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Author Topic: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?  (Read 9829 times)


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2007, 05:30:00 am »

Yay! I died! Umm... Can I be reborn? I'd like to be that child...




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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2007, 08:07:00 am »

I vote for a trapped hallway.  With a long enough hallway and some doors that can be locked/unlocked as necessary, you can fend off a siege without losing a single dwarf.  I personally use this method.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"

Sir Edmund

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2007, 08:09:00 am »

Edmund: "Arr we should trap thar main corridor over yonder with blades and the like, then let 'em charge me and the boys, then we can tak' doon the rest of 'em with are pointy's. but 'member we gotta have lots of 'em pointy traps, could even use a  moat tae channel 'em into a bottle neck!, and maybeh make a few o' them fancy fortications for old man mport to send nasty death upon are Foes ARR!"

p.s. good storying

[ October 24, 2007: Message edited by: Sir Edmund ]



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2007, 09:20:00 am »

Alfador: "Ah, it looks like once I get this magma-based smelting setup, we'll be able to make lots of things out of metal without need for wood or coal-based fuel. Admittedly, we'll still need limestone and coal to make steel, can't do without those, but we'll need a lot less of the latter.

"At any rate, now that we can make metal things cheaper, might I suggest a large number of traps to be set up on this side of that great chasm there? I'd feel a lot safer if things like that giant rat from the other day weren't going to creep up behind my back while I'm forging some nice piece of weaponry without a few broken or hacked-off limbs for their trouble.

"And while we're at it, a few traps right around the magma setup wouldn't go unappreciated either. Anything comes at my front while I'm busy forging... well, you can bet if there's anything that can live in magma, it's gotta be one mean mother. Oh, and as long as you're taking suggestions on defense in general, my vote goes for lots and lots of traps. Keeps me busy making those nice spiky balls, sawblade discs, and the like, ya know?"

This is a fox skull helmet. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It menaces with spikes of fox bone and is encircled with bands of fox leather. This item is haunted by the ghost of Alfador Angrorung the fox.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2007, 11:46:00 am »

I would be entertained and honored to have an incarnation in your fortress.  Please name her Snow White* and build her a tomb.  Doesn't have to be a big one, just some place so she won't rot and to carve an inscription if she dies interestingly.  I'd prefer to be a dwarf in a relatively safe occupation if you have anyone available who is neither a hunter nor in the military.

Thanks for setting this up!  It is good solid role-playing fun.  

*Or SnowWhite, Snow_White, Snow-White depending on how you feel about punctuation and spaces.

quot;...we literally tore a hole in the mountain, and slept in the mud for THREE YEARS while we waited for these tower caps to grow, and you come dancing in here, clutching your grass and berries like you''re Armok''s Sodding Gift To Dwarves, and tell us


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2007, 05:07:00 pm »

Mport:I think that we should have a few traps in that main entrance way over there and then we should try to hold the east end of the tunnel and fight till the last.  Perhapse a small room for military branching off of the hall would help as it might take a bit for us to get over to the tunnel to help.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2007, 06:27:00 pm »

Can I join in?  I'd like to take over the role of sheriff of this fortress.  Sheriff Gloog would be nice, I think.  I really don't have much to ask apart from that, just that you don't do anything uncalled for, like breaking my legs or... ahem... eliminating me for doing my job.  I mean, if I wind up mandating the creation of star sapphire items, go ahead and do whatever you want.  Apart from that I really just want there to be enough restraints that I don't have to put the beat down on hapless dwarves unless there's no other option.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2007, 06:47:00 pm »

Overseer's log, 10th of Granite, 1054

Elves have arrived at our fortress! whether they stumbled upon it while prancing about aimlessly or were given directions by one of the humans and managed by some small miracle to follow them without getting lost I do not know. They have brought 2 mules loaded (and I use the term loosely) with goods. I have decided to let them trade, though I shall have Mport keep a very close eye on them

The arrival of elves has gotten me thinking about unwanted visitors in general and I've had an informal meeting regarding the defense of the fortress. The general opinion seems to be traps and lots of them, with a moat to protect the main entrance (seems everyone else hates the monkeys as much as I do). I've begin drawing up plans, however any suggestions are still welcome.

Alfador the metalsmith has requested more protection, as his forge is set up quite far from the main halls. He has shown me some plans of some quite nasty looking serrated blades, spiked balls and the like, and the mechanics assure me they can rig them up with enough mechanisms. I've set the order to build some stone-fall traps for now, to be replaced with Alfador's creations as time and metal permits.

