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Author Topic: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?  (Read 9831 times)


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2007, 11:41:00 pm »

*looks at map*

Yeesh, you did not have good luck with the chasm, did ya?

insert something mind-blowing/witty here*


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2007, 11:56:00 pm »

Excellent thread concept. I'd like beg my name onto one of the nameless immigrants, if there are any (Just Whiskey is fine).
he name says it all.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2007, 03:59:00 am »

I guess I'll join in as well. Just use Xotes. And, if you can, get him in the military.
Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2007, 07:39:00 am »

Can I still join? Like immigrant?
Tun Athelbuket, farmer cancels sleep: Caged.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2007, 08:04:00 am »

If you have any more space left can i be an Architect.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2007, 08:12:00 am »

I'd like to join in the next immigration.

Name: Bregarm
Occupation wishes: Metalsmith, Macedwarf, Herbalist, Cook, Fisherdwarf

[ October 23, 2007: Message edited by: pasiniem ]



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2007, 10:27:00 am »

All too often the first caravan comes with nothing but leather and cloth.  Thanks guys, just what we needed!  At least you didn't get any immigrants until Spring.

Injured merchants won't trade?  That's interesting.  I've never had it happen before.

I hope Mport gets better and doesn't end up bedridden for the rest of his life.

"The power of Zefon compels you!"

MJ working

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2007, 01:13:00 pm »

Originally posted by Mad Jackal:
<STRONG>Mad Jackal would like to join too then..

In order of preference I'd like to be .

any thing else (if none of those is avialable)

edit due to "no more immigration" clause.

[ October 23, 2007: Message edited by: MJ working ]


Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2007, 03:50:00 pm »

Woo! Now I'll just make traps and levers and such in the background being a little less likely to die then most others.

Good progress so far, looks like.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2007, 05:15:00 pm »

I wouldn't mind being a swordsdwarf if you ever decide you want one.  I could live with being a lowly hauler or farmer til then though.

Thankee, this is looking interesting.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2007, 07:01:00 pm »

ack my poor leg
this idea was a good one


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2007, 01:06:00 am »

Overseer's log, 11th of Granite, 1053

Matias seems to finally have decided on one of his grand plans today, he has claimed the jewelers shop and refuses to speak with anyone, let alone tell us what he is up to. I manage to catch a glimpse of his plans, and in addition to the gems and stone he has already claimed it seem to require metal bars. I will set to work smelting some immediately in the hopes of avoiding Id's sad fate.

In happier news, Mport is up and about and claims his leg is perfectly fine. I've  left him off duty for now to be safe, but my heart is doubly eased both by his swift recovery and the return of our defense.

Furthermore, Urist and Towast have nearly completed digging out a barracks for our soon to be formed milita, and that combined with the large amount of beds Brian has built has led me to once again limit access to the founder's quarters. Hooray we have our rooms back!

Brian seems unhappy with his, however, and requests a new room along the river, with the wall cut in such as fashion as to let the seasonal floods in. I have no idea why he would request this, but it is easily done and so he shall have it. He also requests wooden furniture, which I will allow.

I've begun cataloging the immigrants, and have added the following to the official roster:

'Mad Jackal' Labordiamonds, Mason. He doesn't seem too angry too me.

Whiskey Drivensteel, Peasant. I've marked him as a possible militia candidate if we don't get enough volunteers.

Kysalina Guardcrypt, Farmer.

Xotes Blazesspear, Peasant. Requests militia duty.

Future Smithslides, Mason. Claims to be an architect. We shall see how his work compares with Entity's

Pasiniem Sealbodice, Peasant. Requests militia duty.

Greiger Oarfierce, Trapper. Requests milita duty.

I've almost finished cataloging everyone, though the rest will have to wait as I have little spare time with the arrival of spring and planting.

15th of Granite, 1053

Rhesus macaques have somehow managed to steal Urist's pick out of his hands! As punishment I have set him smoothing floors until a replacement can be forged. The mining shall be slowed until then, but at least Towast will get some practice in.

on the plus side, today's menu includes monkey stew alongside our usual plump helmet and cave fish biscuits.

