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Author Topic: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?  (Read 9828 times)


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2007, 08:13:00 am »

Originally posted by Sir Edmund:

you should be hammerer, every fort needs one    :mad:</STRONG>

I want a noble that won't get pet werewolves.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2007, 08:13:00 am »

Hehe, it looks like people didn't read the 'no demands' part.  :D

This is actually really cool, hearing about what "I'm" doing, if odd.  This should be some sort of new game mode...  "Puppet Game", or something.  It is, oddly enough, fairly exciting, and doesn't require uploading and downloading the entire fortress for everyone.

Cool stuff - I anxiously await to see how terrible a death we'll all die.  :D

◄Nothing Beats Menacing►


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2007, 09:57:00 am »

I'd love to be added to the game as well.  If a Craftsdwarf comes along, that's what I want to be, so I could be the one making bone bolts for the marksdwarves.

(I know I don't get a demand, but if you put a chain in my bedroom and set it to be used by justice, that would be pretty cool, and possibly lead to hilarity.)

Were they just rhesus macaques?  Not zombie rhesus macaques?  I know I had a problem with zombie macaques the last time I did an evil map.  Anyway, interesting game so far.  I'll be sure to keep reading.

"The power of Zefon compels you!"


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2007, 10:37:00 am »


When I read the topic title, I thought you were going to actually dig a fort... like, in a real-world cliff face. As a utopian experiment, or something. And I was like, "Hell yeah! I'll bring the generator."

Alas, it was not to be.



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2007, 11:31:00 am »

Originally posted by BurnedToast:
I've ordered the row of stonefall traps to be increased to 3 deep, and I've ordered Entity to create more blocks for a bridge. </STRONG>

*goes to work, singing "Getcher rock blocks, getcher rock blocks honey..."*



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2007, 12:49:00 pm »


Ravensword - is there anything in particular you want done with your cage? right now I built it in the middle of the hallway to save it from the monkeys.

Put it next to the butcher shop for now and house all the taste-y morsels in it before they're made pets.
Dumed Zustashlorbam, Fisherdwarf cancels Fish: Interrupted by Skeletal hammerhead shark.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2007, 02:08:00 pm »

Overseer's log, 12th of Limestone, 1051

The supply caravan that was promised to us has shown up, more or less on time. I sent Mport to scout and the land seems clear of ogres so they should have no trouble making it to the newly constructed trade depot.

I had Entity make mugs for trade in anticipation, as we all know mugs have a near endless demand back in the mountainhomes and he seems to have a knack for stonework of all sorts. I'm quite pleased with the results, they should buy us a good amount of food.

14th Sandstone, 1051

There must be some mistake! our supply caravan has come loaded with cloth and leather instead of food! The caravan master was not without sympathy and sold us as many of his rations as he could spare, and for a reasonable price. I've bought as much leather and cloth as we could afford. I hope there is a mistake sending the first wave of immigrants as well or this may be a lean winter.

The caravan master has, with my permission, promised to give the humans our location so that they may send traders as well. He warned me that they bring most of their goods on wagons and so I will consider the construction of a road.

I'm sick of sleeping in the mud and eating standing up, so I've order the digging of a dining room, and a special sleeping area for the original dwarves of the fortress.

24th Timber, 1051

Werewolves! Or rather, a werewolf was spotted across the frozen river. I tried to wake Mport to slay the beast, but by the time we got him up it had gone. I only hope it stays gone.

1st of Granite, 1052

We survived our first year! We should be able to grow plenty of food for any immigrants, bedroom and dining room construction is underway along with areas for a workshop and a large food storage room. Plans for next year include a trade depot in the cave to keep our goods safe from those monkeys, as well as hopefully starting smelting operations. Depending on the flow of immigrants I hope to have enough dwarves to form a milita so we no longer have to cower inside when ogres are spotted.

End log

Well, everyone survived the first year, hooray! I admit I expected people to pick odd skills choices, but it seems like everyone wanted to survive rather then starve.

