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Author Topic: Flat Earth: Turn 7, A Night Out In The Multiverse  (Read 5648 times)


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2016, 05:24:46 pm »

Now to Make this place More Like home...
Form walls of Red Burning Skulls Around the Plane, Use Second Action as well.
Afterwards Take a Walk around the Local Mortal Realms.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2016, 10:11:09 pm »

Create fishies in the river!

Just in case set up more traps! There can never be enough.

Create applenut trees near the river. A tree that produces a fruit called the applenut basically a juicy apple and peanuts?! Combined.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2016, 07:01:34 am »

Modify the Reliquary so is hanging in the air in place of floating in the muck

Build the Throne under it. (+1 to this action)
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2016, 07:46:13 am »

I move the throne into a heavily wooded part of the room and arrange the bushes in a thick hedge around it.

Near the throne I attempt to create an aetherpane from wood and vines.

In a more open area, I create a temple from deep red stone for the gnomes to worship me in. Gnome-sized, of course, and ideally working some of the nearby plants into its architecture.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2016, 08:59:17 am »

Make a throne next. Something comfortable made out of simple wood, with floral carvings on the sides and edges. (+1 to this action)

Then Use my aetherpane to find some mortals. I'm looking for worshippers and worshippers that are craftsmen in particular. Also places to get raw materials from: wood, stone, metal and the like. And while I'm at it call up my parents to say hi and tell them I'm doing fine.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 04:31:10 am by Pancaek »


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2016, 01:38:05 pm »

"Great, all the basics sorted out. Let's see if there's any interesting mortals about... Maybe contact Tamos. I bet he has his plane together by now. *sigh*"
Contact Tamos with a message. I'm not sure if this counts as an action? If it doesn't, +1 to the aetherpane action.
hey tamos
ddi you move into your plane yet?
my one kinda sucks :'( but i also have an awesome death rug :)
if your planes in order lets hang out! ;D

Scan the aetherpane for mortals searching for the secrets of life and death. I have a pretty good knowledge of that sort of thing and mortals really like hearing about it, so helping them out is fun.

Let's bring a more 'mortal apartment-y' vibe to this place. Wooden floors, all kinds of walls, and rooms that have purposes for mortals but are completely mangled by my lack of understanding on how mortals work.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2016, 02:21:45 pm »

"Oh, hey Talgoek. I just finished fiddling with my aetherpane, actually. The reception in here was awful.
My plane is coming along nicely, but I still need do put in some work. I don't even have a throne yet, I need to find some mortals to ship me a steady supply of raw materials for my works and this reality repairing putty I used is drying up too slowly for my tastes.

So, yeah, I'm still kinda busy so I can't really hang out yet. I'll make you something nice once I get some materials to make up for it."


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 4, Making Friends
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2016, 02:28:50 pm »

awww man, no throne? :-[ that sucks. my parents got me a portable throme for my plane, if you want you could borrow it.
also eeeee that is so sweet thank you! ill see if i can make something cool for you too.

see you when i see you, i guess :D

Harry Baldman

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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #53 on: June 18, 2016, 07:21:11 am »

Turn 5
Views of Distant Worlds

Talgoek of D3:

You have an invigorating communique with your good friend Tamos over your Aetherpane, catching up over your respective moving woes. He seems to be doing well, which is always a good thing to hear. But anyway, you do have things you need to get to. Like bothering mortals, every god's favorite pastime.

[Looking For God: 3]

You cast a wide net, of course, using increasingly nonspecific search terms to sort out all those beautiful 19-year-old virgins mysteriously cropping up in your area looking for no-strings-attached exploration of secrets of life and death, and eventually find somebody who might fit your bill, a timeworn giant shambling along a Moebius strip made of burnished steel, illuminated by a hundred dying stars as her thoughts carry far into the surrounding vacuum. Her plane appears to be in dire disrepair, and located in a somewhat unsavory, though not overly distant multiversal neighborhood of single-concept planes long-abandoned by whatever divine cooperative was responsible for their original creation. Might be worth looking into. It's pretty rare that these places are actually still inhabited.

[Furnishing A Plane: 2]

But first, a spot of planeskeeping. You try to reshape the area into more of a living space, but, being in a bit of a rush, you try to change everything at once. The result of this is a half-formed wall here, a graininess to spacetime there, a spot of parquet on the vault of heavens, that kind of thing all around. The unfinished aesthetic, you discover, is hardly becoming of a proper godly domain, even with your amazing rug present to distract potential planar guests.