I've catalog a few of the remaining immigrants, we have 3 new additions:

'Snow White' Wheelsgrand, Farmer.
'Matias II' Tininches, Baby. Named in honor of the fallen jeweler.
Ricemastah Roughstrap, Carpenter.

20th of Slate, 1054

A broker has arrived from the mountainhomes. He should help us negotiate much better deals for our craftwork.

1st of Sandstone, 1054

The militia is formed! Mport has some skill in crossbow creation, as well as it's use and I had him make more crossbows. For his long service in our defense, I've appointed him leader of the marksdwarf squad which he has chosen to name 'The dutiful cloisters'. The squad consists of the following members:

Mport Glovedragons, Leader.
Reg Workedsquids
Whiskey Drivensteel
Xotes Blazesspear
Tirist Raggazes

A melee squad is planned as soon as I can get more armor made. meanwhile, I've had moonstone archery targets set up for the marksdwarves to practice on.

Bronze production is running smoothly, we should have armor and weapons in no time. I've begun arranging the volunteers for militia duty.

The front moat is nearly finished. I've decided to use water from the river for now, though there is room to redirect magma should it prove necessary.

26th of Felsite, 1054

Alfador has crafted our first set of plate armor today! I've had it fitted to Mport. Recruits will be called up as armor becomes available.

13th of Hematite, 1054

Those damn monkeys are proving worse of a threat the the ogres ever were! the raided our fortress again and stole a handful of worthless worn out clothes. Mport managed to take 2 out with bolts, and beat a 3rd to death with his crossbow after he ran out.

Sadly, Sodel Duciminshal, pet dog was slain in the attack after being ganged up on by several monkeys. he slew one and left another critically wounded before they managed to tear his throat out. I've decided to have him buried in the halls he died defending, his spirit if not his body was truly dwarven.

21st of Hemetite, 1054

The humans arrived once again, and this time they brought a merchant guild representative! He had a meeting with our broker and at my suggestion they worked out an agreement - the humans will bring plenty of booze and some pet dogs next year. I've promised to have the road finished by then, so they should have wagons.

The caravan was ambushed by a werewolf while leaving. one of the swordsmen slew it though was moderately injured in the process. The rest of the caravan made it off safely.


Kirist Kakdaldodok withdrew from society and created Omrist Kutam, A wooden floodgate. The experience has taught him well and his carpentry skills are now legendary among dwarves.

17th of Opal, 1054

Kuli has entered a strange mood and claimed the leatherworking shop. He keeps shouting to me that he needs rough gems and metal bars in addition to some other things he has claimed. I've had bars smelted of all metals we have, and order more of the mountain dug out looking for gems. I wish he would tell us exactly what he needed instead of just yelling.

24th of Obsidian, 1054


Kuli wanted crystal glass, and after making some he swiftly whisked it as well as a number of other things off to the shop. Today he emerged with his creation, 'berlemlorodadgesis Kez' a quite impressive right leather glove made, much to my amusement, of the skin of our enemies the monkeys. His skills have increased to the point where his leather armor should now be nearly as strong as the bronze plate Alfador is producing, and yet at a fraction of the weight. I'll be buying all the leather I can to produce training leather until proper steel plate can be made in large enough quantity and high enough quality.

As a result, I have give him the new title, 'Master Leatherworker' and given the  leatherworking shop to him, no other dwarf shall be permitted to use it.

1st of Granite, 1055

Another year, and still we remain. Other then the loss of the loyal dog, Sodel Duciminshal it was a happy year. Alfador is training in armor and weaponsmithing, and our new leatherworker Kuli is making armor and equipment for the militia. Our food stocks are swelling, and while our Alcohol stocks are lower then I would like now that we can forge metal barrels they should be up in no time.

I expect to have armor and weapons to form the second militia squad before spring is over, I still need 1 volunteer else I shall have to draft someone.

We've finished the protective moat, so now we can all have a smoke in peace. I've drawn up plans for a second decoy entrance to fool any would-be invaders, and work is ready to being anytime. Feedback on the design is, as always, welcome.

Plans for next year are to finish the decoy entrance, finish making furniture, and make make a nice statue garden or something in the central hub of the founder's quarters.

End Log

In case anyone is wondering, I plan on dropping traps in the twisty corridors, the 7x7 square rooms will be rigged to collapse either by lever or pressure plate (have not decided) and the final one can be flooded to seal off access as a last resort. The odd looking room right after the river will be engraved with fortifications to allow the marksdwarves to fire at the goblins while they are forced to move through the 1-square wide door, and the melee squad can be stationed to cover them should any make it through. The twisty corridor is 3-wide instead of 1 to facilitate removal of goblin garbage, as I don't like to think of how long it would take if dwarves had to crawl over every square.

