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Author Topic: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?  (Read 9827 times)


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #105 on: October 26, 2007, 06:09:00 pm »

I was under the impression that bridges DID fling things, the wiki says 'Creatures caught on top of a drawbridge when it raises will be sent flying through the air, much like a catapult stone'. It seems this is incorrect as they get flung randomly, or backwards. I'll play with it a little more, and if I can't get it to work I'll try reversing it like you suggested.

anyway I didn't post plans or pictures of it till it was finished so not much you could have done to save me from making it  :p

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #106 on: October 26, 2007, 06:29:00 pm »

Hey, a small update is better then nothing, correct? Still, I like how this place is doing. I wonder what my mini-me is doing...
Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #107 on: October 26, 2007, 08:43:00 pm »

Overseer's Log, 16th of Slate, 1058

Further experimentation with the Goblin Flinger has proved fatal for the elves and the remaining mule. It still does not work as intended, but at least I am somewhat comforted by the fact that it can be deadly. Hopefully more elves will volunteer to fine tune it before it sees real action.

I've decided to build more traps in the area, as the Flinger is not nearly reliable enough at the moment.

13th of Moonstone, 1058


An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #108 on: October 27, 2007, 09:02:00 pm »

Overseer's log, 1059

The log is filled with pages of statistics on plants grown, tons of ore mined, bronze bars forged, hours spent sleeping by Alfador vs hours spent training, and other uninteresting facts.

The only note that catches your eye is the following:

14th of Limestone, 1059

The kobolds have attacked in force today, ambushing the dwarven caravan and slaughtering an axedwarf and merchant/mule before they managed to withdraw. They have taken up position just south of the road and are camping out.

In addition to the founder's tombs, I've had tombs built for the following worthy dwarves:

Alfador Axeempires, Metalsmith

RiceMastah Roughstrap, Carpenter

Towast Pulleyforests, Miner

Ossley Inkstab, Champion

Kuli Focuswheel, Master Leatherworker

Jusal Roughplain, Fisherdwarf

Sparksol Rumorcastle, Craftsdwarf

Greigor OarFierce, Champion

Tahin Knifebases, Champion

'Matias II' Tininches, Child

End Log

Another boring year. The kobolds won't ever actually attack us, so worst case they sit out there and kill the caravans forever. oh well.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #109 on: October 28, 2007, 08:54:00 pm »

Overseer's Log, 8th of Felsite, 1060

The Mountainhomes have sent a Guildmaster which will surely aid is in our trade deals with the humans.

His first act, very soon after arriving, was to prohibit the exporting of bolts. Not a problem.

14th of Hemetite, 1060

The Filthy kobolds have returned in greater force, and this time they have ambushed the human caravan! They slew 2 swordsmen, 2 mechants, 1 horse and demolished 2 wagons before withdrawing. Thankfully the merchant princess had already made it into the fort and safety, I don't like to consider the diplomatic consequences of her death.

The humans are no longer interested in trade and have turned around and are leaving.

11th of Limestone, 1060

A vile force of darkness has arrived!

I count 43 goblins including 3 weaponmasters and 8 trolls. I've stationed the military at the defensive point, sealed the trade entrance and opened the decoy hall.

23rd of Limestone, 1060

Victory! the siege is broken! between being flung into the river and the weapon traps, no goblin made it far enough to even be shot at by the military.

at least 20 goblins are dead, though it's impossible to count the bodies that were crushed or drown, and 0 dwarves were injured. That should teach them!

now we just have a mountain of goblin corpses and assorted grabage to clean up. I'm going to attempt to just lock the door and let the floods wash it all away.

In other news, a corpse was discovered in our garbage dump traps that can only be described as a 'bat-man'. He was armed with a primitive blowgun. I feel our traps are sufficient, but I'll keep an eye on the situation.

22nd of Sandstone, 1060

I've begun milling the cave wheat we have laying around, and have plans for making dwarven sugar out of our sweet pods. I'm getting quite sick of plump helmets and cave fish all the time and they are taking up way too much room in our storage. Some proper meals would be nice.

12th of Moonstone, 1060

The goblins have returned.

I count 49 goblins and 25 trolls. Worse yet, the goblin king himself seems to be  leading the charge.

The militia is deployed, and the traps are armed.

7th of Opal, 1060

The goblin king is dead and the siege is broken! once again dwarven traps have proven superior to the goblin masses. roughly 3/4ths of the goblin king's forces followed him to the grave and once again no dwarves were wounded.

The corpses have been taken to the refuse pile to be turned into totems and bolts. the goblin junk has been left to hopefully be washed into the river.

End Log

The goblin flinger has pretty much turned into an automatic goblin smasher, and I don't really like splatbridges (seems too much like cheating to me) so I'll probibly disable the pressure pad. at least the goblin king died to weapon traps I guess. Smashing most the goblins leads to alot less garbage though which is nice. I hope the river washes the piles away but I doubt it will.

The fort is really getting boring, and the new version is out soon so I'm going to try and too deep within another year or 2. The milita is not trained as much as I would like, and the metalsmith won't put out super high quality armor yet but hey - it makes it fun, maybe you all get to died horribly from demons instead of dying instantly from the balrog.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #110 on: October 28, 2007, 09:10:00 pm »

We can only hope.

...and see about smashing a demon with a...long skirt? (Why am I still carrying this?)

Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #111 on: October 29, 2007, 07:02:00 am »

Hmmmm... I wanna be any military guy, but not marksdwarf. If it can be, make me something military, and assign me alot of war animals. If no meelee jobs avaible, can I be a very good trapper which you will train first?
Tun Athelbuket, farmer cancels sleep: Caged.


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Re: I'm digging a fort, who's with me?
« Reply #112 on: October 29, 2007, 07:20:00 pm »

Originally posted by BurnedToast:
<STRONG> Overseer's Log, 13th of Granite, 1058
Pasiniem - Your dwarf is actually one of the lowest skilled, he does not spar very much and I don't know why   :)
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