Spoiler: Divine Status, D3 (click to show/hide)

Tamos of C4:

[Seat of Power: 5+1]

Concentrating on a likely patch of marble floor you raise up your Throne at last - it is a humble, yet utterly flawless chair in construction, made of unknown wood, polished to complete smoothness. The floral carvings of the floor transition seamlessly into the chair's decoration. Despite its seeming lack of distinction, the chair stands out among all things in the room, its proportions golden and radiating the very essence of divine law. This is not the kind of Throne you place somewhere. This Throne defines a place all on its own, a centerpiece for any inner sanctum.

Satisfied with your creation, you take a look at your Aetherpane. Talgoek seems to be trying to message you, so you spend a little time conversing with her as she inquires about your doings. The plane really is coming along nicely, thank you very much. But you also have another thing you need to do right now, and that is to look for hapless mortals to do your bidding. And also places to grab stuff from.

[Aethereal Trawling: 3]

Obviously fake worshipers aside, there seem to be very few mortals looking for gods in the vicinity. You guess this is a multiversal junction very much in development, so any mortals present are probably freshly created and under the unyielding thumb of their creator rather than in the latter stages of their gods losing interest in direct interference (although you do pick up on a bit of a plea from the plane right beyond yours, D4, though it's very vague, weak and tiny).

As for raw materials, you find this place called Guttersnipe Park a few universes down. The Aetherpane shows a somewhat delightful vista of rolling valleys and bountiful forests located on a ratty billboard. A wooden ladder surrounded by a field of burning barrels arranged like ritual candles leads up to it, haggard many-limbed mortals kissing the foot of the image. There are words scrawled in dried blood or perhaps something much worse on the top of the billboard, saying "EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED".

Spoiler: Divine Status, C4 (click to show/hide)

Zelifan of C3:

You shorten your Reliquary's chain, hanging it up a little higher so that instead of floating in seeming abandonment it hangs grimly instead, dripping muck slowly for a while as you set it in perpetual, yet irregular pendulous motion, as if moved by a capricious wind. You set your eyes on the space beneath it, figuring this to be as good a place for a Throne as any.

[The Drowner's Throne: 2+1]

You stack twisted, rotten wood lined with soft moss and wood-eating fungi, forming a misshapen chaise longue that rises from the muck, soaked through and through with the dirt of the realm, its raspy embrace of cold and leafless branches making sure that your brooding will forever be a struggle. Much like drowning itself, you'd expect, though whether making your Throne uncomfortable for the sake of art is a good idea in principle remains to be seen.

Spoiler: Divine Status, C3 (click to show/hide)

Xenronack of D4

[The Stars Like Skulls: 2+1]

You don't really suppose you need to make the skulls red, given the lighting, but you elect to do so anyway. Alien formations of bone arise from the vault of heavens, forming eyeholes and tusks and many, many teeth, each one glowing with a soft inner red light so as to illuminate your realm slightly even while you might be elsewhere. You suspect they ought to deter superstitious folk at the very least, and they do look reasonably nice, if perhaps not plausibly of animal origin in a majority of cases. Now all you need is some poor taxidermy of your former enemies and your hall of kitschy horrors will be complete.

[Walk On The Other Side: 4]

Speaking of, you head out for a relaxing walk out of this universe, since the blockage in the Connective Plane has apparently cleared and it seems to be permitting your exit. You wander on in the endless dark of extrauniversal nonexistence, and eventually spot a sensible-looking material universe running not too far off. You tap gently on its reaches, and it seems not unfriendly to your presence, so you dive right in.

A little exploration reveals this to be some sort of exhibition universe. Public as much as a universe can be. A colorful sphere miles across, crystals several meters in diameter floating all around, an oddity living, dead or never alive encased in each. A single-horned cow composed of beautiful flavor, for example, seems to be floating nearby, tempting you to press your face into its encasing crystal. The exhibitions appear to cluster toward the center of the sphere, where you see fragments of a former planet, shattered by an unknown force, captured and preserved for all time.

You observe a robed humanoid floating in the distance. A mortal, you think, if only in the technical sense, dressed in the manner you'd expect from a powerful wizard. A planeswalker if you've ever seen one.

Spoiler: Divine Status, D4 (click to show/hide)

Amaranta of B1

[Quick Landscaping: 1]

You do manage to put your Throne in the place you envisioned, though there is the slight problem of the strawberry bushes, which, while not capable of holding under the weight of your mighty artifact, still manage to keep growing underneath it regardless, leading to an unfortunately lopsided look to the thing. A thriving community of gnomes begins to emerge beneath it, feeling the place to offer a particularly good vantage point at the actions of their creator.