The trade caravan only had 1 thing of meat and 1 thing of cow cheese, and a ton of cloth and leather. Never seen that before, usually they bring a bunch of food. We didn't get fall immigrants though, so no worries over food.

I've got a list of everyone who wants in, so I'll assign immigrants as they show up. Those of you who want military dwarves, I'll just draft you into the milita. I'm only going to have ~10 military dwarves though (small fort) so get the slots before they fill up.

Updates will probibly be alot slower from now on. 'dug out a new bedroom' and 'smelted 50000 bars of gold' make pretty boring entries.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2007, 02:11:00 pm »

Originally posted by THLawrence:
I want a noble that won't get pet werewolves.</STRONG>

Urist Scaryteeth cancels beat Rokem Unluckydwarf: Full moon.
Urist Scaryteeth has transformed into a werewolf!
Rokem Unluckydwarf has been struck down.
Urist Scaryteeth spits out the dwarf chunk.

Some things were made for one thing, for me / that one thing is the sea~
His servers are going to be powered by goat blood and moonlight.
Oh, a biomass/24 hour solar facility. How green!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2007, 04:49:00 pm »

Overseer's log, 28th Slate, 1052

We got our first immigrants from the mountainhomes today, 21 of them! Notable persons include:

Jusal Roughplain, Fisherdwarf.

Ossley Inkstab, Peasant. He requests to be part of the militia, and so he shall be as soon as I get spears made.

Edmund Claspjoints, Peasant. He also requests militia duty. Requests leather boots rather then plate, I refuse responsibility for maimed feet in the line of duty.

Sparksol Rumorcastle, Craftsdwarf. Requests glassmaking duty, we have no glassmaking forge yet so he shall have to wait.

Matias Keygranite, Jeweler. Constantly working on plans for grand projects, I wish him the best of luck.

Kuli Focuswheel, Craftsdwarf. Requests work with bonecarving, which will have to wait till we have bones to carve. Also requests prisoners be chained in his bedroom, which is strange but I will consider it if for no other reason then to see what he does with them.

As well as various others. I've begun work on a second bedroom complex to house them, until it is finished I've opened up the founder's rooms as public sleeping places - not the best arrangement but it beats tripping over the immigrants sleeping in the main halls.

Dreamer and I have been busy growing plump helmets, they may not be the most tasty of meals but they are nourishing and can be brewed into wine. We should have enough food for the new arrivals, and more alcohol is being brewed.

18th Felsite, 1052

The new arrival Mistem Shotnight is acting strange today. He forcibly removed Entity from his crafter's shop and is now muttering something about needing shells. He won't take anything else, and we don't have any shells to give him. I've sent everyone with nothing to do to try and catch some turtles, maybe some shells will calm him down and get him out of the workshop.

22th Hematite, 1052

The dwarven caravan master was good on his word, and the humans have found our site and brought mules. Unfortunately they were ambushed by ogres! The swordsmen guards took out two of the beasts, and Mport finished off a third with a hail of crossbow bolts. one of the merchants is critically wounded, and the other merchant's mule has a broken leg. They refuse our offered aid, and refuse to trade for our mugs too.

3rd Malachite, 1052

More immigrants, bringing us up to 36. The only notable person is Jaqie Fox Rocksmartyr, Mechanic. One carpenter was ambushed by ogres on his way here and thrown into the river where he drowned, Mport managed to intercept the ogre and with help from a human swordsman slay it before it could hurt anyone else.

With great sadness I've ordered a crypt dug, and coffins produced. Though his body is lost to us, Tirist Mebzuthrazes will have a final resting place in our halls.

Mistem has claimed the 1 shell we have managed to produce so far, and is demanding more. he is becoming quite agitated and given the violence with which he removed Entity from the shop, I have ordered Mport to take up position near the shop as a precaution. I hope we can find more turtles.

