4-8 players compete in tournament with only survivor. They are given identical sets of equipment, custom point-bought ability scores, and a number of so-called "feats."
Each player purchases their 3 ability scores (Accuracy, Reflex, and Strength) 1 point at a time. Each point is purchased for a number of marks, as determined by the number of points already in that score. The cost-scale is determined before each game. Abilities scores are purchased before any combat, but after each player has assigned their feats (see below).
Scores do not have an associated "modifier." Rather, each score is its respective modifier.
Each feat represents a unique skill, trait, or ability, and has a "point-cost" (this is different from the point-cost of ability scores). Before the combat portion of the tournament, each player assigns themselves any number of feats whose total point-cost does not exceed a defined limit. Feats cannot be reassigned between battles, so those unused go tow waste.
Depending on the game-mode, each player acquires their feats in one of two different ways:
Draft: Each player gets 1 pack from which they choose 1 card, and PM the remainder to the next person in the predefined cycle. Each player chooses 1 card from the pack they were PM'ed, and pass the rest to the next player in line. This process repeats until the packs are empty.
Sealed: Each player gets 2 packs. Whatever they contain, that is all that player has to work with.
Once each player has acquired and assigned themselves feats, as well as purchased their ability scores, they are pitted against another in a round of fight-to-the-death. The survivor fights another survivor, and so on, until a single winner remains.
Most actions require a d100 check. If the number rolled is equal to or under the "check number," the check succeeds. Common check numbers include:
To-Hit: 10 + your Accuracy + height mod - weapon Delay (only if part of a multi-strike attack)
Damage Grade: 50 + your Strength + height mod - opponent's Reflex - weapon Delay - opponent's armor
At the beginning of each arena combat, one combatant is randomly decided to go first. Once she has determined her 1 move action (move up to 30ft, or activate a fast ability) and 1 standard action (make an attack, or activate a slower ability. Can be converted into a move action.), checks are made, results are determined, and she passes the turn to her opponent. What follows is a breakdown of the "basic" actions:
Basic Attack
1) Choose how many weapons you are striking with. You cannot make more than one strike with weapons in the same limb (your head is considered a limb). Your fist (1d2 (B)ludgeoning damage, high-mid, delay: 10) and foot (1d3 (B), low, delay: 20) are considered weapons for this purpose alone. You can only make one "kick attack" per turn. Kick attacks are so awkward, that they add their Delay to the Delay of all other strikes in the attack.
2) Choose a height for each strike. The 3 heights, their "height mod," and what they encompass are as follows:
High: 10; Head, Upper Torso
Mid: 40; Upper Torso, Lower Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm
Low: 20; Left Leg, Right Leg
3) Make a To-Hit check (see above) for each strike. If you roll a 5 or less (your "crit range") on a check, that strike automatically succeed its Damage Grade check, and ignores all non-magical damage reduction.
4) Exact Hit-Locations are determined for each that hit.
5) Make a Full-Damage check for each strike that hit. Each strike that fails is reduced to 1 damage die (2d4 becomes 1d4), unless it failed by more than 50, in which case it deals only 1 damage ( a "glancing hit").
6) Each strike that succeeded both its checks deals damage equal to its damage roll to its target. Partial and glancing hits are resolved as well. No amount of damage reduction can reduce the damage of a strike below 1.
Basic Movement
Each player has a "Base Movement Speed" of 30 feet. Certain feats or conditions may change this, or temporarily modify it.
A player can use a move action to move up to their modified Base Movement Speed. A player can convert their standard action into a move action, and so may do this twice in one turn.
Focused Attack
A focused attack is a "double action," meaning it requires expending 1 move action and 1 standard action (in the same turn) to complete.
A focused attack is like a basic attack, with these key differences:
-It must be composed of only 1 strike.
-The strike gets a +25 modifier on its To-Hit roll.
-The strike does not factor in Delay on its Damage Grade roll (or its to-hit roll, if a feat would give a focused attack multiple strikes).Each "pack" contains 8 feats from the current "set" (just like MTG). 2 of these are !special! feats (more complex or more situational than standard feats - not more powerful). Another feat is guaranteed to be a *foil* (a slightly strictly better version of a special or standard feat). The remaining 5 are standard feats. Within these boundaries, the content of each pack is completely random.
The first set will be Gladiator 101. It will be a "core set," meaning many of its feats, concepts, and mechanics will be preserved and added to in upcoming sets.Feel free to comment on anything above, reserve a spot, or PM me ideas for feats or mechanics.
Keep in mind I have more developed than this, just not enough time to write it all right now.