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Author Topic: Ringtube, a 3x3 volcano and brook embark, looking for players. (43.03)  (Read 4853 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Combined Spring and Summer Report:

Official Report of Ringtube:

Uppon taking command of this pit place, I began a careful inspection of my new slaves  underlings  citizens. The names and titles of three stick out especially:

 "MoonytheHuman; Top Notch Fortress Burner" First off, he is a dwarf, like the others, who had been in charge of the fortress. Looking around, his name is entirely misleading, and inaccurate. I see no burning corpses, no fiery hallways, the surface isn't even ash! What I have found is an almost flooded hallway, that drowned one individual. In accordance, his title has been changed to "Bottom Notch Fortress Flooder"

Second: "!!NCommander!!; IM ON FIRE" This case seems more reasonable as simple insanity, or a bad joke. I am, admittedly, letting him keep his name, but, once we have a good work force, I will consider locking him in a padded room.

Third: "Imic; Useless" In this case, I am forced to agree with the name. This dwarf shows no talents, skills, or anything else of use. Note to self, prime candidate for the draft.

Now that that business is taken care of, I will move on to more important things, namely, the state of the fortress:

The state of the fortress is pitiful. We have a few hastily hewn rooms out underground, a flooded reservoir with dangerous amounts of pressure, a ghost floating around, a indefensible entrance around a weird, pointless, wooden construct, that looks like it was a failure, no crops, few industries, little booze, no beds, no dining room, and no-one doing anything.

On the upside, we have a large number of young turkeys, so, future food, a good amount of smelted metal, if no-one to smith it well, sealed caverns, moderately-functional magma works, and a whole bunch of random crap stolen from some caravan.

Time to get to work

First, I ordered a new entrance dug. The old one is cramped and ugly and insecure; it will be sealed off soon.

Next, I yelled some orders and the craftsmen, and found a person to be a mechanic. Doors, beds, mechanisms, chairs, tables, barrels and more are needed, and needed now.

Soon after work began, two groups of visitors arrived, elves to trade, followed by migrants. The elves were delt with quickly, getting a cougar and some fruit for some of the crap left by the previous overseer. The migrants took a little more work.

The migrant wave was huge, taking the population from 19 to 48, and almost entirely useless. I yelled at all the fishery idiots to stop fishing, the hunters to stop hunting, and the farmers to actually farm the fields. We did get a little out of the wave, a good mechanic, some administrators, a doctor, and siege operator, as well as a whole bunch of untrained, unskilled laborers.

The entrance comes along nicely, the mining part is essentially done with it for now, so the miners have moved on to other projects, cutting out fields for crops, storage spaces for raw materials, improved magma works, a future tavern, a dining hall, rooms for the people, catacombs for the dead, a solution for the water death trap, and more

Interesting, a fish cleaner was possessed, and took over a forge. I ordered all of our metal forbidden, and some steel scraps left in the depot melted down. We may not get a good smith, but I WILL get a good piece of work.

The first artifact of this fortress is Sedurostuk, "Emeraldsneak", a steel helmet. Now, fish cleaner, your life is worthless again, go away

Great, the fools are BREEDING. We now have two infants here, one to a doctor, the other to Imic - Good job Imic, you are less than worthless.

A second migration wave has arrived, totaling 7 people, bringing the population up to 57. They are all useless.

At some point, humans came to trade. They had nothing useful, and after a cursory glance, I just ignored them and left them to leave on their own.

The poor sod who drowned came back as a ghost. Lucky for us, the miners just finished that project, and the body has now been recovered and put to rest. The ghost problem has been solved.

Summer ends, and I am halfway through my term here. The fortress is much improved from when I took command. A new entrance was is incomplete, but usable, and the old sealed off. Our industries are working decently, and the dead have been buried. We have farms now, and are growing crops. The magma works have been improved and expanded, and the dining room is about half done. We can now seal ourselves off if necessary, and have a decent supply of food and drink, far more potential food since the turkeys have matured. With 6 more months, I should be able to get this fortress in to a livable state, before handing it off to some other fool who will probably get us all killed.

"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think the DEC VAX hates me.
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    • hellomouse

Hey! thats MY title :C
*pokes fun at imic*


  • Bay Watcher
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that other fool's gonna be me!  And while I MIGHT not kill everyone, i'll probably get a few with runaway minecarts at least. 

