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Author Topic: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks [43.05]  (Read 88319 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    |+|The Sequel of Spearbreakers|+|
    May the Mug be with you, Beardkin

    So long ago. So very long.

    Ancient heroes fought great evils in the hallowed halls Headshoots, and something had stirred in those places. It defiled the soul of a mighty hero, from whom was birthed legions forged from the spirits of dwarves both living and dead that tore through the continent of West Everoc. The wars waged by these monsters were always long, brutal, and seemed to never end in a decisive victory for either side.

    As one of  these hordes fell upon the southern glacier claimed by the dwarves of Syrupleaf, a shift had occurred in the winds of magic. The god of gods observed them. Soon, after years of terror and blood, the evil creatures finally bested the ancient heroes who defended it.

    Heroes like Sirrocco, Nemo, Tehsid, Daeren, and Royal W.
    And many countless other unsung and forgotten heroes of many races, all died at their claws and their maws. Theirs was a sacrifice of blood for their people, and all were welcomed into the grand hall of the allfather Armok. But tragically, one was denied.

    She Who Hungers, the mother of these legions.

    Holistic Detective.

    She lead her hordes to war, and many were the holds that were lost. But while the chaos and death she caused was a delight to the powers that be, she had started to strangle life from the land. And this could not be allowed. For now, many were the monuments that would see no further use, and warriors who would no longer be able to spill the blood of others, and the god of gods was displeased.

    Armok instructed the gods of this world to beat Holistic Detective into submission, and lock it away with the other demons of the underworld. And so it was.

    The wars continued of course, and many desperate folk began at last to flee. Men, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins. All fled in all directions. The elves took to the skies on the backs of their flying friends, the Men by sea, the Dwarves and Goblins making treaties of convenience to cross great expanses of the underdark, beset on all sides by horrors unimaginable.

    Many of these brave refugees and pioneers died. But even more arrived in a new land, a new world... East Everoc.

    The lands were lush, untapped, and exceedingly deadly. Blood that smelled of burnt bacon fell from the skies and clouds of roiling death choked many forests and plains. There were the undead of course, but that was nothing new to the peoples of West Everoc. But the giant beasts, hostile tribes of animal men, and a race of angry and tall bearded menfolk who lived in frigid climes and mountains proved to be daunting foes to face. But, nonetheless, they prospered.

    Centuries passed, and while West Everoc was only just beginning to claw its way back to civilization, an old foe was seen crawling from the mountain caves. Cruel alters raised in the center of dark hollowed caves running with magma formed the basis of sprawling hives of the evil. Someone, or something, had unleashed it. And so war came to the world again on a great scale. But where the ancients had turned to machines and magma to face these foes, their descendants had decided they could trust not their walls and traps.

    As the wars raged and many died, great powers also stirred. Time and space were crushed before the might of even the Allfather, and the divines could only lend their aid to those they supported as the great Corporations that arose from the ashes of West Everoc went to war against eachother. cybernetic killers, towering monsters, necromancers, and alien warriors formed the initial waves of the conflict, and soon genetically engineered horrors and advanced war machines were pitted against armored flying machines and stalwart professional warriors wielding the arms of an ancient age.

    Others would be dragged into this second war. Small companies and nations, manipulated by a great schemer who ultimately met his end to his own hubris and the carefully crafted machinations of disloyal underlings. But in the end, all would be ravaged by the conflict, and left broken shells in the end for decades afterwards.

    New heroes would come from these great and terrible wars as a result. Dauros, Vanya, Draignean, Urist, Hans, PaintBrushTurkey, Lefton, and perhaps the most important of them, Fischer. Some like PaintBrushTurkey, Vanya, and Draignean are now venerated as great heroes centuries still later. Others, however, Dauros and Fischer, are regarded by some as gods. And there is some truth to this.

    As for some, Even in Death they still serve.

    In the centuries following their passing, the hordes broke. some turned on themselves, as if the dwarves within these monsters had regained control and lashed out against those who had not. Others dissolved as they suddenly appeared directionless. In a matter of decades, hordes of tens of thousands, were reduced to barely greater in number than the infantry companies of many human kingdoms.

