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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains  (Read 9834 times)


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[Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:59:01 pm »

Nomekast - Nothing Remains

You have come a distant way, and I will grant you the heat of the earthblood’s fire and the boon of the plump helmet’s tears, for you have a way to go. As yet, Nothing remains. For beyond the horizon of life they wait, and you must hide from Nothing, fear Nothing, fight Nothing, for Nothing threatens Creation more than sin.
The Lays of the Ocean Princess, Book of the Traveller, XII.4

Do you not see?! Are you so foolish as to turn your eyes from the truth? Already they come from the north, already towns are blazing, already the gods have turned their eyes from us!” His voice echoed on the walls of the streets as the self-proclaimed priest-turned-prophet Ibruk bellowed his sermon out to the crowd. He had been merely a local priest, but the news of a wave of monsters sweeping the north had seemed to send him over the edge into zealous madness. It was almost understandable, it had sent many people on edge. Even now reports said the monsters had already completely razed hamlets on the outlying borders, pushing in towards the mountainhomes, with the army seemingly useless against the endless hordes, casualties and refugees trickling in daily. Even human and elven refugees had come to the mountainhomes, desperate for safety after the destruction of their homes. Worse still where the reports of horrifying and foul figures, like dwarves, humans, goblins, but twisted by some foul sorcery. Even those who didn’t believe his righteous spiel were now at least listening from worry.

“Even now they make for us! Our brethren abandon us, to cower and kneel before them and await execution or to indulge in foul heresies and cults to the horde. The Floor of Scraping is doomed, the monarchy has failed their sacred duty. No city, no town shall survive them, as the prophets told. Only by repentance and pilgrimage can we be saved! Only the teachings of the prophets can save us now! Even the righteous among the humans, the elves, and yes, the goblins and kobolds will be saved! Take your belongings, follow me to the chosen place where we shall dwell in righteousness. Follow me to salvation where we shall be saved from the coming end!”

This is a reboot/restart of the first Nomekast, a community fort with an emphasis on story. The story? Simple enough at the start: a seemingly endless wave of mysterious creatures dubbed the “Nothing” have begun overrunning the world, destroying entire cities and civilisations indiscriminately, and the self-proclaimed prophet Ibruk has claimed that only those that follow him to the chosen place of Nomekast, seen above, shall survive the end times. These Nothing, while so individually weak that an unarmed dwarf can literally tear one apart into pieces, travel in packs of minimum 100 and there can be up to 400 on a map at any time, and that’s only the basic kind: there are several types who come with abilities, powers, and strengths.

As a community/story fort, and as with the first Nomekast, you can claim a character for this expedition and ensuing fort, however you do not have to pick a dwarf. Elves, goblins, kobolds, and humans are perfectly valid too, though naturally this will be simulated in-story, not in the game itself.

If you’d like to claim a character, then all I need are your Name, Gender, Race, Profession(s), Personality, and Any Extra Info you feel necessary, such as history, motivations, ambition, details and suchlike.

The more information you give: motivations, ambitions, personality, goals, and suchlike, the more I can work your character into the fort’s story and life. While the initial expedition is led by the holy dwarf Ibruk, don’t feel pressured to have a pious character; fear, evading authorities, ambitions, treachery, or more are all just as valid as motivations.

While not necessary, you are also encouraged to write journals, thoughts, or just suggest things for your character to do, build, interact, etc, throughout the story, as well as to engage with each other and actively with the story. Your character does not necessarily have to be on the side of the fort, though they should certainly at least appear to be outwardly. Once again, the more you do, the more I can do with your own character in terms of the story and events, having more to work with and their reaction to events. While there is an overarching plot relating to the Nothing, events, fort life, side plots, and more can change massively by player intervention and ideas, this is in many ways a cooperative story and how much you want to get involved is up to you.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 06:05:08 am by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2016, 08:59:33 pm »

« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 06:27:46 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2016, 09:21:34 pm »