"Bottom Notch Fortress Flooder" lol

I question the necessity of both a tavern and a dining room.  In my experience, when a tavern is set so dwarves can use it, they use it exclusively and the dining room just sits there, masterwork engravings and all. 

Excited about the new entrance as well.  Does it involve spiraling ramps suspended above a volcano?  because it should.  We should also come up with some use for the old entrance, maybe turn it into an accessway for a tower?  I've got an idea for turning the mysterious wooden structure into an enclosed fishing area with a long hallway, so don't deconstruct it or anything.

Turkeys produce tons of eggs, but letting them all out of that cage would produce horrible lag.  The best solution i've seen is giving each and every one of them a 1x1 pasture with a nest box in it, and locking them all in individually.  But doing that for 50 hens isn't my idea of a good time.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Strawberries!
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    • ignore pls!

May I be dorfed as the mechanic that came in the migrant wave
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think the DEC VAX hates me.
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    • hellomouse

that other fool's gonna be me!  And while I MIGHT not kill everyone, i'll probably get a few with runaway minecarts at least. 

"Bottom Notch Fortress Flooder" lol

I question the necessity of both a tavern and a dining room.  In my experience, when a tavern is set so dwarves can use it, they use it exclusively and the dining room just sits there, masterwork engravings and all. 

Excited about the new entrance as well.  Does it involve spiraling ramps suspended above a volcano?  because it should.  We should also come up with some use for the old entrance, maybe turn it into an accessway for a tower?  I've got an idea for turning the mysterious wooden structure into an enclosed fishing area with a long hallway, so don't deconstruct it or anything.

Turkeys produce tons of eggs, but letting them all out of that cage would produce horrible lag.  The best solution i've seen is giving each and every one of them a 1x1 pasture with a nest box in it, and locking them all in individually.  But doing that for 50 hens isn't my idea of a good time.

tip: let 50 exist and due to the 12-14 chance (lets say 13 eggs per mom with 7/8ths of them giving birth)
(50 / 0.875) * 13 = 742 poults
If i did the math right of course


  • Bay Watcher
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if an egg is fertile, then all of them are, and all from the batch will hatch.  If there's an accessible male turkey when the 'ima lay some le eggs' action chain triggers, then all off the eggs will be fertile, and always hatch. 

At random, the look for boy chickens pathing system will fail for no reason, resulting in infertile eggs.  DFHack can tell you if they are fertile or not.  However, i have never yet failed to get fertile eggs when i ought to.

Turkeys lay 10-14 (we'll say 12) eggs per season, which take exactly 3 months to hatch, and then 1 year to mature. 

10 hens thusly will produce 40 piles of 12 eggs per year, which when cooked will result in 480 egg roasts. 

Each dwarf eats 2 meals every season, or 8 per year.

10 turkey hens produce enough eggs to feed 60 dwarves. 

We have enough hens to feed 300 dwarves, and someone just built a farm.


  • Bay Watcher
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which is actually a pretty great idea really.  12 is one of the larger food stacks, possibly being beaten only by quarry bushes.  an all-egg roast would be something like 48 roasts per stack, which is pretty cool, and doesn't require legendary farming skillz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Gwolfski, I have dwarfed you as the mechanic, my turn is underway, and, so you all know, the only thing I will be doing with the turkeys is leaving them locked in a cage, and the new entrance does involve the volcano... and Microcline.
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
  • Strawberries!
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    • ignore pls!

Oh, I like microcline
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Fall and Winter Report:

Fall and Winter went fairly smoothly in Ringtube, with a few short bouts of entertainment, but all construction goals were met to sufficient degree:

The new entrance is complete, and the only entrance into the fortress now. The adjacent military complex is almost complete, if not yet populated.

There are a good number of farms in the fortress, producing sufficient food. We need more pig tail and dimple cup seeds, but otherwise they are running well

There are now small temples to each and every deity our civilization worships, with a statue of each deity, and located in appropriate places, with appropriate designs, for example, the temple to Rurast, god of fate, is located near the catacombs, and is in an hour glass shape, the one to Elbel, god of Fortresses and War is adjacent to the military complex, and is shaped like a sword, and so on. There is also a temple to a mountain titan included in the fortress. Oso the titan has more worshipers than some of the gods, so it was only appropriate to give him a temple as well.

Every adult citizen has a room. All the children also have rooms, though some recent infants do not. The occupied rooms all have a bed, coffer, and cabinet, though they all lack doors. This was because, first of all, we have a door shortage, and second, to help keep vampire attacks identifiable. We have no evidence of vampires as of yet, but the precaution stands.