    Unbeknownst to all, Armok had finally been able to unleash upon the great demon his mightiest champions in a great torrent of doom. She who struck the killing blow being perhaps the foe who hated her most in the remaining scraps of recorded history from so long ago.

    With the thrust of a pike, the demon was no more, and Armok made this champion of champions the new protector of her descendants in the beardkin. To the others, they were granted their right to a final rest in his halls, or to become gods themselves.

    The threat of the great devourer, all at once, collapsed. New larvae were born warped and mutated, and other dark creatures and mad wizards would take both dead and living spawn and meld them together, while still others ran loose in the caverns, growing to immense scale feeding on the massive beasts within.

    They had gone from the stuff of region-spanning wars, to just... Well, a fact of life like any other wild beast. Albeit one that could sometimes amass sufficient numbers to attack fortified settlements and level smaller ones, for a time. But they were a fact of life all the same.

    Before long, he peoples of the land were expanding again, and this time no warring corporations or hordes of demons would slow them. Ours is but one such tale of these expansion.

    Ours is the tale,
    of Braveworks.

    Hail, Fellow Drunken Jerks!
    Welcome, at long last after years of discussion, modding, more modding, more discussion, and planning, to the sequel that I didn't want Spearbreakers to have, Braveworks! Because all Glory to the Hivemind, lackluster intro be damned.

    Anyway, we live centuries after the events of Spearbreakers, making it, Syrupleaf, and Headshoots an increasingly foggy memory to all. We als can see the signs of many of the past events - Ballpoint and Parasol agents now struggle to make their way in the world, unable to return home as the schematics for the gates needed are long since lost to them.

    Add in goblins still being dicks, mutant spawn roaming around, and the potential for war with people toting guns able to obliterate a champion warrior with one shot, and let's just say the world isn't much cheerier than it used to be. Anyway, on with the show!


    We're pretty far to the south, and reasonably close to what I assume are the goblins. We live in an evil marshland.

    And shouldn't be trusted with maps to reach livable mountains.

    Our supplies, expanded only enough to give us enough food and drink plus the materials for a three dwarf squad with some coke to spare.

    • Turns follow standard proceedings, one year as normal more or less, Due to the current calendar changes, this means 14th Granite to 1st or 14th Granite (player choice.) Think of it as getting affairs in order for departure from office.
    • Hard cap on time. I've learned from Spearbreakers, and as such no dragging your heels guys. You have one day to pick up the save, 2 weeks to play – provided you give us regular status reports during that time. If you don't provide in update within three days of eachother, you get skipped.

      I don't want to be a hardass but Spearbreakers was a disaster because I was too lenient in this area. If you fall short by this deadline, the next person plays the remainder of your year (if past or during Galena,) or your turn is discarded (if before Galena.)
    • Multiple turns are allowed, but there needs to be either two skips or a successful turn between your own unless nobody volunteers for 24 hours.
    • A turn may be lengthened by up to a year if and only if the next person consents to it (such as to let you finish a project, fight a battle, or they need a few days before they can spend the time on their turn, for example.)
    • Due to the huge variety of threats, trap use is fair game to soften attackers up, but try to not use blender halls unless you know we can't win with an open engagement. Those would make battles too easy, in addition to the damn things being expensive resource wise and unreliable against some things. Additionally, we may not have sufficient opportunities to apply our new military hardware to non-wildlife targets.
    • More of a nitpick, but militadorfs are not to be given massive layers of gear. This is for both resource conservation and challenge - will our stalwart warriors be able to face the be-toothed foe without sixteen mail shirts and four capes?
    • Please refrain from throwing people out of their rooms unless it's for important fortress officials who decided to suddenly appear (of which, no overseer, technically you are not. You do get your owns spiffy office and official title though!)

    • We essentially have our own Dammaz Kron, except it's not just a book of grudges, but a great tome of history. All overseers are assumed to enter their updates in this big fuck-off book large enough to beat a Spawn to death with, so they don't need to clutter their own private journals.
    • Only one real rule on characters here: No crazy special snowflakes. No gnomes, no shapeshifters, no freaky living shadows, none of that shit. I mean no offense to anyone, but that caused a large part of the problem before. You have your dwarf in the game world, that's what you have to work with. You can disregard in-game personality traits if you like, but be realistic about it. That dwarf dies, that's it.
    • Of course in the event of a death, you can always claim a new dwarf.~ I bet Lolfail will die the most.
    • An addendum, you are free to request whatever races appear as mercenaries, scholars, or entertainers.
    • Screenshots are required for major events (besides sieges once/if they become a regular occurrence,) and major changes to the fortress itself. Besides that, screenshot inclusion is up to the player. Can do just the bare minimum, or screens for every little thing. In any case, I recommend imgur.
    • Updates should be done in an In-Character manner. Doesn't have to be some great epic, but hey. The effort is appreciated to do things IC. If you'd rather make one big update, just be sure to give us a heads up OOC about goings on in the place.


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #1 on: June 26, 2016, 04:10:57 pm »

    Splint - The Engineer
    Update 1
    Update 2
    Update 3
    Update 4
    End Turn Update

    Mr Frog - The Swordbro
    Update 1
    Update 2
    Update 3
    Update 4
    Update 5
    End Turn Update

    Lolfail - The Stigilian
    Update 1
    End Turn Update

    Nakeen - The Technician (Continuation of Lolfail's Turn)
    Update 1
    Update 2
    Update 2.5
    Update 3
    Update 4
    End Turn Update

    Aseaheru - The Meatpieologist
    Update 1
    Update 2
    Update 3
    End Turn Update

    Monitor Lizard - The Archivist
    Update 1


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #2 on: June 26, 2016, 04:11:29 pm »

    Those to whom this story owes its life, without which it could not exist.
    DWARVES: A shitload
    HUMANS: Slightly less of a shitload
    ELVES: Not a shitload
    GOBLINS: None that I know of.
    SPAWN: Spawnbro.

    Vanya Citygrasp (wife of Reudh.)


    Aseaheru Scrapetools, Woodworker/Meatpieologist
    Amperzand Yawntools, Weapoon/Armorsmith
    Splint Matchgate, Engineer/Mason
    Lefton Boreinked, Swordsdwarf/Cook
    [NPC] Morgan Pickwealthy, Colonel/Axedwarf/Butcher
    Nakeen Stakeswallows, Miner
    Biggerfish Shadebridge, Miner

    Flame Stirlashes, Butcher/Speardwarf
    Talvieno Lashedwell, Potash maker/Axedwarf
    Gwolfski Authorgalleys, Tanner/Chef
    Fallacy Wiltoars, Ranger/Marksdwarf
    NCommander Bravedbridges, Fisherdwarf
    Megawott Giltwildness, Brewer/Farmer
    Imic Sunktombs, Marksdwarf/Herbalist
    Mr Frog Coverrampart, Swordsdwarf/Marketer (Test Subject #3)
    Sarrak Spreadroom, Marksdwarf/Farmer
    Moony Wheelsculpts, Marksdwarf/Farmer
    Croc Claspcroak, Mason
    [NPC] Rifa Inkfeather, Reporter (Alias of Rifa Stakeroar)
    Reudh Tombcontrols, Mason/Siege Engineer
    The Master Uthiralath, Best Mom Ever/Bookkeeper
    Llasram Ralducim, Mechanic/Speardwarf
    MidnightJaguar, Jeweler/Speardwarf
    Aldraglienon, Engraver/Axedwarf

    ZM5, Stoneworker/Performer
    Midday Panther, Sergeant [MidnightJaguar]
    Taupe, Human Mercenary (swordsman)
    Sunny, Farmhand [MoonyTheHuman]
    Fruitpress, Fishery Worker [Dozebôm Lolumzalěs]
    Boyzitbig, Kahn of 4th Squad (Sergeant) [Kahn Boyzitbig]


    AuroranAI - Doctor, please


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #4 on: June 26, 2016, 04:15:09 pm »

    Dwarves and others who fell here, in service to Family, Friend, and Fortress
    Legend: Red = Accident, Wildlife, Berserk insanity, Combat, Other. Orange: Nonviolent insanity of any sort. Cyan: Old Age. Purple: Abduction (Child-applicable only.)

    Turns without Fatalities: 0
    Resident Casualties: A lot.
    Friendly Visitor Casualties: Probably a few.


