I also have an idea for the residential module for the system I presented:
Level 0 connects to the main transport artery and might also serve as good connection point for two tubes, the one going E-W and the one going N-S, but that is optional(just useful to get even more into less space)
Also, level 1 serves as alcohol storage, since its half-way between the residential and industrial zones and one of the most frequent places in the colony. Both the brewery and the kitchen should be close.
Level 1 is the dining room. And a marvelous one, considering its dimensions are 17x17. The main feature is the sandwich chair-table-cooked food stockpile-table-chair that goes circular along the edges of the room leaving the centre for the stairs to the private rooms.
Level 2 is the residential level. It features a lobby which might house public meeting room, statue park or some decoration and 18 5x1 rooms, which should be more than enough space for your dwarves. It could hold 20 rooms if the lobby was used differently, maybe even more, but not much to be gained there.
Basically, you'de need 12 such floors to provide housing to 200 dwarves. So, one such block with six residential stories up and down could house your entire population. More blocks and perhaps adding 'penthouses' for your nobles at the end might push you to 3-4 such facilities in your fort that would provide more than enough room for everyone.
Also, another idea that I liked is currently intriguing me. 'Misting room'... imagine a huge waterfall going throughout the centre of this design, from above the highest level to below the lowest one. Would be quite scenic.