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Author Topic: Second fort fun! Yay for death!  (Read 1450 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Second fort fun! Yay for death!
« on: January 30, 2008, 07:04:00 pm »

So my first real fort (One where I was actually playing, not figuring out how to play and starving all my dwarves) went really well, was rather boring, ect.

My second fort so far is much more interesting.  I decided I was going to build everything for long-term benefit, not for short-term survival.  Everything is much more spread out because of that, making sure I have storage room and room for enough workshops.  No rivers, too, but I do have magma and a swamp.  Plus booze.

Anyway, I managed to survive for awhile.  My immigration waves where... huge, 20, and I had nowhere near enough food for them, and my entrance was long (I was planning to keep most of my dwarves inside and have a long defendable entrance).

So, long walk to the outside, where all my stuff was temporarily.  Plus no water inside, which means lots of walking.

Anyway, I was playing, mined out my magma forge area place, and everything was going sorta smoothly.  Several immigrants died from starvation and dehydration, but I was planning for the long term.  Then a fire imp started attacking.

So, fire imp.  People where scared of a fire imp.  Okay, I looked around the magma.  It wasn't there.  A bit later I found it... it was by the entrance to my fortress.  All the way across the map from the lava.  Interesting.  It was also in my temporary barracks in the hallway, and just... breathed... fire... on all the sleeping guys...

Okay, so, one of the people around there was sad.  So I drafted him, hoping I could delay him until draft someone who could do something.  But lo and behold, as the imp crispified another innocent bystander, my new draftee tackled him from behind and managed to kill it.  Amazing!

So, skip ahead a little bit, I undrafted the bugger, and...

He went berserk.

Now, I didn't have any other military, or a sherrif or anything.  It was hilarious to watch.  You know those scooby doo cartoons, where they run in and out of the doors and stuff?  Yeah, it was like that.

So, this guy was chasing everyone around the fortress.  He killed a horse, a couple of guys.  I -thought- that he would be taken down by the first guy he met, as this was my first berserker, but... well, there where dwarven chunks.

So, I drafted a bunch of guys and they took him down.  Alright.  Sweet.  Oh great, more immigrants.  Around 10 dwarves starved to death later, kobolds show up en masse, and kill around 5 more.

So far, its an interesting start, and my legendary miner just went into a strange mood and is demanding cloth, none of which I have.

However, I have finished a lot of the stuff I need to get a really awesome fort going.  My farming stuff is almost done, as is my forge crap.  I am working on digging out the rooms for everyone.  Its gunna be AWESOMESAUCE.

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.