FlyCasual has been brought to mobile! It's an Xwing Miniatures Boardgame simulator, and it's really very good.
You get all the ships, all the parts, but no real idea how to play the game. It's all fairly easy to pick up though if you're willing to go through some clicking. Or just watch some YouTube of people playing the real game to help you along.
Anyway, it's pretty well done. You can play against the AI, or over the internet, or as a hotseat game, or even watch the AI play against itself. The AI uses a slightly different ruleset, but it appears more so due to it being easier to program it this way while giving a decent challenge (it gets free target locks and can use an action to remove stress instead of having to green manoeuvre it away, and doesn't stress on red manoeuvres but skips it's action that turn. It also chooses manoeuvres during the turn, so it looks like the high PS pilots are reacting, but they're not, they're cheating) than it drastically changing gameplay in too many ways. The screen is a little bit pokey on a phone, but should be fine on tablet, and comes with a 3d mode for watching turns and a 2d overhead mode to make planning your turns easier. You can set your ship lists, save/load, and even import .XWS lists into the game (so you can forum hunt a decent ship list if you don't know what you're doing), and it is frigging wonderful to be able to choose all the things you've ever wanted to try out.
I've had a quick game vs AI, and it's easy enough to do everything with only a bit of extra clicking required. It's not perfect, but it's pretty complete as far as I could tell. Oh, and the sound is great. Vrrroooaaahhhh's of Tie-Fighters and pew-pew of lasers are in full effect.
Anyway, it's good, it's free, it's probably going to be C&D'd out of existence immediately, so grab it quick. For Android, Windows, Mac and Linux (and the source code) here: