it's probably because I got one expecting the hitman experience instead I got subbuteo with dumbed down rules, moreover I hate puzzle games where each puzzle has one and only one solution, it's lazy design for the most part
So first off, you've declared your personal opinion as a fact: "Those games are terrible" rather than "I don't like those games". That makes me less inclined to trust your recommendations in the future. The games are objectively good, they're just not the type of game you expected or wanted to play. You don't have to like them for them to be good games.
Second, I can see that you've never actually designed a puzzle. At the publishing house where I work, I am responsible for the puzzle pages for three magazines. I write 6-8 puzzles per issue, and they all have to have exactly one solution so that we can print an answer key. If I screw up and let another solution slip through which isn't in the key, we get complaints, and I get in trouble. And do you know what the most difficult part of my job is? Making sure each puzzle has one and only one solution. It is incredibly easy to design a puzzle with multiple solutions. Anyone can do that without hardly trying at all. The difficult thing is making sure there is only one possible way to solve a puzzle. That takes a lot of time and effort and testing, and it's extremely difficult to make that one solution both not immediately obvious, but not too difficult for the target audience to solve. Making a puzzle game where each puzzle has one and only one solution is not even remotely "lazy design", and in fact takes far, FAR more work than you realize, especially to do as elegantly and with such a perfect difficulty curve as the GO series of puzzle games. As a matter of fact, as someone who designs puzzles myself
and knows exactly what goes into that job, I spend a lot of time with these games marveling at how well-designed they are, and how much work must have gone into them.
It's best not to declare yourself an expert on something you have no experience with and dismiss things you don't like as "bad". While you are obviously just as entitled as anyone else to like or not like something and declare your opinion, opinions are not facts, and by dismissing something as "terrible" just because it's not your cup of tea and calling a team of highly skilled designers "lazy" for not making the type of game you personally like, you might prevent someone else from enjoying a great game because they assumed you knew what you were talking about. And it comes across as narcissistic when you present your personal opinions and preferences as though they were universal truths. Not everyone is you.