Name: Frederick Hallhorn
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Profession(s): Swordsman, Nobleman
Personality: The youngest heir, aged 28, of a now defunct human kingdom, Frederick has a extremely scornful view of the gods for allowing the nothing to overtake his kingdom and destroy his family. Having stood his ground to the last, it was only the timely arrival of a dwarven warband which saved his life. His mannerisms has been alikened to a very tall dwarf, having bested them in many drinking contests, and a ferocity on the battlefield unlike any other. His dream and ambition is to reclaim his homeland and give his scattered people a home once more. He will brook no traitors nor cults. He has come to this fort to help establish a foothold closer to his country. And if any refugees happen to arrive, much the better for a familiar face. But for now, he is a mere swordsman with no land, and such is the way of things.

(Imagine theres a bunch of dead human cities off to the right  on that map there, on the peninsula/island.)

I remember enjoying Nomekast, though my dwarf's romance with that elf never really went anywhere.

So grats, have my first 'dwarf' in ages.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 10:07:35 pm by Dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2016, 10:01:35 pm »

Name: Elagn
Gender: Irrelevant
Race: Dwarf
Profession: Mechanic, and researcher on any available sciences
Personality: Elagn is extremely eccentric, caring not for religion, society, or others. Elagn came to this place to be safe to research and study, and is willing to help the fortress with his expertise, traps, constructions, and such, just not as a warrior. Conducting science a life goal, and is willing to sacrifice the lives of others (Read; prisoners, nothings, and, in extreme cases, other dwarves) for the advancement of knowledge
Preferably has bad social skills, but high intelligence. Physical ability is irrelevant.
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2016, 02:33:42 am »

Name : Webb Silkyhands
Gender : Male
Race : Brown Recluse Spider Man
Profession : Any profession that his six hands make him good at.

History : Webb is the 2716th son of Araknale. At least that's what her mother told him. Webb's father ? He never met him; as it is usual that female spiders quickly become widows by devouring their partner before laying eggs, right after their job is done.
Soon after Webb hatched, the Great Storm of Galena occurred. Rain and wind were so harsh this day that the Great Web was entirely destroyed. Spiderlings died left and right. Some fell on the ground and were eaten by Rodent Men, other swallowed by those bastard Peregrine Falcon Men.
Webb's mother, Araknale, died during the Great Storm, drowned after falling in a hole filled by rain water.
Many spiders died that day, possibly all of them, but Webb managed survival.
Webb had to leave his home. He grew up alone. Hunting his own preys with his self-made silk.
Every day, he wept for the loss of his family. He sought a new home ever since. Maybe this fortress will do ?
As of now, Webb is still pretty young, at 3yo of age. But spiders grow quickly, and he should actually be considered quite old for its kind.

Personality :
Believes family is the highest thing in life.
Webb is willing to survive at whatever cost (he believes he is the last one of his kind).
If faced to unnecessary danger, he will probably flee, but he has a great sence of sacrifice; and would sacrifice for the greater good if necessary.
He likes making others happy as it recalls him the days of the Great Web.
For him, there are no lower jobs. Hauling things is fine if it's for the good of the family !

Natural abilities :
- Can produce his own silk.
- Has six hands, can use them all independently.
- His bite can lead to periodic dizziness.
- He speaks the common tongue.
- He doen't feel pain, fear and doesn't need to sleep.
- He cannot swim.
- He can only consume meat.

Looking forward for what comes out of this ! :P
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 03:51:49 am by Spriggans »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2016, 02:45:14 am »

name Imic Greymane
gender Male
race human. Mostly.
profession Swordsman and part - time architect

History once the lord of a human town, Imic evacuated all of his people when he heard of the evil just beyond the next hill. He led his people made it to the mountainhomes, where he refused to part with how he managed to make it out alive with almost all of his people. He has come with the dwarves coming here so as to make a new hope for his people, and the people of the whole world over.

He is extremely stubborn
He is grumpy
He cares for his friends and his people very much
He values friends and family as extremely important. Not that he has much family left alive...
He has good creativity
That's about all i ask for. Except that he has a short grey beard, and short grey hair.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 08:35:11 am by Imic »
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2016, 03:37:49 am »

Name: Nullius
Gender: male
Race Dwarf
Profession: Shaper, a dwarf questing to master all disciplines of dwarven craft, starting with miner, then mason, engraver, stonecraft, mechanics, glasswork, and all metalworking skills

History: Nullius has had a vision of the endtimes, of the last refuge of the people of Orid Artuk, to survive the coming tide of darkness they will require those dedicated to the old ways of rock and metal.  So he has set forth on pilgrimage to find this bastion, this 'Nomekast', and devote himself entirely to aiding their survival.

high creativity

Notes: even though Nullius is a Shaper he doesn't really need to be purely conservative, he appreciates innovation and new ideas (as those are positive qualities to a artisan.)  And should probably get along with non-dwarves as a rule, so long as they don't interfere with his crafts.

Edit note: Nullius would also not be averse to picking up a weapon and helping on the frontlines, but not until he has achieved legendary in all of the above mentioned crafting skills.

Additional edit note: Nullius is, of course, a pseudonym that represents his willingness to abandon his own material needs in order to serve dwarfkind more readily, he feels a certain amount of gall that the ancestral title of the Shapers shares meaning with these foul creatures that wantonly destroy and murder without reason.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 03:57:08 am by NullForceOmega »
Grey morality is for people who wish to avoid retribution for misdeeds.

NullForceOmega is an immortal neanderthal who has been an amnesiac for the past 5000 years.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2016, 04:22:13 am »

sweet its backkkkk.....
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2016, 03:18:54 pm »

This will be !!FUN!!
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2016, 05:54:39 pm »

And we're off! I was going to wait for a last person, but I don't want to leave things hanging too long, so the expedition will be starting one dwarf down. Fitting for theme of more difficulty, I feel. Everyone who's asked for a character (nice to see some familiar faces too!), your profiles are in the second post if you want them (though mostly the profiles are for my own remembering who is who and plays who and is what race). I tried to fit the right personalities, but don't take too much stock in them, it's impossible to be perfect.

There shall come a time when mortality itself shall be at risk, and nothing will remain but for those Godsaved hidden by the stoked fragments of the fire of life.
The Lays of the Ocean Princess, Book of the Traveller, XII.6

15th Granite, 210 - Late Morning

The creak of the wagon and their own boots on the grass was all they could hear. It seemed as though even the birds had fled the area. That was no good sign. Ibruk rested a moment on his staff, face turned in a frown that only slightly lightened when he turned to the other six pilgrims that had come with him.

In the end, for all his warnings and sermons, few from the Floor of Scraping had heeded his call. Elagn, a mechanic, a scientist. Perhaps not the most charismatic of dwarves, but he had had a reputation in the mountainhomes for innovation and a passion for research. Yet all the knowledge he needs is in the Lays, Ibruk pondered, then shrugged. Eventually all learned the power of the sacred. With Elagn had come Imic Greymane, a human, a noble, stubborn but loyal to his people. Only two from the Floor of Scraping, yet they had met more pilgrims on the long route to the east. First Webb Silkyhands, a brown recluse spider-man whose home had apparently been destroyed in a storm, and who sought refuge. The animal people were hardly well-loved by either dwarf or human, but Ibruk had managed to convince his two fellow pilgrims to allow Webb to accompany them. The Nothing were spreading from the north, and soon would infest this region, there was no time to waste.

Next they had met Nullius, a Shaper, and one to whom the gods too had given a vision of the endtimes, and of the saving of the righteous. Such a meeting could only have been of the divine. Finally they had met Frederick Hallhorn, a warrior and heir to a destroyed kingdom. And the most dwarven man I do believe I have ever met. He had made it clear his eventual goal was to reclaim his lost homeland and birthright, but until then, he was a welcome addition to their pilgrimage.

And now here we are.

Ahead of them the Mire of Dimpling spread. Steep hills surrounded them to the east and south, while the Stoked Fragment meandered along its south-to-north course. Ibruk paused here, sweeping an arm across the swamp that lay before them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Here, my fellow pilgrims, we have arrived-"

"A swamp. You intend us to live in a swamp?" Imic Greymane's voice cut through the air, flat and unimpressed.