13th of Slate, 1053

Towast spotted what he thought was platinum while extending the main hallway today. I ordered him to dig it out immediately! Unfortunately, he dug into what seems to be the main branch of the chasm offshoots discovered previously, and was ambushed almost immediately by a very large rat. Thankfully he managed to out-run it and reach Mport in time, and the beast was quickly shot down with no dwarven injuries.

While examining the chasm area for potential trap placement, the mechanics Jaqie Fox and Ravensword spotted what they assure me is coal and gold on the far side.  I shall have Entity make more blocks for another bridge, so we can get at it. Nearby wood supplies are dwindling, and I do not like the thought of risking our carpenters against the ogres and werewolves to get what's left to fuel our metalsmithing operations. The gold goes without saying.

Matias has refused the copper and bronze bars we've made. I have gold and the newly mined platinum set to be forged next, I really hope he wants one of those as I am becoming worried about him.

26th of Slate, 1053

Matias has seemingly gone totally insane. He is running around babbling, throwing his clothes around everywhere, and refuses food or drink. While I hope that he will recover, I don't expect it, and have had a grave assigned. I can offer nothing else but my apologies.

5th of Felsite, 1053

The mountainhomes have sent me help to run the fortress, the manager THLawrance Syrupdream as well as a sheriff. We've also received a representative of House Ber, of which Dreamer and I are members.

25th of Hematite, 1053

Matias died of thirst today. I considered having him held down and force fed, but I realized that his mind was gone and there was no point and let him go.

The human traders arrived, and along with them a wave of monkeys attempting to rob our trade depot. between Mport's shooting, the stonefall traps, several pet dogs and the human guards who were kind enough to help fend them off we took down 5 monkeys. They didn't manage to make off with even so much as a broken mug.

3rd of Malachite, 2053

Brian has been, for lack of a better word, possessed! A few days ago, he claimed the carpenter's shop, 3 peices of wood, an opal and set to work furiously. Today he emerged, carrying a new wooden floodgate says is named 'Stemelmuzish'. Despite claiming he remembers nothing of it's creation or naming, he has become enamored with it and carries it with him everywhere. I am worried that it will slow him greatly in his work, but it seems the only thing that will seperate him from it is death.

20th of Galena, 1053

The immigrant miner As Ekuridan was killed today when he struck a magma flow deep in the mountain while prospecting for more ore. While I am saddened by his death, it is not be for nothing as the metalsmith Alfador has informed me he can construct a forge on top of the magma, and use it's heat as fuel.

I plan on getting one set up as soon as possible to forge weapons and armor, as well as barrels and bins as we are chronically short on both. It requires steel however, which requires Iron, which we do not have. I've set Toawst and Urval (with his new bronze pick) to work searching for some.

27th of Sandstone, 1053

Iron! I've set Alfador to making steel immediately.

12th of Timber, 1053

Zon Dorunlilum has created an artifact! his clothesmaking skills are legendary!

I'm not sure why he would name a bag 'systemspeak' but it's his creation.

15th of Timber, 1053

More good news, the first child of our fortress has been born to Dumat Kolzugub!

26th of Opal, 1053

Pasinium Sealbodice has been possessed! he produced a scepter he calls 'Egarlurit'. He remembers nothing of it's creation, as with the other possessions.

1st of Granite, 1054

Another year has passed. The indoor trade depot is complete, and with the magma smelter set up we are ready to being metalworking operations, which means armor and a milita.

Plans for next year include (once again) setting up the militia, finishing the road so the humans can bring their caravan, and maybe finally getting some furniture for our rooms. I'd also like to finish putting doors up too.

End log

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2007, 01:23:00 am »

The monkey stealing Urval's pick was weird, I got the message 'Urist whatever cancels dig: lost pick' and quickly paused and zooming over to him only to see a monkey running off with it. I've never seen that happen before and I have no idea how/why it happened.