End log

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!

God of Toast

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2007, 05:21:00 pm »

If you wouldn't mind. I'd like to be put in for the next immigration.

I'd prefer for my name to be Towast. And if possible, when I die, I would like for my tomb to be Perma-flooded with water, and forbidden.   :)

And if a Miner comes with the group, I would prefer to be him. If there are no Miners, make me whatever you please.

[ October 22, 2007: Message edited by: God of Toast ]



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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2007, 05:26:00 pm »

I'd like to join in a wave, too. I don't care what you make me.
insert something mind-blowing/witty here*


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2007, 07:18:00 pm »

Overseer's Log, 2nd of Limestone, 1052

Urval struck what seems to be a bottomless chasm cut into the mountain while digging out bedrooms. I've blocked the hole off with a statue so no-one falls in, and slightly adjusted the building plan. There will be less rooms, but there should still be enough for everyone.

Mistem has claimed 3 shells and a rock block, then set to work furiously. He keeps muttering Thalallaluth Onesh over and over and refuses food or drink. I wonder what he is making?

The traders left earlier without further incident, though I don't know how they hope to make it back with the injuries they sustained. I hope that they make it back, and that the humans send more next year and not a war party.

25th Limestone, 1052

Mistem has finished his work, and created a turtle shell harp he calls Thalalluluth Onesh, or "The imperial flood of confederation". To be honest with you I don't think he knows what that means either. He claims not to remember much of the last few months, or creating the harp.

The dwarven supply caravan has arrived, and still with very little food. I've traded for what they have and some more leather and cloth, thankfully we have plenty of plump helmets.

1st of Timeber, 1052

We were attacked by harpies today, they chased our woodcutters back to the mountain. Mport shot one down, 2 more were crushed by Ravensword's rockfall traps. No dwarves injured. Their meat is disgusting and unfit to eat, so I've order them thrown into a refuse pile - we shall make totems from their skulls and bolts from their bones after the worms do their work.

Id Southtin has claimed a jeweler's workshop and is demanding rough gems. He claimed the sapphire I brought him, but refused the samples of all other gems we have mined. Maybe he is confused and wants glass? I shall attempt to get some samples made.

12th of Moonstone, 1052


Id Southtin became enraged that we would not give him the gems he wanted (despite the fact he would not tell us what he needed) and went berzerk. Mport fired on him as soon as he realized what was happening, but Id quickly tackled him to the ground. Urist happened to be passing by and rushed to his defense, easily slaying him with his mining pick. Mport has a broken right leg and knee, as well as other minor injuries - he will survive and with luck heal up good as new.

I have decided to have Id buried in our halls despite his actions. I cannot help but feel I am as much to blame as he is.

1st of Granite, 1053

We've survived our second year. I didn't manage to accomplish any of my goals for last year, so once again the plans for next year are to get smelting operations going, build an indoor trade depot, and get a militia started.

End of log

Well, year 2 and the only deaths were unimportant. I suspect the jeweler wanted crystal glass or raw rock crystals, but I had no rock crystals at all.

I've hit the immigrant cap, so I'm just going to be renaming dwarves already in the fort for people who want to join. This year's renames are:

Towast Pulleyforest, Miner. Wants a flooded tomb when he dies, we shall see.

Xgamer Watchfulkey, Farmer.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2007, 08:45:00 pm »

If you have any spare metalsmiths I would love to be one! Preferably one with novice weapon and metalsmithing. If not anthing would be fine!

Mad Jackal

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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2007, 09:21:00 pm »

Mad Jackal would like to join in the next wave of immigration.

In order of preference I'd like to be .

any thing else (if none of those comes up)

an''t catch me!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2007, 09:45:00 pm »

He's not getting anymore immigrants, just renaming old dwarves, so your dwarf is already there and there is a very limited selection. Join fast.

Ands can we still make demands? I thought that was just for the starting 7. I'll need sometime to find mine.

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