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #5 on: June 26, 2016, 04:16:56 pm »

    5th Opal, 317

    There was an announcement from the capital this afternoon. A courier delivered a decree that the whole country is having a lottery of sorts and everyone in town was issued a slip of parchment with a number on it. Didn't say what for, but if it involves the monarchy, the Mayor said we'd best hope none of us here in Hameblotted get a winning number.

    Mine's 78.

    18th Opal, 317

    Busy month at the workshops leads to little time to write, and what I do have isn't good news. Apparently Nakeen "won" the lottery and a royal guard squad came to get her. Evidently at least two other winners are out here. I hope for their sake they don't get found.

    28th Opal, 317

    They took Biggerfish.

    5th Obsidian, 317

    Took a month of work and Dolfe drowned when he fell into the aquifer, but we finally have a working well after that troll smashed the old one to bits. Damned brutes... How the goblins keep them from smashing everything I'll never know.

    12th Obsidian, 317

    Nakeen and Biggerfish paid me a visit. Said the Squad is preparing to make a move on the last winner, whoever it is. So I said my goodbyes to them, since I figure them and the last winner will get hauled off within the next day of them being found.

    15th Obsidian, 317

    A caravan arrived, along with a small wagon loaded with supplies the merchants said weren't for sale. Four other dwarves were with them, said they were part of the "Lucky Seven." Poor bastards. Seven winners can only mean one thing: King Reg is planning his third wave of new fortresses.

    Did that dwarf not learn after what happened in Mirrorclasp? Or Yoregutter? And Bentgirder? This is a doomed prospect, these poor sods won't last a year. Just because our country is called "The Labor of Glory" doesn't mean we have to do these stupid projects every 12 years.

    17th Obsidian, 317

    Beaten by the Royal Guard. Day ruined. Found out I was the last winner and the Mayor was trying to keep the Guard off me. Day double ruined. Respect for Mayor Boris improved.

    18th Obsidian, 317

    We're apparently to found a minor hold in The Remarkable Finger, to act as an early warning station for migrations of spawn. Also met the others today. Aseaheru Scrapetools is a woodsdwarf who evidently volunteered for the journey, Nakeen and Biggerfish of course are our miners, A smith named Amperzand Yawntool from Gulfbarricaded showed up with a pair of soldiers escorting her this morning, and two militadwarves from Cobaltplank introduced themselves to me this afternoon: Lefton Boreinked and Morgan Pickwealthy.

    Glad to know we're at least thought of highly enough to warrant two half-trained militadwarves for protection at least.

    25th Obsidian, 317

    Been on the road for a week. Lefton was supposed to be our navigator, and he's managed to not only make everyone angry by marching us out of sight of the mountains, but he and Morgan insisted on a forced march. I've had maybe 12 hours of sleep through the past week.

    14th Granite, 318

    Okay, it's official. We have to stop, because I have absolutely no idea where we are. Not going to tell the others of course, but... Yeah... We're officially lost. And not just lost, there's these horrid purple spikes jutting out of everything, clusters of what look like worms and eyes everywhere and I don't even want to think about what else. Oh, and did I mention that it's raining blood? Because it's raining blood.

    At least I left plenty of markers from the homeland to here. Anyone passing by should have an easy time of it finding us. At any rate, I took the map from him and Lefton's not allowed to touch anything even vaguely resembling a map ever again.

    16th Granite, 318

    We're finally setting about digging a shelter and getting some extra equipment made. Asea's felling a birch tree for bed frames and Nakeen ad Biggerfish went to dig a path into the hill and out of sight of the dingos roaming near the brook.

    Oh, and Nakeen said she can't find her pick. So there's that. Good thing we brought some spare bronze, although that means any potential recruits will have to make due with copper or imported garbage.

    21st Granite, 318

    Morgan is a little leery of those dingos. Lefton told her to relax, but I think she's right to worry. What if they're actually spawn in disguise? Granted that was Moran's theory, but still. Anything's possible.

    24th granite, 318

    Choked on a pear seed. Day ruined.

    26th Granite, 318

    Nakeen has a shiny new pick and now she and Biggerfish are working on carving out a space for a depot, training grounds, that sort of thing. I'm going to smooth the spot I want to have a gate installed in.