Matias, sorry man. Your dwarf wanted metal bars, I made copper, tin, bronze, platinum and gold so he either wanted brass (have not struck sphalerite, amazingly enough) or iron/steel which we have not reached yet. At least you didn't take anyone with you. Plus, look on the bright side, you were the first named dwarf to die!

The original 7 are still going strong, which makes me happy. If I can reach the adamantine and too deep without losing any I'll consider it a major victory. I would have liked to have not lost any named dwarves, but considering 3/4ths the fort is named by now it was bound to happen.

I'm not sure what to do about defense. I'll almost certainly get the broker this spring, and depending on if I finish the road before summer, the trade minister within a year or 2 which enables sieges.

On one hand, it's trivial to build an unstoppable moat or a hallway 'o' doom. On the other hand... that's no fun! However with just ~40 dwarves I can only really afford maybe 10 in the military, which means a major goblin siege will likely kill off alot of the army. I'm taking votes, I'm mostly interested in the original 7's opinions, but anyone with a named dwarf can chime in. Should I:

1. Impenetrable moat. Take no risks! we can drive them off with siege engines or wait them out. Safest option, virtually no risk of dwarf losses. plus I won't have to deal with the stupid monkeys scaring dwarves who are out having a smoke anymore.

2. Alternate entrance corridor o' trapped doom. Pretty safe, though there is a risk of losing nobles, children, pets, and errant dwarves. the risk of a full fort loss or major army losses is minimal.

3. Let 'em come. Drop a few traps here and there, but for the most part try and hold them off with the army. Very risky, military dwarves WILL die and the chance of losing the fort to a major siege is high. I'll do it anyway if everyone wants to see themselves slain in a horrible fashion though.

4. Something else. I'm open to suggestions.

other then that, we've still got a few slots open if anyone else wants a rename. Most professions are taken, though offhand I think there are carpenters, craftsdwarves and farmers open as well as maybe one more trapper who is set not to hunt (don't remember). You can also be a noble if you want, though I'm not collecting the whole lot of them so don't tell me you want to be the duke or the king or any other high up  :p right now I've got the berite and the sheriff unnamed.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!

Jaqie Fox

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2007, 03:00:00 am »

I suggest a lava moat for the main entrance as a fence to keep the wilds at bay (and thus a nice safe area for dwarves to muddle about outdoors if made large enough, and construction of which would be risky and thus have its own excitement) with a secondary hallway trapped as the primary means of getting into the fortress... that would enable any degree of protection from almost none (with no traps) to some to lots. by my way of understanding if the caravans come through it that species will know the traps there if they ever siege and havoc will thus ensue.

Can I have a copy of it to see with my tileset? I cant make heads or tails of other tilesets anymore Ive gotten so used to my own... if that's ok, can you send the save to for me?  (gmail has a 10MB limit on attatchments and that should be well under it if just the save file)

[ October 24, 2007: Message edited by: Jaqie Fox ]



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2007, 03:48:00 am »

Role Play!!!!

Ossley  :): "Sir Toast, Might I suggest a drawbridge of some kind, possibly in conjunction with a moat.  The gate I'm talking about is 2x6 (as wide as the hallway and two tile long - to tell if its open or closed) and opens and shuts towards the entrance. But Anyone under the gate will be crushed when closed, and I heard that goblins bring some rtolz er... trawls?... uh, I heard that they bring big guys that can destroy it.  Or find some way to temporarily remove all but one column of the river bridge and use a machine that throws rocks, a tacapult- I mean capitult- no a caltaput- or whatever its called, I've never seen one before."

*awkward pause*

Ossley  :mad::"But what do I know, I'm just an unskilled peasant who came here looking for a job, and was promised a weapon." *grumble*

*goes back to doing that thing he doesn't care about, in that room he'd rather not be*

Code: [Select]
g  <-  This is a goat
g  <-  This is a goblin mason
g  <-  This is a gremlin covered in white paint

Does everyone understand the difference now?
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