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Author Topic: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!  (Read 2547 times)


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GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« on: June 27, 2016, 02:44:54 pm »

43.03 Mondulnonub, ‘Gravepunch’
within Mon Slospu

This shall be the story of brave and hearty dwarves, trekking into a treeless, terrifying badlands in order to find their fortune.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

099 - zazq - Just Embarked:
100 - zazq - Everyone fell asleep before the beds could be constructed.  We’re all going to die. (link)
101 - UristMcCrumen - To my horror, some of them managed to crawl in to the fort... (link)
102 - MoonyTheHuman

-=The Queue=-
There is no queue.  there is no turn order.  If the game unclaimed and you can complete your year in a day or two, claim the save and let us know.  post updates and a save at the beginning of next year and someone else will claim it.  if you don't finish up in a few days you will be fed to the magma crabs, and we'll let someone else claim the year.

-=Starting Situation=-
This embark is a 3x3 featureless wasteland of peat and diorite pebbles in the middle of a Terrifying (evil/savage) badlands.  Observers have reported mangling and unconsciousness inducing ooze-rain.  There may be evil clouds as well.  However, it is NOT a reanimating region.  There very well might be building destroying undead giant desert scorpions wielding axes.  There’s very probably water in the caverns, and magma below that.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Miner(10) x7

Copper Picks x7
Each alcohol x20
Each seed x10
Plump Helmets x20
Cat Meat x40
Cat Leather x10
Fungiwood x173
No animals

You got like maybe 10 days before the deadly rain arrives.  Who shall play first year?! STRIKE THE EARTH!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 04:23:40 pm by zazq »


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2016, 03:05:06 pm »

Nice. Second year, please
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 12:14:47 pm »

I'd like to join this as well, third year works for me.


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2016, 03:29:15 pm »

one of you ought to take 1st year.


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2016, 04:20:04 am »

well nobody wanted it so I played the first year.

This isn’t what the brochure looked like.  It had palm trees, freshwater oceans and beautiful women wearing nothing but their beards.  Here i thought i was signing up for a year of paradise and relaxation.  I wondered why be were issued all this fungiwood when we were going to such a nice place.  I wondered why there was nothing but gruff and no-nonsense miners in the troupe when we’d be spending our days with mushroom martinis by the the beach. 

Now i know.

Gravepunch has no flora.  Not a single blade of grass or even a dead tree.  Gravepunch has no landscape.  No hills or valleys, just barren wasteland.  Apparently what it does have is deadly rain.  And possibly zombies.  I’ve opened the secret orders packet from the king that i was handed on our way out of the capital. 

Turns out this was all a clever plan to trick our enemies, the goblins.  They’ve been smuggling themselves into our culture in the form of ‘poets’ for generations.  Soon they will attack and destroy us all.  Only the power of adamantine weapons and armor can save us.  That is the true purpose of Gravepunch.  Use the adamantine to defeat the goblins.  Strike the earth.

But ignoring concerns of future success, I turn now to concerns of immediate survival.  The storm clouds are brewing, and it's only a matter of days before the surface is corrupted.  Time to get to work.


Granite 18 - The wooden roof over the wagon was constructed mere seconds before the heinous ooze started to fall.  With everyone safe under shelter, I have set them to task digging a hole in the ground.

Felsite 01 - Everyone fell asleep before the beds could be constructed.  We’re all going to die.  Rock mechanisms have started being constructed as a trade good.  A microcline depot has been erected.  I don’t know if the caravan can get through the heinous ooze outside, but if they can, there will be mechanisms for them to buy.

Hematite 19 - A tavern and bedroom areas have been dug out.  A lever within the tavern now operates a drawbridge near the entrance, allowing us to seal ourselves in if the terrible outside tries to become the terrible inside as well.

Galena 02 - Migrants have arrived.  Simply stepping on the heinous ooze caused them to keel over unconscious and mangled and apparently missing stomachs.  Designating a hospital zone has caused them to wake up and drag their mangled bleeding bodies across the wasteland to the fortress.  However, the hospital zone resulted in ALL of the dwarves piling into it and resting.  With everyone resting, nobody could diagnose, so they all just stay there.  Hospital has been removed once the migrants got in.  They are now all working happily, mangled body parts and all.

Limestone 15 - At last! A dwarven caravan has arrived!  They seem to be able to transverse the ooze without issue.  The trader indicates that he’ll pay top dollar for cut gems.  That’s something we can actually produce!  We shall take it under consideration for next caravan.  We managed to produce 2450 value of crossbows and mechanisms for trade.  We got 2 leather bins, a few bits of cloth and thread, raw glass and crystal, an anvil, and a ton of food.

