I don't want to alarm anyone, but
*Dwarf Fortress* seems to work fine under
Winlator!!!!!!(The one on this website, haven't tried the steam version)
Well, generated a standard options 100yr world. Took about 15-20mins. Worked fine. So at least it's a Legends mode viewer. Plus it's nice to hear the guitar-work.
Tried to embark a 4x4 standard, but on a river, because I'm optimistic. It crashed. I'll try a 2x2 somewhere boring in a sec in the same world.
Don't know what to say, the menuing is really low frame rate. I just kept double clicking and pressing barely remembered keyboard buttons on the top-right RTS controls menu. Clicking on "don't do tutorial" took a bit. Clicking on the embark site took a bit. Making the embark site smaller took a bit. Just assume emulator jank scaled up to DF levels of "it has already hogged all your memory and CPU" stuff. It gets there in the end. Smaller world, less years, less civs/figures, less z-levels, whatever. It works, but there's room to optimise it in world creation I think.
Ta-da! Got a 1x1 embark working (just clicked embark now, didn't change the skill/gear Loadout), didn't try a 2x2 (yet). Frame rate was surprisingly good. And this is on an Oppo A96 (8gig ram, slow'ish octa-core by today's standards, about $250-500Aussie phone, depending on used/new, so mid/cheap range). Actually pretty damn responsive on embark. Like, we know that won't last after a migrant wave or two, or socks and dead bodies and pieces of them, but it's way better than the embark menus. I think. I hope. But a 1x1 really lowers the overhead your poor little phone has to manage. Could probably lower z-levels a bit to really turbo stuff, or allow larger embark sites, on world creation too. But it works, and that's important.
Above spoilered because it's now outdated. The Lazy Newb Pack is ridiculous fast and performant on creating a pocket world at 125yrs history, and can do a 4x4 embark without problems, and has basic tile support. The 0.47.04rc4 one. I mean, it was a small world, but wow. So use something like that. Smaller world, less years, go hard! Plus, all the commands are helpfully listed at the side, and all work easily and quickly. I mean, you can embark on rivers and stuff. Whatever. It was just a simpler experience, even if the LNP took a while to load. Once Dwarf Fortress got going, it cranked. It was mostly about the menuing, where it's just quicker and easier.
Well my bearded bastards, we are in business! DF works on mobile! I have no idea how well it controls or plays, but I think we'll all do a bit of !research! on the matter. We might need to make a new topic thread, either somewhere further up the boards, or a "DF on Mobile" one here 🤯
((Winlator is also kinda open source, so changing the RTS keyboard overlay to something more DF-specific might not be too hard, to make controls easier.
Nevermind, it's got an integrated touchscreen maker-upper thingy 😁👍
Yay!!! I'll be back in a day or two with the DRL one. The Dwarf Fortress one? Ummm, does someone want to help?))
(((Your average phone runs at 1200x800 or more these days, with a bit of room on the sides in landscape mode for touch buttons, so should be good to go)))
((((My very first "Larger than smaller or pocket world", made on my very own phone. Yeah, sure, 125yr history, but a lot of it. Only took 10'ish minutes, maybe 15mins after the save. Loads quickly though. And is embarkable.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnwzyzuob7rbbxbj77ltl/region4.zip?rlkey=1o9lrgq7lc6aecvqd8gmap44c&dl=0Embarked on a 3x3 with two river squares in it. 35-60fps, occasional drops. So yeah, it works. Anywhere easier, even better than that 🙂
Yes, I am very proud to have Dwarf Fortress on my phone and working))))