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Author Topic: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?  (Read 9826 times)


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #75 on: October 25, 2007, 10:41:00 am »

Originally posted by BurnedToast:
<STRONG>23rd of Slate, 1055


In what is becoming a familiar pattern, Alfador withdrew from society and claimed the magma forge several days ago. he grabbed a single platinum nugget and produced 'Ilbad Fak' a Platinum flask. His Furnace operating skill has greatly increased as a result.

I've given him the title 'Master Smith' and restricted the magma forge for his use only.</STRONG>


Originally posted by BurnedToast:
<STRONG>Oh, and a side note: Alfador you sleep too damn much. You are supposed to be making shields and bolts and stuff.</STRONG>

*fidget* But I need to be well rested to do my work! (I wonder if Dwarven Coffee will be in an upcoming patch? We already milk purring maggots to make cheese and cut down giant mushrooms for wood... wonder if there's a cave mushroom that exudes caffeine?)

[ October 25, 2007: Message edited by: Alfador ]

This is a fox skull helmet. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It menaces with spikes of fox bone and is encircled with bands of fox leather. This item is haunted by the ghost of Alfador Angrorung the fox.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #76 on: October 25, 2007, 11:16:00 am »

Originally posted by BurnedToast:
'Mad Jackal' Labordiamonds, Mason. He doesn't seem too angry too me...

Future Smithslides, Mason. Claims to be an architect. We shall see how his work compares with Entity's

Woo! Apprentices. Or assistants, at least.

I'm a tad jealous of the legendary craftdwarf, but on the other hand, I can just leave the crafts to him and concentrate on masonry now, which benefits everyone. You can never have too many stone blocks, says I.

(Query re: Alfador - if he's a legendary furnace operator, shouldn't you be reserving a smelter for him instead?)



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #77 on: October 25, 2007, 12:48:00 pm »

Nah, he is the only metalsmith and now that he is 'safe' by finishing a fey mood I'm training him in smithing. Between the 2 miners smelting, we have PLENTY of bronze so we don't need him to smelt too. quality does not matter for bars, so I don't care if dabblers make them as long as they get made at a fast enough clip.

Also, Entity, don't feel too bad, you are a Legendary engraver from practice, and almost a legendary mason from practice (just a few more rock blocks!) You are also a talented building designer which is the highest I've ever seen (don't normally start with points in it). I considered drafting you because your stats are so high but I thought you would splat the other recruits  :p

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #78 on: October 25, 2007, 01:22:00 pm »

Aha, that explains it.

And I'm too badass for the military? Heheh, awesome.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #79 on: October 25, 2007, 02:14:00 pm »

this is amuseing keep it up


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #80 on: October 25, 2007, 02:35:00 pm »

If my dwarf is mainly to do with building design which im guessing is what architecture is, then shouldn't he be quite a high skill level in it. I'm just curious about it.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #81 on: October 25, 2007, 03:54:00 pm »

Overseer's Log 23rd of Granite, 1056

Whiskey was ambushed by 2 harpies while defending the trade entrance from thieves today. He managed to take out one of them with bolts before the other engaged him in melee. He was knocked unconscious and suffered various minor wounds as well as a broken right shoulder and broken left leg before Breagor managed to bash the harpy into so much gore and feathers.

He has been taken to his room to rest, he will survive and I expect fully recover eventually.

Meanwhile the elves showed up again. In a display of mock outrage I complained over the slaughter of the poor, helpless, gentle plants and sent them packing, quite confused. Serves them right.

3rd of Slate, 1056

The trade minister has arrived. I fear that with enough exported wealth to attract him, we might also attract darker forces. The elves managed to find us, and so might the slightly more intelligent goblins. As I've had no complaints or further suggestions about the decoy corridor I've ordered digging to being and Alfador to put a hold on the statues and continue with the giant axes and enormous corkscrews.

23rd of Felsite, 1056

The trade minister has taken a note from the broker and mandated we make a tin item. Doesn't he notice we are running the forge and smelter constantly to bolster our defense?

I've decided to follow dwarven law to the letter - he did not specify WHAT to make, so I've smelted him a tin bar. I hope he is happy with it.

Whiskey has made a swift recovery, and is back on his feet.

