Translated excerpts from the notes of Aseaheru Scrapetools, resident Meatpieologist of Scrapetools in the year 320
-- procurement of apple bark kernels for production of experimental pastry was interrupted by a number of my fellows cries for assistance from the midst of a pear tree. Apparently they where unable to climb down, so in an effort to assist them I brought that tree down instead of the planned for apple, which sadly was not without its tragedy. A mother, cradling her child, saw it crushed in her arms by a particularly rotten limb that fell off of the structure without warning.
-- in more data, applewood flour is decidedly unappetizing in pastry of all sorts, as evidenced by tests consisting of...
...with the interesting use of chitin-based flour(of the shells of a magma crab, of all things), lending a particularly burnt and acrid flavor to the pastry. I would advise against further development of this recipe without proper precautions, such as using a walk in cooler as a kitchen.
-- It never fails to amaze how easily one can slip though the cracks of society. Two weeks missing, and the majority of our settlement failed to notice the lack of Ncommander's presence. Indeed, it took the seemingly causeless orders to open up the access hall bulkheads (labeled as bridges on the emergency plans for whatever reason) for me to even note their yells for assistance. It appears that they had been trapped for two weeks.
-- The planting of new fields raises hope for better ingredients for my testing. Indeed, I think the kitchen staff have nearly reached the breaking point with my requests for them to attempt to use wood, chitin and stone based flours in baking. In addition, from what my records show there has been no experimentation with using sliver herb based flours in pastry, nor that of cabbages. I have high hopes for the outcome. High, high hopes.