, and it seems we’ve trapped a lot of troglodytes and a giant mole from the caverns.

Unfortunately, Sigun is adamant that troglodytes can’t be trained.  So what am I supposed to do with eight of them?

But that giant mole, that’ll be useful for Echoworked’s visit next year.

19 Sandstone 85

With no one currently slated to do any jobs near the cavern entrance, the dwarf took advantage of the opportunity.  Slipping past the walls, he advanced cautiously out into the moss- and mushroom-filled space.

Fortunately for his nerves, he found what he was looking for fairly quickly.

The small alcove was close enough to the shaft opening that he could race back to safety in the event of another monster’s approach, but hidden from view by a curve in the cavern’s wall.  No one would be able to find it unless they were looking for something of the sort.

Unpacking his small sack methodically, he set up a temporary altar on the ground.  He studied it a minute, searching for any imperfections.  Deciding that it would do, he removed the final item from his sack, placing it in the exact center formed by the other objects.

Folding himself into a seated cross-legged position, he bowed his head and began to chant, very softly, the ancient words he had learned from the Master.

For hours, he sat and chanted.  But though he strained his senses to their maximum, he could sense no change.

Finally, stiff from sitting in one position for so long, he rose and gathered his objects back into his sack.  Walking back toward the village proper, he thought philosophically, Well, Theaterknowledge wasn’t built in a day.  This will probably need some time before anything happens.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

25 Sandstone 85

While taking advantage of a quiet moment to socialize a bit, another human rudely decided to interrupt.

I sent him over to Imic.  I suppose a spearman may come in handy.

01 Timber 85

Well, time to get back to work.  There’s digging to be done.

05 Timber 85

Nil’s 12th nameday has arrived. 

Once the party started winding down, I pulled him aside and told him to start his duties by carving the final sections of track into the granite layer I dug out a while ago.  Once he’s done that, he’ll start smoothing floors in the bedrooms.

09 Timber 85

Fortunately, our military is on duty at Tayldis Bridge, and the marksdwarves are pacing the ramparts.  Once the civilians have been withdrawn underground, we’ll be as ready as we’ll ever be.

10 Timber 85

I forgot about the opening in the walls where the pool is…

The werechameleon got into the pasture, and started attacking the animals.  But the Pillars of Ink arrived to save the day.  Their bolts harried the creature until it turned back into a human.

Arriving at that moment, the Pale Roads charged in, led by Geño and Ino.  Imic, with a single mighty swing of his axe, neatly beheaded the cursed creature, ending its threat.

The casualty list this time was rather longer than usual: 2 turkeys, the guineacock, a ke...a?  How did those blasted elves sneak that in here?  No wonder we’ve been cursed with three monsters in the last three seasons!  At least the horrid bird is dead now.

There’s also one very injured muskox.

I think we’ll put the muskox out of its misery.

11 Timber 85

Unfortunately, the muskox died of its injuries before reaching the butchery.  How long does it take for a corpse to decay into useable bones, again?

And this time we’ll seal that gap so that this doesn’t happen again.

12 Timber 85

It turns out, that latest monster was Cawcul’s wife.  He’s been moping around the village ever since the execution.

13 Timber 85

“I thought you said Bañec could do the job!”  The dwarf hissed at his companion, as they both leaned nonchalantly against the wall in a corner of the soon-to-be-defunct dining area.  The noise level from the other dwarves and visitors ensured that no one would be able to overhear their muttering.

“I thought she could!  She was cursed twenty-five years ago, and has been wreaking havoc ever since!”  Cawcul protested.

The dwarf shook his head.  “Wreaking havoc on animals, which you neglected to tell me.  Killing animals is pointless!

“Bu-bu-but,” Cawcul stammered.

“No!”  The word came out louder than the dwarf had intended, and he caught a curious glance his way.  In a quieter, but no less adamant tone, he continued.  “I need something that specializes in killing more intelligent creatures.  Find me something else, or I’ll put a word in to the Master.”

Cawcul swallowed, then nodded.  “Fine.  I’ll tap my connections.”  As unobtrusively as possible, he moved away from the dwarf, joining another group debating the merits of the latest poem.

The dwarf watched him go.  Go ahead, tap your connections.  But you’ve just proven to me how useless you really are.  I’m sure the Master won’t mind if I reward you appropriately.
14 Timber 85

The new wall is complete.  And I just noticed, we have how many animals?

No wonder there’s muck everywhere!  Once I’m done with these bedrooms, I’m digging out some underground pastures to get them out of the way.  After the new stockpile.  Or maybe before the stockpile?  Yes, I’m tired of stepping in shit every time I go above ground.  The pastures come first.

23 Timber 85

For once I was glad to be interrupted.

She actually wants to work here!  An extra pair of hands to haul quota will be awesome!  The minute she was out of sight I broke into a happy dance.

28 Timber 85

Wow!  We really are ahead on the quota this year.

Akrul is humming and looking like a cat that just had an entire bucket of milk.  She’s insisting on taking the credit again, even though a lot of our progress is due either to left-over items from previous years, or my planning ahead and buying up as much as we could afford from the caravan.

Still, a happy Akrul, however she got that way, is much better than a screaming Akrul, which we’ve all had rather too much exposure to ever since she arrived.

OOC: With college classes starting next week (at least in this area), I may be able to get one more update up this weekend, but after that I'll aim for weekly or twice-weekly updates.  I'm teaching a lighter load this spring, so there shouldn't be another hiatus like there was in the fall.
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If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur
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