22nd of Hemetite, 1056

The humans have arrived, and this time they brought not a guild representative but a merchant baroness! They've also brought a large number of wagons stuffed full of alcohol as I requested. They are turning out to be excellent trading partners, and as such I've traded them roughly double the value of the goods they brought. While our broker was furious we don't need the stuff clogging up our stores and maybe it will encourage them to bring larger wagons in the future.

I've requested more alcohol again for next year.

Sparksol withdrew from society a few days ago and claimed a clothesmaker's shop. He gathered a small mountain of items and set to work, and produced 'Kurikdumor' a long skirt. We have another highly skilled clothesmaker in our fortress now!

We've found the bodies of several goblins in the trade depot hallway, shredded and punctured quite nicely by Alfador's traps. They are much sneakier then the usual kobold filth we get, but it seems much clumsier as well.

10th of Malachite, 1056

We found a dead troll lodged in a trap near our garbage dump in the chasm today. I'm not too concerned, though I'll be careful when I throw things into it in the future.

The trade minister has issued a mandate for 3 more tin items. I've had 3 more tin bars constructed, though he is really starting to annoy me.

7th of Galena, 1056

It seems he was not happy with my tin bars, and has now demanded moonstone items. If this keeps up he might be the first to test our new collapsible entrance hall.

15th of Limestone, 1056

A river outcropping has ruined my plans for the decoy hall. I've begun drawing up new ones, but construction will be delayed.

1st of Granite, 1057

A good 6th year, Whiskey was wounded but recovered. The biggest disaster ws the river branch where I wanted to build our defense, but I have a plan for that and hopefully it will be better then the old defense ever was.

Plans for next year are to keep training Alfador, and to finish my top secret defensive plan.

End of log

Not including a map this time - it's 90% the same, plus I want to keep my top secret defense system secret till I can find out for sure if it works or not.

I had the game crash while saving... it loaded fine though and everything seems stable so far. I don't save scum so I don't have any backups of before the crash, so if the save IS messed up there is not much I can do about it so lets hope for the best.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #82 on: October 25, 2007, 03:57:00 pm »

Originally posted by Future:
<STRONG>If my dwarf is mainly to do with building design which im guessing is what architecture is, then shouldn't he be quite a high skill level in it. I'm just curious about it.</STRONG>

It only trains when you build something that requires architecture, which is mostly bridges (and a few workshops). Entity started with points in it, as well as built most of our bridges. Yours started out lower (default immigrant mason level) and you've not designed many buildings because I haven't needed many built so his is much higher.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!

Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #83 on: October 25, 2007, 04:14:00 pm »

Originally posted by BurnedToast:
I had the game crash while saving... it loaded fine though and everything seems stable so far. I don't save scum so I don't have any backups of before the crash, so if the save IS messed up there is not much I can do about it so lets hope for the best.

...I think you forgot about the copy you sent me  :D


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #84 on: October 25, 2007, 05:50:00 pm »

Oh btw if the profession my dwarf has is either useless or not needed or something along the lines of that, you could always change it to a jeweler or something that you need more of. I dont really mind.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #85 on: October 25, 2007, 07:16:00 pm »

Those accursed harpies may break my body, but they will never quench my spirit!
he name says it all.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #86 on: October 25, 2007, 07:31:00 pm »

Yay, I'm still not mentioned. For all of you getting mentioned is good. For me, a noble, I'll only get mentioned when I'm being annoying. Hurray I haven't been mentioned and am less likely to be killed off.

Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #87 on: October 25, 2007, 07:49:00 pm »

heh actually on my fortress you plummited down a chasm (by a waterfall) but Im not playing it officially anymore just having fun with it.

Mechanics tend to just work in the background and are fairly safe, plus I am an egnineer at heart so that suits me well.


God of Toast

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #88 on: October 25, 2007, 07:58:00 pm »

Yay, i'm mentioned. A few times... In a good way.  :D


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #89 on: October 25, 2007, 08:09:00 pm »

Originally posted by Jaqie Fox:
<STRONG>heh actually on my fortress you plummeted down a chasm (by a waterfall) but Im not playing it officially anymore just having fun with it.

AAAHHH. Oh well. It at least explains why I haven't been able to guess where I am on the fortress map.

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