A small hospital has been built, with sufficient supplies, two traction benches, tables and beds, and a well that will refill but not overflow. It has already treated its first patients, but that will be explained latter.

The majority of the industries are up and running, and producing high-quality goods.

We have a three man military, all axdwarves. The barracks have been dug out and the gear crafted for 9 more soldiers, 3 swordsdwarves, 3 speardwarves, and 3 hammerdwarves. Further recruitment was delayed due to labor shortages. All 12 potential spots have a weapon, shield, and full set of iron armor. There is also a artifact steel helmet not currently being used. The three current members have all undergone a trial by fire, and have all survived unscathed.

The dining room has been finished and smoothed, but not engraved. The visitors tavern has a few tables and chairs, and a few rooms directly above, but has not been declared a tavern, or been provided with alcohol.

The new forge works have been finished, along with a room with two magma glass furnaces and two magma kilns. There is an easily accessible location for gathering sand, with grate on the floor to prevent cave fungal growths from covering the sand. No area has been designated for clay gathering, as all the clay in the area is very poor quality.

Now, on to the interesting events of the fall and winter:

Two more artifacts were created, both with little value. The first was a bone war hammer, potentially a good item for a hammerer to possess, being valuable and fancy, but too light to be an effective weapon

The second is a wooden scepter which I strongly considered having thrown in the volcano, especially as legendary woodcrafters are still virtually worthless.

A few more migrants arrived, a few more babies were born, no one interesting arrived or had children.

The big event of the seasons was the minotaur attack. Soon after the military's formation, a minotaur attacked. The beast killed two worthless peasants, and injured two more, before the men arrived. The soldiers were joined by a miner, and the manager that happened to be walking by. The beast died via decapitation. The next overseer needs to find a suitable location to display the beast's head. The two injured parties received aid in the hospital. One has been released, the other is still in traction.

Overall, the year went very well for this fortress, and it is much more capable of taking on the world. Some helpful notes and advice for the next overseer:

There are precisely 12 statues and 12 temples in the fortress. Any room with a statue is a temple, and each statue is an image of the deity (or mountain titan) worshiped there. Try not to profane in the temples.

The military complex is easily identified, just to the west (left) of the grand entrance. It is two floors, the bottom for melee, the upper for ranged. The ranged, if ever established, should be deployed at the fortifications being carved. There are only three military members as of now, and they currently get two months off per year, the rest is training. There are more recruits available, many with some minor level of skill, but there was a labor shortage, so no others were drafted.

The catacombs are relatively small, and fairly far above the temple. Best way to find them is look for a dwarf meditating on fate, and zoom in on him; they should been at the temple to the god of fate, with is right next to the catacombs. I do not know how many coffins have been zoned for burial yet, but there should be some available still.

In the old smithing room, there is a lever that is labeled. If pulled, it will cause a small cave-in, sealing the magma works and the temple to the volcano god off from the volcano. There will still be plenty of magma to power the furnaces, but it would hinder further expansion. It was placed there to prevent magma crab or fire imp incursions.

In the main farming area, only one of the farming plots has orders to be planted. In the clothing farming plots, they all have orders, but we have a large seed shortage, especially in pig tail seeds.

We have a rather limited supply of both iron and iron ore. There are some veins around that have been dug out, but I am currently unaware of any exposed veins. More would be useful. We also have a total lack of flux stone, I ordered some on the next caravan, but... We also have found no coal, but trees are plentiful...

The hospital is one floor above the main level. It has several beds and tables, two traction benches, and some chests for storage. We have one moderately skilled doctor. He has done decently so far.

No traps of any kind have been deployed. That may want to be remedied

There are zones above ground for people to harvest fruits and scavenge berries. You should be aware. The refuse pile is also above ground

Nothing has been done with the turkeys, they sit in a cage. They are someone else's headache.

We have some fairly skilled researchers, but no library or paper or book industry. You may want to change that. Incidentally, we also have no books.

Someone may want to do a new tour of the fortress. I suck at pictures, and it has changed a great deal.

Last but not least, try not to get me killed.

Save will be up soon
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
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Here is the safe. Like I received, it is the entire game, Dwarf therapist, and DFhack all in one
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Einstein

"Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" Galileo


  • Bay Watcher
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alright got the save.  Here we go!~


  • Bay Watcher
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Whoah man whoah.  Is this even the same map? 