"It is not the land that is of import-"

"Aye, a swamp, a forest, a desert, a glacier. What's on the surface matters none. What matters is down here." Nullius gave a tap to the ground with the butt of his pick to emphasise his words. "We won't be living on the surface like your folk."

Frederick Hallhorn spoke now, one hand on the pommel of his sheathed sword, another shielding his eyes from the sun as he looked across the mire. "We should get to work, not argue. I can't see any of those monsters, but they won't be far behind."

This was met with agreement from all, and they got to work. Nullius and Elagn took the lead in beginning to excavate into the cliff-side. Ibruk began to empty the wagon and move the meager belongings they had managed to bring with them close to where the others were mining, while Webb, using all six of his hands, began to dismantle the wagon - they had no use for it but the planks could still be useful. Imic and Frederick took lookout, their swords ready to deal with anything that might come.

The work was hard going, first a tunnel, then opening into a chamber, the usual simple start to a fortress. While Elagn and Nullius mined, Webb had finished dismantling the wagon, and began to cut down one of the many macadamia wood trees that littered the mire while Ibruk continued to move items into the slowly-excavating chamber.

The grunts and sounds of work were only interrupted after a few hours as the afternoon passed and Frederick's voice rose up loud in warning. "They're coming! Get moving, everything inside! Now!"

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At the crest of the cliff, a black swarm moved over it, spilling across almost like some slow wave. The Nothing had arrived.

Work doubled. Frederick and Imic held their weapons and shields at the ready, stood by the entrance watching the Nothing intently, keeping guard for when they would arrive. Elagn and Nullius to excavate, with the former soon stopping to help Ibruk and Webb shift their supplies into the chamber as fast as they could. Soon Nullius too stopped, and began to haul the rest in with the others. It didn't take long for the first Nothing, spread out across the landscape, to reach them, Imic charging forward with a battlecry, sword pointed before him.

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More and more were arriving, first alone, then in pairs, then more as the full brunt of the horde began to descend the steep slopes, down into the mire where the group was. Each one was dispatched swiftly by the pair of swordsmen, though they were beginning to tire, and there was no way they could deal with the full swarm that was making its way right towards them.

"Get moving faster! We won't survive all of them!" Imic's voice cut through the air, coupled with an agreeing grunt from Frederick as his sword plunged through another Nothing, the wispy body of the beast dissipating into soft tendrils that wafted away like smoke. The Nothing were beginning to get too close though, and the pair were forced to begin to follow them up the slopes to cut them off before they could surround the others. This was perhaps rash of their part, as they were split apart, and soon Frederick found himself surrounded by a small swarm of the beasts, their tendrils all lashing at him.

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Imic charged over to help the moment he realised, and the pair tore through the rest, staring up at the slopes to see the rest of the horder descending down on them.

"Get in! Imic, Frederick, get in!" Webb's voice rose up behind them, the arachnid-humanoid waving four hands at them while two pointed to the entrance to the newly-excavated chamber. The two swordsmen and nobles made their way down, almost tripping in their haste as they pilled into the cold darkness of the tunnel. Nullius, Elagn, and Ibruk were already piling stones dug out from the excavation in the entrace, beginning to block it off with a makeshift wall.

"Don't stand there, help!" Elagn grunted, piling a large boulder of claystone up.

With all six of them, the task was soon done. the way blocked by two walls of stone, sealing the Nothing out, and them in.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

They slumped down, only hearing the noise of their own panting and of the shuffling and soft grunts of the two water buffalo they had ushered in.

"What a way to start a home," Webb murmured, sighing slightly, arms all askew out.