Sandstone 13 - In search of water, the caverns have been breached.  A well and proper hospital shall be set up.  More migrants have arrived, and seem to have somehow avoided the ooze on the ground above.  Because they are unwounded, one has become the medic, and we’ll see what we can do about all those mangled workers. 

Moonstone 08 - Furnature is going into the bedrooms, and tavern (named The Basement of Gods).  Mushrooms are growing, wine is brewing, and nobody’s died from lack of stomachs.  They don’t seem to get better from the ooze, they just seem to stop caring after being diagnosed by a medic. 

Obsidian 28 - And that’s my year.  Where once there was nothing, now there’s a hole in the ground with 17 dwarves and 178 mushrooms in it.  Bedrooms are almost furniture'd, and the rest is queued, so just slap it in as it gets created.  The tavern needs goblets, and internal stockpiles for food drink goblets and musical instruments.  We need a temple and library, and some form of defense against goblins and kobolds.  There’s a troll in the cavern staring up at us, longing for dwarf flesh.  Every square inch of the surface is covered in ooze, except the small area under the roof.  Sometimes the ooze seems to whack people when they walk on it, and sometimes it doesn’t.  So who knows.  Lacking stomachs doesn’t seem to hinder dwarves any, and having everything mangled doesn’t seem to slow them down too much, so maybe it’s less bad than we thought?  It does cause things to leave smears of blood as they pass through it, so it’s gotta be dangerous.  I guess we’ll see.  TURN OVER.






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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 01:10:26 pm »

Even thought I dont understand ASCII characters as I am still used to play with the custom graphics, I have to say that you carved a pretty nice place for your dwarves.
Consider me in for a turn whenever a spot is available!


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2016, 01:21:01 pm »


Please post a save when you are done with your turn, which shouldn't take more than a day or two.
Please indicate you are claiming a save when to take it to play, so others don't waste their time playing it.

So whoever wants it, take it and let us know.  Gwolfski, christopher1006, UristMcCrumen.


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2016, 01:22:13 pm »

I'm busy. maybe next week.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 01:22:46 pm »

Well if christopher dont want to claim it (as he was here before me)
I am available to do it.

EDIT : Well considering it's just one or two day, I guess i'll claim the save.
I'll post updates once I am done
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 01:45:09 pm by UristMcCrumen »


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2016, 01:50:14 pm »

Im next :P lets see how much !!MADNESS!! I can devert


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2016, 02:14:05 pm »

UristMcCrumen has the game. 


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2016, 04:00:54 pm »

Here's some updates

Diary of Ast Aragolden, expedition leader.

5th Granite

Today night something weird happened.
While I was in my room, about to tuck my self under the blankets, I felt as if something weird was looking at me,
as in if in the darkness of the settlement, there was a strange unspeakable thing staring at me.
Naturally, as most dwarves would have reacted, I knocked my self out with a shot of plump helmet wine, falling in to the arms of Urist Feus (Morpheus)

Then I dreamed of unnatural looking landscapes, with a specific geometry that my eyes never recognized.
I felt as if I was out of my body, exploring something in a different plane.
There were some huge cyan pillars in some parts of the landscapes, that were erected in ancient times by some weird
tentacle creatures, some of them whispering unintenllingible words to me

6th Granite

I ordered the construction of a temple, with the entrance located right in front of the hospital.
There we have placed statues of said tentacle creatures of my dream, hoping to receive some sort of enlightment.
Some dwarves were not amused with said "abominations" of nature defiling a holy place, but I do believe in some way
that there is something weird about this place, and we need to find out what it is.

7h Granite

Today I held up a reunion at the tavern.
After tasting some fine beverages, I decided that we had too many generalist workers, and specialized some of them
in to being dedicated farmers, and some to be dedicated stone worker who will focus their skills on producing
high quality stone furniture or crafts.
I believe this will increase our stockpile of food as well give us valuable trade goods.

We also struck native gold.
That wont do us any good if we can't get a proper militia.

Also..... a goblin made his way right in to our small fort, claiming to be a bard.
Did they already discover our outpost?

11th Granite

The supplies have been moved in for the sake of accessibility, giant cockatiels roamed outside but everything's going smooth.
Also I have walled off the main entrance and made a long tunnel, for the sake of giving us more time to pull the lever in case of troubles.
We might as well place some traps in the tunnel....

18th Slate
I heard some screams coming up from the surface and went to investigate.
Apparently some new faces have arrived but guess what? THE OOZE GOT THEM
As much as I want to rescue them, I fear for the safety of my companions....
Also, what good can blind dwarves do to us? Their eyes were melting right in front of me....
I need a drink.

9th Felsite
Can't they see the dead child as a display of the cruelty of this damned place? Nooooo....
They had to try their luck and step in to the ooze, screaming as they navigate through it!
To my horror, some of them managed to crawl in to the fort...
AH what I am saying, even the one who were blinded magically stood up and went to the safety of our fort.

Now we'll have to pray to Armok that they survive their infections!

1th Hematite

I regret that Armok actually listened to our prayers and spared those dwarves.
To my excitement they seemed to have brought some animals, giving us the chance to breed them to make some tallow for some soap.
BUT NO, they brought useless cavies...

This is the exact moment where I would melt all the hematite we found and dump molten burning, scorching, melting iron right in to their fac--
*The rest of the page would be torn out*

OOC : I carved out a crypt , made a prison (with no chains for the moment) made a temple with two statues and then I got overwhelmed by the immigrants and got scared XDD
I am kinda new to play with ASCII characters, so I am using mostly stonesence to understand the layout.
I'll post some more updates soon!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 06:53:24 am by UristMcCrumen »


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2016, 04:18:17 pm »

you can install a tileset into the save if you'd like.  I used a tileset, as you can tell from the pictures.  It makes things easier. 

Because the depot is on the other end of your new long hallway, the hallway has to be 3 across to allow wagons to get to the depot.  Wagons can't drive over traps. 

Also i again forgot to dwarf myself.  could you possibly dwarf me as whichever dwarf has the highest mining skill? 

I made 5 bars of soap, each of which is good for 50 washings, so we got enough to last us a while.  Feel free to soap it up though, as everyone's going to die of infections.  We're lacking in cloth to cover wounds, which is probably the accepted medical procedure for heinous ooze and missing eyes and stomachs.

an above ground farm would serve us well, although i don't know how you'd make one in this place.  It would have to be covered, and i'm not sure you can place a farm over ooze, which means you'd have to clean it off somehow... which might result in it melting dwarves.  maybe a room with skylights covered with constructed floors so that its outside, and then flooding it with a pump stack to get rid of the ooze that got in?  or maybe you can just farm on ooze and it ain't even a big deal.  anyway, we have strawberries is what i'm trying to say.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 04:25:54 pm by zazq »


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2016, 04:33:08 pm »

Well luckily there was pig tail so it's no big deal, we have plenty of cloth.
And yeah the problem about the trap corridor is right x)
I use to place my depot always on the outside , never on the inside... but this can't be done here due to the ooze.
I'll post some updates soon!


27th Limestone

We made some stairs connecting to the caverns right under the well of our hospital. We managed to gather enough fuel to smelt an additional set of armor but sadly we were interrupted by a couple of troglodytes.
No casualties so far apart a hungry head.
OOC: I didnt do a lot as I was confused by the ASCII, but so far this is what I did :
I expanded the farm, made some threads and cloth, made some additional workshops (gemcutter,butcher??).
I made an area with a quantum stockpile to hold stones near a couple of workshops (Mason,craftdwarf,smelter) and expanded the bedroom as well made a temple with two statues of sea monsters, together with some of other animals (This was an error from me as I didnt specify the details).
The dwarves executed their first goblin spy and made a hematite table.
We also have one crypt and some additional coffins in the stockpile (I underestimated the survival chances of the immigrants)

So far what I suggest to the other overseers to do is :
-Take a look at the entrance and maybe fill the hall with traps (it's a 3 wide tile corridor). This is problematic as wagons cannot pass due to a wall I erected to give us more security.
Somehow this needs to be handled
-Harvest additional wood so you can armor more dwarves and proceed to the original quest of finding adamantine :p
- Make different booze apart from plump helmet wine
- Finish the cells for misbehaving dwarves (so far only one cell is operational)
- There so many newcomers, you might want to check everybody jobs

Here's the save!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 06:09:34 pm by UristMcCrumen »


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Re: GRAVEPUNCH (43.03 MP) - sign up to lose!
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2016, 06:54:16 pm »

how did you kill the goblin poet?  I've had poor luck sicking military on them in the past, as they are very spry and zip away when they see angry dwarves stomping at them.
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