I had four kobolds die to a forgotten beast, and I buried their bodies at the lowest point in my reclaimed fortress, near where the Magma Smelters were. months later a ghost appeared for one of the dead, which I found strange, so I checked the coffins, and two of the coffins had been emptied, and their skeletons became creatures called "Scuttling Zombies", which are described as tentacle monsters wearing their skeletons as armor. A novice hunter went down and slew them, but I have some questions.
Is treachery afoot in my tribe, are one of the kobolds a necromancer or something? Does this happen often? How are they created? Because the corpse is no longer theirs, but a monster with their name, do their friends get spooked by the corpse of the Scuttling Zombie?
Edit: It might be necromancer related. There is an elf dancer who has a book called "The Tree: The Truth" which is a autobiography about how he created the first necromancer tower of the world on year 1. It is poorly written, but contains the secrets to life and death. I have not seen him ever go near my burial room, but I will silence him just in case. The book will be locked up, and hopefully whoever hauls it does not read it. Later I will teach my Kobolds the magic of death, but I will wait until I set up the breeding hut.