"We would not have been allowed to fail. The gods did not lead us here to die before our time," Ibruk's voice resonated in the stone chamber, the only one who was not slumped over, catching his breath. The dwarven priest was leaning on his staff, one hand pressed to the far wall of the chamber as though trying to comfort the rough schist wall. "We will have to open the wall soon. Prepare a true entrance. The Nothing will not always be there. Others are coming, the righteous will gather here, but also those looking to spread iniquity, sin, and mischief. We must be vigilant. But for now, we have only one choice, my friends, my fellow pilgrims. Now, we must pray, and strike the earth."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 10:15:06 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2016, 07:20:39 pm »

The first day. Log of Frederick Hallhorn, King of The Darkwood Realms

It feels so strange to call myself King. Little more than weeks ago, I was a mere prince, the seventh in line to inheret. My Father, my brothers and my sister, are all now dead. And now the capital must be in shambles, the foul creatures no doubt defiling it's grand halls with their filthy tendrils.

If it were not for the timely arrival of a caravan, I might have joined them in their early rest. I was never a man of the faith, now even more so, I feel a burning resentment for the gods for allowing this plague of beasts to happen. But, I hope with all my heart that my family are among our ancestors.

The people I have bunkered with are a strange lot. The dwarf who started this caravan, and indirectly owe my life to, is Ibruk. A devout worshipper of the gods. I find the irony unamusing. He preaches and prattles on and on. I find him annoying, but the man did save my life. I will give him some measure of respect in return.

The second is Elgan, a mechanic of sorts. I admit I admire dwarven ingenuity in this area, but Elgan has a disturbing intensity about him. I will have to watch him carefully.

The third is Imic Graymane, a fellow noble from a small town on the border! A fellow swordsman, as I found out when a seething horde of Nothings attacked us when we were creating our shelter. I had but hoped that my people had survived, and in some fashion, they had. We've not had much time to talk, but I will be sure to learn the whereabouts of my people.

The fourth I almost ran through with my sword. His parents must have a rather poor sense of humor, for his name is 'Webb Silkyhands', a humanoid Brown Reculse. We didn't have many animal men in our kingdom, and what we did have were more humanlike than this fellow. it is... unnerving. The silk though, it would be worth a fortune.

The fifth is a dwarf named Nullius, and he aspires to master all dwarven craft. A noble goal, hopefully he has the basics of them down. He may prove a mere miner for the time being but if we survive for a while, his worth may become exceptional. I've heard tales of great creative frenzies that large concentrations of Dwarves generate.

The rest is rather short. We arrived to the site, the others began digging an enclave, we were attacked by the nothing. Imic and I defended the miners, and we managed to race inside right as tghey sealed up the entrance. I took a short rest to write this, and even now I can hear the sound of picks ringing against stone.

For the future, I will reclaim my homelands. I will give hope to the scattered remnants of my people. If any humans come to this place, they surely will be Darkwood refugees, and refuge they shall find. For now a Shield and the Sword of this meger fortress, but a king I remain.

Frederick Hallhorn, Last hope of my line.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 06:51:19 am by Dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2016, 07:49:38 pm »

Moony, A male human from The realm of saints (named nicolas... jk)
Brilliant mechanic (just ask and i can come up with blueprints)
Moony is hard to please and can have a bad temper, but he is considered brilliant by others. His ambition in life is to build a computing device He absolutely detests  military officals and cares greatly about the saftey of others.. His goal in life is to become head mechanic

I am open for fortress device design

Ardent Debater

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2016, 07:50:50 pm »

Can I be Dorfed? I was a huge fan of the original Nomekast back when I was still a Lurker, and I'd love to be part of the story.