I like the idea of dead dwarves getting reincarnated as babies/children, so if you die and want a second chance let me know. be warned I probably won't play the fort long enough for you to grow up, but at least you get to sit on the sidelines and possible die horribly (again) should things go all wrong.

Edit: oh yeah, almost forgot. I added Ricemastah's dwarf from a while back.. sorry I missed your post before! Pasiniem I also renamed your dwarf to Bregarm like you wanted it, sorry I somehow missed that was what you wanted his name to be. If I'm missing anyone else or I named your dwarf wrong or something let me know.

[ October 24, 2007: Message edited by: BurnedToast ]

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2007, 07:52:00 pm »

If it's not too much trouble, I would rather like to have a dwarf in your fortress. Name him Tahin, and I would prefer he be a sworsddwarf. Thanks.

Anyway, this is a great idea, and I hope to see more of these.


Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2007, 08:18:00 pm »

Thanks for sending me a copy as I requested! it looks awesome, especially the angled room complex.  A couple suggestions:
Farms do much better with smoothed over squares, and if you want an incredibly efficient farm design I have (in my honest opinion) mastered one. you can see it here... you can always build a new farm and repurpouse the old one if you wish.

Also, once you get extre steel, you can build small bridges to the right of the magma workshops to allow some of the stuck dwarf issues to resolve themselves (but it doesnt always work).

The trade depot doors are a very big source of weakness there. If possible, make a set of drawbridges to block access to that entire passageway during a siege, so they will go the way you wish them to.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2007, 08:46:00 pm »

Ravensword:  Trapped corridor!  Only the finest traps will do... lifting these rocks is making me old.  Lets replace the stone traps - row at a time - with enormous cork screw traps, large serrated disks and the like.
Dumed Zustashlorbam, Fisherdwarf cancels Fish: Interrupted by Skeletal hammerhead shark.

Earthquake Damage

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #71 on: October 24, 2007, 09:47:00 pm »

RE:  Smoothed Farms

I'm pretty sure smoothed farms never lose crops to trampling.  At least I've never noticed it since smoothing my farms.  I think trampled crops are a result of the underlying dirt being trampled to mud.  Since you can't trample smooth flooring, you can't stomp the plants.


Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #72 on: October 24, 2007, 09:55:00 pm »

Don't assume. You assume wrong 99% of the time.

You assumed I meant trampling. I did not. I meant just what is happening to his fields right now, trees and bushes are growing in it, and bottomless mud is showing as well.  having the trees there when full grown is not only a hassle and nuisance, it causes more micromanagement hell.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #73 on: October 25, 2007, 12:17:00 am »

Overseer's Log, 10th of Granite, 1055

The elves were back, but when I tried to trade them some nice shell crafts in exchange for a few stupid berries and stacks of cloth and they threw a fit! You'd have though I tried to sell them Elven heads on pikes! Poor gentle creature indeed, it was a stupid (but tasty) turtle, bah! It's been suggested the elves meet an.. accident if they show up again and while I won't rule the idea out entirely I don't think it's worth the bother of setting up a system of gates just for some wet clothes and a bunch of berries. I admit the idea of an elf skull totem in my room does have it's appeal though.

More Immigrants have been cataloged. The new additions are:

Gloog Craftwhip, Sheriff. He requests some prison cells be made, and while I don't think they are needed it's a reasonable request so I'll have some carved out.

Tahin Knifebases, Recruit. Requests militia duty, and is the last volunteer needed.

Kuli has finished a few more sets of high quality leather armor, so I've formed the second militia squad. Greigor leads it due to previous military experience, and has named it 'The willful Doors of Jade The members are:

Greiger Oarfierce. Leader. Will be assigned a sword as per request.

Ossley Inkstab. Will be assigned a spear as per request.

Edmund Claspedjoints. Will be assigned a spear as per request.

Bregarm Sealbodice. Will be assigned a mace as per request.

Tahin Knifebases. Will be assigned a sword as per request.

For now I have them practicing unarmed combat as only Greiger has any military experience. I'll have some silver practice weapons made so they can train further.

The miners Urval and Towast have been assigned to help run the smelter so Alfador has more time to practice his metalsmithing.

23rd of Slate, 1055


In what is becoming a familiar pattern, Alfador withdrew from society and claimed the magma forge several days ago. he grabbed a single platinum nugget and produced 'Ilbad Fak' a Platinum flask. His Furnace operating skill has greatly increased as a result.

