It's a mix of paranoia and fear. We don't know who has the second gun, and as such they could be waiting for the best moment to do a TPK on us all if they are assassin. If I remember correctly, we had a general (who is now dead by strangle) who was likely the owner of that aforementioned gun, hence the paranoia.
Ok, I vaguely recall stuff in the past and nowhere has the indication of a General presented itself. Could you check back and notify on that point? Because we have NO idea on who even has the guns -.- That equals confirmed Explorership counting the most reasonable course of logic.
Because if we have lost a General--it is inferred he does NOT have an Elephant gun and more likely has the Colt. That said, it also makes sense that the shooter of snakes has important things, which is not an Elephant gun else they'd be at the last bullet.
So paint me curious. (It is yellow. With pink polkadots. :v)
On that point, I said 'sure' in brevity because I'm really curious why the targets are shifting to 'quietest'. I made a comment/critique on that a while ago because more than 3 people actually were the quietest in consecutive days.
What makes it apparent, other than griffinpup's lacking detail and due notice that there is a really gray spot considering his arrival in the danger room + most likely Nexus existence?
I'm thinking switching TBF with
Tomasque, actually. Buddy-buddy could be present with the two of them down there, and we're a room away. And/or I'm right next to a killer. With pickles. Or whatever.
...Do you even have a finite supply of pickles in exact numbers? :^ You gave around 3 or 4 already, with the first to BHK.