Name: Urid Hindpaste
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Profession(s): Professional Wrestler, and Part-time Gardener. If needed, he will do any unskilled manual Labor.
Personality: Urid is a strange dwarf to be sure. He refuses to wear Armor or wield Weapons of any sort, but insists at being in the front of any engagement, fighting the Nothing and all other Foes with his bare Hands! He holds weapon-users in contempt, and believes that it is cowardice to go into a battle with a weapon, armor, or shield, believing that those who use them in combat lack honor and are unworthy of Armok. His Faith in Armok is unshakable, and he believes that all Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits are either his Creations, or False Idols, likewise, he believes that their Followers are foolhardy and heretical. But he doesn't actively work against them, as he thinks they aren't worth his time, and that eventually they'll realize their foolishness.
Urid speaks nothing of his Past, only that it was terrible, and that, as it no longer pertains to the present, there's no need to dwell on it. He trains in the Sacred Arts of Wrestling, Punching, and Kicking regularly, and believes that a well-aimed insult or curse is far more pleasing to Armok's Ears than a simple Prayer. He advocates Peace, and believes that simply by Living, all Creatures serve Armok. However, he also believes that all those who come against Armok or his Followers must be Destroyed at all costs, he believes that the Nothing are the Ashes that are leftover from the Ancient Times when Armok Forged the World on his Anvil of Creation, and that the Nothing are simply a test from Armok. Urid spends his spare time Gardening, or helping the Farmers work, as he Believes that by doing so, he furthers Armok's Will, by creating more Life. He also eats only Vegetables, and Drinks Alcohol only sparingly, preferring Herbal Tea instead. His lifelong goal is to build a Monastery and convert others to his interpretation of Armok-Worshiping.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2016, 02:38:52 am »

The Shaper's Memory:

At long last we have arrived, Nomekast, the name sends a thrill through my very soul.  We had little time to observe the surface features, having been engaged by a swarm of Nothing within a few days of arrival.  The rock here is solid, already I hear the whispers of the depths through the stone.  Soon I will give shape to Nomekast, but for now the focus must be survival, we will need stone for craft, and lumber for our fires and beds.

I see Ibruk eyeing the recently revealed face, I must set to work again, the first labor remains unfinished.
Grey morality is for people who wish to avoid retribution for misdeeds.

NullForceOmega is an immortal neanderthal who has been an amnesiac for the past 5000 years.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Nothing Remains
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2016, 04:46:31 am »

Webb Silkyhands' prayer :
Beloved Mother, who blessed me with life, hear my prayer.

It has been a while since I last spoke to you, as I couldn't get access to a Shrine of Silk; but something unexpected happened these last couple of days, and I must share it with you !
I've been adopted ! It's amazing ! One morning in Spring, a group of three giant humanoids came near my net. I was in need to socialize, so I carefully approached them. The fear was great, as these creatures were more than twice my size, but after the rude winter and the repeated assaults of anteaters, I had to speak with someone. I could not bear being alone anymore. So I engaged conversation and explained the loss of my family.

At first, two of the giants were scared of me, one of them, the tallest, had a sword bigger than me. I feared an attack, and almost climbed back in my net.
But then, the smallest giant named Ibruk talked for quite a while to the others. He mentioned things I didn't understand like "Sacred", "Destiny" and "Nothings", but I guess these were key words because soon after that, I was part of the group !

As we travelled together, more giants joined the group. I now have 5 brothers to care for ! This is the happiest day I remember since the Great Web times !
- There is Ibruk, he calls himself the prophet, and speaks a lot. He often talks of the "divines". I don't quite understand all he says, but he seems to be the leader, so I follow his words.
- Elagn is a good friend of mine ! He digs the earth to build us shelter. I never lived under earth before, and I would be happy to have a nice warm hole in the dirt to weave my nest in.
- Imic Greymane is the giant with the very big sword. He seems very strong and brave. I talked to him a little, and he loves family just as I do. Sadly, his family died too, like mine... I told him he could talk to me about it if he needed.
- Nullius is not very cheerful. He doesn't speak a lot, but is very dedicated in his work. I respect that.
- Finally, there is Frederick Hallhorn. He is a "quing", I guess you pronounce. I asked him what that is. Apparently a quing is like a Mother for the giants. Frederick is quing, so he must have hundreds of children I guess.

As for where we are, well.... We are in a swamp ! You heard me, a swamp ! I know you always told me to avoid swamps, as water is everywhere and it is the realm of mosquito men. But my new family settled here. So I have no choice.
On the plus side, there are many flies and mosquitoes for my nets to trap ! Food should not be a concern.

I have to go, they need me to dismantle the wagon, and night is coming.

Long live Spiderkind !
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 05:06:22 am by Spriggans »
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