I've given him the title 'Master Smith' and restricted the magma forge for his use only.

5th of Malachite, 1055

The humans have arrived and, as promised, brought wagon loads of drink! They also brought a male dog as requested, we now have a breeding pair so hopefully we can get puppies to train for further protection soon. They were more then happy to take the shell crafts the elves didn't want, as well as many of the mugs we had produced.

I've ordered more alcohol for next year.

22nd of Malachite, 1055

Jusal the fisherdwarf has withdrawn from society. He claimed the craftsdwarf shop, grabbed some stones and a cut ruby, and is drawing pictures of more cut gems, wood, and... rough gems. I'll have more gems cut, but I sure hope it is not rock crystal or crystal glass he wants as we are all out.

11th of Galena, 1055


Jusal grabbed some of the gems I had cut, and has created 'Mondulbidok' An onyx flute! Amazingly enough despite having no skill before, he is now one of the best stone crafters I have ever seen - better even then Entity who has been practicing off and on for the last 4 1/2 years.

I've awarded him the title 'Master Stonecrafter' and given him stonecrafting duty, if he ever stops fishing long enough to get around to it.

5th of Limestone, 1055

Jusal was attacked by harpies while fishing salmon out of the outside river.  Greiger was in the area and bravely intercepted the 3 harpies while Jusal escaped, and held them back long enough for the rest of his squad to arrive. The harpies were quickly beaten to death, Greiger was well protected by Kuli's expertly crafted leather and suffered only minor scratches. The only casualty was the fish Jusal was carrying, which rotted on the ground.

Despite the excellent outcome, I've decided to arm the militia with their training weapons. A silver sword might not compare to good dwarven steel, but it's better then your bare hands.

3rd of Timber, 1055

A werewolf chased Xgamer into the fort through the trade entrance today, but it was shot down quickly by Mport before it could hurt anyone. I've decided to replace the traps there first, and place them forward further.

Furthermore, I've restricted access to outside to the military only. Dwarves keep wandering out there to collect debris left by the caravans and being chased by the ogres and werewolves. There have been no injuries so far, but a few close calls such as the werewolf that chased Xgamer have made me uneasy.

12th of Moonstone, 1055


Ravensword withdrew from society and produced 'Rukalrushrulthol Onesh' the most elaborate mechanism I have ever seen.

I have granted him the title of 'Master Mechanic'

The broker has handed down a mandate that we produce 2 earrings. While I am tempted to make a point that I am in change, not him, he does technically speak with the authority of the throne according to dwarven law, and I have no doubt our good sheriff would enforce it so I have decided to humor him for now. Still, he had better not make a habit of it or make any ridiculous demands as we are far, far from the mountainhomes and accidents do happen out here on the frontier.

1st of Granite, 1056

5 years, and things are looking better then ever. Alfador's training continues on, and the stonefall traps are being replaced with much more deadly weapon traps.

I've constructed a nice pool in the founder's quarter and if I can get Alfador to stop making serrated blades and giant axes for a bit I'll build some nice golden statues for it too.

Plans for next year are to increase the defense, continue training Alfador, and produce more things of beauty.

End Log

Well, that year went pretty well. No-one died (hooray) and I got a bunch of secretive moods instead of possessions.

I'm probably going to stop uploading the map every year to the map archive, as nothing really changed this time around. Don't wanna clutter it up too much.

I had to lock the dwarves in the mountain because the stupid item in the top left corner bug dropped an axe up there (anyone know what causes that?) and dwarves kept trying to run past ogres to get it. Now I get spammed with job cancellations ever 2 min, but it's better then losing dwarves I guess.

Jaqie: The trade depot already has a drawbridge on it, so it's perfectly safe.   As for the farm room.. meh. the trees and mud don't get in the way of actual farming, and I just slice any grown trees down at the start of winter. I think a farm room should look muddy and messy. As for your more efficient design, it does look like it would be better but I have so much food I can't store it all, I've had to stop growing it every other season already so I'm not too worried about it. I've also not had any stuck dwarf issues with the forge this time around, but thanks for the suggestion I will try it if I do.

Not many slots left for new people, so if you want to join let me know before they are filled!

Oh, and a side note: Alfador you sleep too damn much. You are supposed to be making shields and bolts and stuff.

Edit: Jusal was fishing out of the outside river, not the cave river.

[ October 25, 2007: Message edited by: BurnedToast ]

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #74 on: October 25, 2007, 08:38:00 am »

Thanks for naming a child after me. I hope he doesn't get kidnapped or something...


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