"Welcome to H&S Genetics, have a seat. We will call you when we're ready." The four volunteers that were chosen sit in rather comfy leather chairs. They were chosen out of two hundred fifty-seven possible candidates. The conditions were that you stayed at the Lab for two months after the first test. One by one each person was called back. The procedures were the same for all of them. They were led into an examination room and given a shot of colored fluid labeled as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Delta. After which new clothes were distributed among the patients. Each was ushered into their own private, luxury quarters. Each had a TV, a game console of their choice, movies, books, etc. This was their new home for the next few months. Four days after injection each was called into a secret room for a personal test. This is where we begin to see the change.
Jason Jackson
The scientists push you into a room, almost pitch black. One of them, an elderly man by the name of Hans Dalton, turns on an entire ceiling of blacklights, revealing row upon row of materials, elements, flames, lights, and various machines doing random things.
The elderly doctor turns to you and says in a heavy Austrian accent, "Look around you, Mr. Jackson. I want you to start walking around in between the rows and look at the objects and materials. I want you to look for anything particularly interesting. Tell me when you do."
Lex Sutherland
At the same time as Jason went to do his thing, you were herded into a seperate, but similar room. A woman, named Clarice Usrey, gives the same instructions as Hans in the other room.
Alex Raman
Same story as Jason for you, but later.
Damian Johnson
Same story as Lex, but later.