    Speaking of such things, I found a giant book in our supplies. There was a note that says it's a "Great Tome of Overseership," which I suppose is where all of use overseers are supposed to record things. I'm sure it's for history's sake rather than concern for our own journals.

    Okay, so for realsies, we have our fort established. There's dirt, horrible wormfinger eyestalk grass, glumprongs, blood rain, and nice pleasing-to-the-eye gray stone.

    So far? We've basically re-enacted the first fort.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #6 on: June 26, 2016, 04:33:34 pm »

    Let's see how it will go !


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #7 on: June 26, 2016, 04:54:41 pm »

    Ha HAA!  WOO!
    Here we go!

    Can I have my description?
    « Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 05:28:09 pm by TheBiggerFish »

    It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #8 on: June 26, 2016, 05:39:05 pm »

    The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

    While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

    Mr Frog

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #9 on: June 26, 2016, 06:14:33 pm »

    Can I be dwarfed as a male pump operator (or mechanic, barring that) named "Mr Frog (no relation)"? Custom title: "Test Subject #3".

    Also, where's the player list? pop me on there once it's up

    E: I assume that the remnants of the various corporations will still be up to their usual schemery? Gotta have something to do while they figure out how to get home :V
    A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

    Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

    My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
    I so want your spawn babies


    • Bay Watcher
    • Certified geezer & only man to win 0.40.24
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #10 on: June 26, 2016, 06:16:54 pm »

    Gimme the next dwarf with military skills that shows up, make them sheriff and put them in a squad, name them Flame. I'm happy to be able to get on board this train so soon!


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #11 on: June 26, 2016, 06:37:46 pm »

    Can I be dwarfed as a male pump operator (or mechanic, barring that) named "Mr Frog (no relation)"? Custom title: "Test Subject #3".

    Also, where's the player list? pop me on there once it's up

    I have a turn list in a .txt file for my own use. I'll indicate who is in charge in the update archive

    I assume that the remnants of the various corporations will still be up to their usual schemery

    The guys stuck here are mostly focused on the "not being killed by angry locals" part of surviving, using whatever skills and tech that entails. They may have better soldiers, but that accounts for almost nothing as we saw when your boys are always overwhelmingly outnumbered. Or have to stop shooting because you ran out of ammo.

    Some low-key stuff is fine, but jesus christ no derangement from last time.

    I'll assume Test Subject 3 is what his job is because that's what his old Ballpoint Employee ID called his job.  :P

    Gimme the next dwarf with military skills that shows up, make them sheriff and put them in a squad, name them Flame. I'm happy to be able to get on board this train so soon!

    I dunno about all of that, but we can always use more idiots I mean uhm... HEROES in the militia. Setting up law enforcement is probably gonna be someone else's problem.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #12 on: June 26, 2016, 06:40:26 pm »

    Of course in the event of a death, you can always claim a new dwarf.~ I bet Lolfail will die the most.

    This is harshly reassuring, and tbh I'm putting my bets on the same number as you on this one '^^

    Mr Frog

    • Bay Watcher
    • A respectable sort of psychopath
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #13 on: June 26, 2016, 06:45:42 pm »

    Can I be dwarfed as a male pump operator (or mechanic, barring that) named "Mr Frog (no relation)"? Custom title: "Test Subject #3".

    Also, where's the player list? pop me on there once it's up

    I have a turn list in a .txt file for my own use. I'll indicate who is in charge in the update archive

    Eh... I'd personally rather know roughly when my turn will be coming up so I know to keep my schedule clear.

    Some low-key stuff is fine, but jesus christ no derangement from last time.

    So minor political skulduggery and ethically-bankrupt R+D yes, massive incomprehensible wheels-within-wheels conspiracies spanning multiple dimensions and time periods no?
    A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

    Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

    My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
    I so want your spawn babies


    • Bay Watcher
    • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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    Re: Spearbreakers II "The Return of The Mug" - Braveworks
    « Reply #14 on: June 26, 2016, 06:52:12 pm »

    You got your PM in first, Mr Frog. So you got second like last time.

    As to the second thing, that is correct.
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