Right, so lets see what there is to see...

The large rectangle at the bottom is the main entrance.  It drops a level, then passes over a microcline bridge over the volcano before arriving at the trade depot.  In the center, above the refuse stockpile, are farms, one of which is growing plump helmets.  On the left is ammo storage, looks to be 2 barracks in the the making, archery ranges, bedrooms along the volcano edge, and a rather slick sword shaped temple.


The second layer contains 3 more shaped temples, one with a spiraling entrance way, which i think is very nice.  Stockpiles for weapons and armor, and a pasture full of dogs right in the entrance to ward off kobolds. 

Down 14 some layers is the meat of the fortress.  LOOK AT THOSE FLOODED WATER TEMPLES DAMN.  Also a bedroom area, dining room, and stockpiles for most things.  Below this is another farming area, created by flooding from the high pressure water tank of death.


Current stats
Created Wealth: 330k
Food: 300ish
Drink: 48


  • Bay Watcher
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08 Granite - Set up a quantum stockpile for common stone, just north of the mason’s workshop.  Its got 9 feeding wheelbarrows, so that should vacuum up all the loose stone in about a year.

Noticed that Moony is our mayor.  Clumped almost all of our useless dwarves into a ‘Worker’ profession.  Special people are mostly in the ‘Dedicated’ profession, with nicknames indicating what labor they are dedicated to, such as farming or mason.

06 Slate - Also quantum stockpiles for ore, bars, and wood.  The wood one drops it down a long shaft to the fortress proper.  This shaft is vulnerable to flying monsters.  A precaution should be taken.

24 Felsite - Trying to streamline farming.  Seed stockpile now up by the farms, and individual food and drink stockpiles next to dining room.  Right now the empty barrels stockpile is in the hall, but that’ll be fixed someday.

01 Hematite - Still trying to get the wood and stone and food under control.  Making doors for bedrooms.  It is now summer.  Probably play more this evening, life permitting.


  • Bay Watcher
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14 Hematite - I now have 10 melee military dwarves, because the total population is 92.  Working on a system for automatically dumping refuse into the volcano.  Also a human caravan has arrived.  Moony got re-elected as mayor.  The plant gathering zone was highjacking all dwarves that walked through it and making them starve to death.  I removed it.

22 Hematite - I stole all the goods from the human caravan and slaughtered them to the man, then dumped their corpses into the volcano.

15 Malachite - Set up a temporary grid of butchers tanners and kitchens and slaughtered everything that wasn’t a cat dog or turkey.  Imic gave birth to a baby boy.  Great job Imic.  Your child is lucky number 100 in population.  More bedrooms have been designated to dig out.

10 Galena - Fixed the god damn zoom keys.  F1 is now the front door, F2 is the depot and F3 is the dining room.  Stuck all the cats in the turkey cage.

16 Galena - Gwolfski, Mad Scientist, gave birth to a beautiful little girl.

13 Limestone - A dwarven caravan has arrived.  The outpost liaison promoted Moony to a baron.  I ought to get him some better digs as right now he’s in an uncarved shitty room.

24 Limestone - We now have 100 bedrooms with bed, cabinet, coffer and door, and a dormitory.  The common stone QTS is now also the rough and cut gems QTS as well.

18 Timber - Expanded the random crap storage.  Expanded the dining room and turned it into a tavern, with coffers, drink, prepared meals, and goblet storage.  The Crazed Mushroom is now open for business.

01 Moonstone - Apparently there’s fields somewhere scripted to get fertilized in winter, but hell if i know where they are. 


Dezremmokez, Slowedcages, a cat bone figurine of ‘MoonyTheHuman’ Headtowns.

And THATS IT folks.  Pretty much all the stone got vacuumed up, as did all the wood outside.  Our Engraver is now Talented, from all the smoothing, and when he gets to legendary we should start engraving everything.  I think all the temples are smoothed, but hell i can't even find all the temples.  The tavern is almost smoothed and after that the next overseer should start him on the bedrooms i think.  A library would be good to have too, and stupid Moony needs royal quarters for his royal fat ass, oh and something should be done with all those turkeys some day.  Expect problems with the humans btw, they might be mad.  We might consider a megaproject to begin at this point as well.

Current Stats
Created Wealth: 530k (+200k)
Population: 113 (+46)
Food: 450ish (+150ish)
Drink: 1070 (+1000ish)


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