1. Why wouldn't I cooperate and claim my item?
Not asking you to, dude.
Just saying that your mention of NOTICING Roo in a movement between rooms infers or implies some sort of mechanism on your part--which is best termed as an item. Now that it's out, if you're an explorer, the assassin team can infer or think along those lines (because I believe they're of the idea of KILL US ALL or 'Find secret wincon'--of which I believe those clues hanging around the area bespeak of [ie Vatican note + Teneb thing on the Ass. Statue])
TDS: What action order was searching the Ass. Statue? Do you believe you are faster than anyone inscribing that note?Because if that's the case--presuming TDS' search speed is higher than anyone's writing speed in the room given the Discussion Phase 2 people list, we've found a clue that was NATURALLY in game.
Meaning that these 'natural' clues are for the assassins or their secret wincon, as far as I presume.
Also I made a derp and Teneb is already searched. Oops my last post. :v Presuming that the killer was the one who searched it since...it'll be REALLY weird considering the lack of scumchat and that you've to make an action to send a message to others that is ONLY given once the phase is over, that anyone else would queue up a search order post-kill. Unless said message has happened beforehand; real doubtful on that though.
But that also means that any assassin will have to infer from what their buddies say in the DISCUSSION PHASE, so that's double-time depth reading into their statements.
NQT: What happens when you 'eat' a message btw? Also does 'prod' (ie That Spearman Stat's Pole) mean 'prod something lightly, like an obscure pool or a trap to possibly trigger it' or something? Can actions be used for more than one discernable usage? (eg Prod corpse)3. I forgot.
4. I forgot.
5. Yes, I forgot.
6. I noticed, and then forgot. I can't access my notes.
That's 2 more than the 4 actions you've got.
But yeah. *pat pat hug*
Still need notes on what has been explored and what hasn't been explored.