You're a part of an expedition of explorers searching for the Tomb of Nak Leth inside a vast and treacherous temple complex. Hidden among your number is a small cadre of elite assassins, worshippers of Nak Leth who have sworn to protect the tomb of their God King at all costs.Puzzle Temple Panic! is a mafia-like game for 13 players. Three players are elite assassins, the rest are
tomb raiders explorers. The explorers win when one of them has entered Nak Leth's tomb. Each explorer will get an improved ending if they manage to survive the temple and escape with an item of valuable treasure. The Assassins win when either all of the explorers are dead or the way to the tomb is permanently sealed. They have a secret win condition for an improved ending.
The Temple is split up into a number of Rooms. Each rooms has a number of listed Objects. Players can find Items which each have an Action (or more!) that they can use on objects, players and other items. The explorers will spend the game working together to solve the puzzles and exploring the different locations to gain access to the tomb. The assassins will spend the game trying to blend in with the explorers while thwarting their every move. They'll do this by hoarding puzzle items, using items on certain objects to create new obstacles, and killing explorers.
Discussion Phase: This phase is mainly for co-ordinating puzzling activities. This phase always lasts 48 hours. Players can elect to have someone killed, as in regular mafia, but ultimately someone will have to carry out this sentence in the puzzle phase.
Puzzle Phase: During this phase each player privately submits up to four actions. This phase lasts 24 hours. The possible actions are:
Search - Search an object in an accessible room: any items, including messages hidden there, will be taken and you may also get a clue about the use of the object.
Take Take an item from a location or an object.
Go (south, down etc.) Travel in a direction to an adjacent room.
Use Item Use the action of item on an object or person. An item's action can only be used once per puzzle phase. If an object has multiple actions, any or all of those actions can be used in a puzzle phase. Self-targeting is allowed.
Pass Message Send a single message of any length to another player in the same location OR place the message (as a scrap of paper) in an object OR scrawl it permanently into an object or location. Players do not know the person whom they receive messages off. Dead bodies can be searched for messages.
Give/Drop Item Anonymously gives a single item to a player of your choice in the same location OR leave an item in a room or object.
Wait Do nothing for one action. If no action is submitted, or less than four actions are submitted, Wait will be chosen instead.
Room Descriptions
Each player receives a description of their current location at the end of each puzzle phase. All of the objects will be listed, all of the loose items will be listed, as will any messages left in the room. Players will also learn of anyone else who happens to be in the room and any obvious exits. They won't get a room description for any rooms they passed through (though they'll know if any of their actions succeeded or failed in the interim rooms). The description of an object will always change after they've been searched. The rough cause of death (stabbing, bullet wounds, blunt trauma etc.) of a player is always listed. A dead player's possessions can be obtained by searching their body.
Example Room: The Nexus
A narrow hexagonal chamber spreads out before you with numerous passages branching off of it. Here there is a crumbling pillar, a deep pool, a twist of vines along the northern wall and a Statue of Nak Leth. A passage leads back south to the vestibule. Somebody has scrawled HELP! on the ground here. A Medkit is lying beside the dead body of explorer Dariush, his head caved in. The Explorers Irony Owl and Toonyman are also standing here.
Bolded items: can be targeted with actions associated with items, looted, or have a message placed on them. Directions are listed without italics. If you're unsure about the legal directions, the mod will tell you if you ask.
Underlined objects can be picked up.
Example Items:
Machete: A long sharp blade, surprisingly sturdy. Actions: Cut, Lever.
Medkit: A pack of bandages and medicine that can be used to prevent someone bleeding out. Actions: Heal
Mysterious Idol: A strange golden statue with a hexagonal base. Actions: Throw, Place
Action Processing
Actions happen in the order in which they're sent (essentially meaning there are four sub-phases in the puzzle phase). When there is a conflict (two players taking the same item / searching the same object, a player leaving a room while another player is actioning them etc.) the player's action speed is consulted. This is a unique hidden number. Each time an action fails completely the player gains Urgency, a player can spend any amount of urgency to increase an action's speed. An action is considered to have failed if its target is invalid, or, when searching an unsearched object, the object has already been searched that phase.
Each player knows roughly how fast they are at any given action, but the exact figure is hidden from them. If two players have the same speed due to urgency use, whoever used the most urgency wins the draw. Action reports are private and sent at the end of the puzzle phase.
By default, players are healthy. However, once explorers start stabbing, shooting or throwing things at one another, this will change. A player always knows what kind of injury they have, but not necessarily what caused it. The types of injury are:
Hurt: A player is hurt if they have been attacked by anything and survive. This gives them -1 speed. In the case of draws, the most hurt player goes last. Hurt effects stack.
Bleeding Out: If a player is cut or stabbed they start bleeding out. If the player is still bleeding out from the same cause at the end of the next puzzle phase, they will die.
On Fire: Causes hurt at the end of every action spent still on fire. A player on fire will die at the end of the next puzzle phase unless they are extinguished in between.
Dead: A player cannot speak or act while dead.
The rooms are very dim but not pitch black. Actions that occur in the same dim room as you are hidden. If actions occur in a lit room, everyone who would see those actions gains a full action report for the room at the end of the puzzle phase. If a room is completely pitch black, no object (other than ones carried) can be successfully targeted.
Griffinpup -
TheDarkStar- Persus13
Zombie Urist-
4maskwolf- Tomasque
Roo - Deus --
Fillipk - Fallacy
- TheBiggerFish
Dustan Hache - Tiruin
Spoil-Spec- Shakerag
- Jim Groovester
- ElephantParade