[Easy Reachability: 4]

Hedge management issues aside, you still feel your chosen spot to be a good one, and fashion a nearby strawberry bush (never a shortage of those about) into a portal-like shape through bending its branches with divine power, forming a powerful extradimensional lens of collected resin to peer through from your Throne. It works unusually well, all things considered, the connection coming out rather mediocre, but nevertheless consistently there. Not half bad for a first shot at this sort of thing.

[House of Worship: 1]

You're not quite sure what you expected the gnomes to do in reaction to the deep red stone house you built from them, but undisguised unease and, when pressed, mortal fear of entering was not quite it. Near as you can tell (and as well as the gnomes feel they can elaborate), you appear to have inadvertently included something anathema to their existence in the construction. As it turns out, it can take under an hour for spirits to develop odd superstitions.

Spoiler: Divine Status, B1 (click to show/hide)

Atian of C2

[Many Multiplied of Fishes: 5]

You dunk your finger into the sacred river, making entire ecosystems come to be with a single thought. They are small creatures, unworthy of too many second thoughts, easy to manipulate and fill with uncommon adaptability to the twin hazards of encroaching salt and lurking traps. Soon enough they permeate the waters and multiply vaguely, living their own secret lives of productivity. Lumpy places his hand in the river, and his reward is three fingers bitten and a handful of delicious tiny fish. He scarfs them down, chewing ponderously for a few moments before giving you and Lady a thumb up each.

[Trapping The Traps: 6]

While they amuse themselves you layer some more traps throughout your realm, and make progress in smoothing over and randomizing your previous ones. Traps upon traps, traps within traps, yes! Yours is a realm to be reckoned with by any would-be infiltrator. And also, it seems, by your half-elves, of which Lady falls into a dimensional pit that you put there just now, getting taken on a ride along agonizing violations of causality before being spat out into the forest, where a multitude of tiny spear traps flies into her flesh, driving her into a springboard that sends her flying over the palace and, of course, into yet another set of even more heinous traps.

Lumpy observes in horror, frozen in place for fear of setting off any new traps himself. You reassure him with the plain and obvious fact that he's likely not any safer for doing that. You set one trap in particular specifically to roam around and seek out loiterers. Can't have loitering in your realm, nosir.

[Chimeric Botany: 1]

Letting that play out for a bit, you set your sights on making some lovely trees. Applenut trees, to be specific. A lot like apple trees, except the apples are hard, encased in a hard pod and subterranean. And also trapped with natural explosives (the best plant defense mechanism by a long way), to further the theme of your realm. You suspect they might be edible as well, but you think you'll let someone else touch them first to check just to be sure.

Spoiler: Divine Status, C2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 07:24:03 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #54 on: June 18, 2016, 09:07:09 am »

Clean the chest so it becomes a usable Aetherplane (+2 to this action)
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2016, 01:15:35 pm »

I tell the gnomes that the temple was created to test them, and rally them to attack it with me. It will hopefully be a bonding experience.

I strengthen the bushes beneath my throne into proper support for it. A raised throne is really the best kind for brooding distantly.

I use my aetherpane to purchase cheap delivery relics from a nearby establishment.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 09:54:42 pm by penguinofhonor »


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2016, 06:49:06 pm »

"Okay, yeah, that place looks gnarly. Not sure I want to go there. Probably best to keep looking around."

Let's spend an entire turn making phone calls, so to speak. All three actions will go to the use of the aetherpane, for a +2 bonus.

First, let's call my mothers, being the dutiful son that I am. To catch up on how they're doing and to tell them how my plane is coming along.

Then look around for other spots to get raw materials. Preferably something less Slaanesh-ish than that last one.

Then look around for mortal followers again. Followers that are farmers or craftsmen are a definate bonus.

And since I've got a good connection, let's also just idly look around for anything that is interesting once the previous actions have been done. Anything that catches the eye, really.


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2016, 06:51:28 pm »

>I "Borrow"  an object or two and head home. +2
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2016, 09:31:51 pm »

Observe Lumpy and Lady.

Reset the traps that Lady set off.

Contact Amaranta

"Hey friend! I've created a delicious tree that produces great fruit. I would like to invite you over to have some!"


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Re: Flat Earth: Turn 5, Views of Distant Worlds
« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2016, 06:10:44 pm »

"Now this... this thing is interesting. What is death to a creature like this?"
Track the giant's thoughts. What aspect of life and death is it thinking about? What could I do to help it explore these further? +1 to this.
Check the oddgod job listings. Hey, exploring life and death is cool but a girl's gotta eat. Or have divinity. Whatever.

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