His entry in the first story wasn't meant to be a subtle hint, it was meant to be there to open the possibility of it happening. She was drunk at the time, so at the time it was only a possibility, but as you can see, the chances of it happening are approaching 100% as the second story goes on :p
(very spoily)
Ok, well in short, the universe does things all in chaos and probabilities when nobody's looking. Every now and then a WTF-class ridiculously improbable event will happen, say, you vanishing and rematerializing on the other side of the room. I was thinking of this as a workaround for a paradox, basically, when you look at something the probabilities all fall into one solution... the trick is that one solution gets propagated back in time... so, here's the spoily part. Say Blitukus were entirely removed from observing the world, and 'frozen', meaning to him the world is all probabilities. Say the entire past got purged... meaning the timeline where his mother lived became a probability. If that probability became true when Blitukus were to observe the world next, then not only would his mother still be around, but all events preceeding it would be reformed from probability... in essence it would fundamentally rewrite time all at once, eliminating both ends of time travel simultaneously (no time travel and no need for time travel), and since there would be no ends left, no paradox would occur.
Ok, maybe I need to restate that more concisely XD
A paradox happens when a time traveller intervenes to prevent his own time travel, it's the intervention that causes the paradox. A quantum event would get rid of both the time travel and the intevention simultaneously... there would be no intervention-from-nowhere to cause a paradox.
It's not really THAT relevant though... the ending doesn't involve it.
And no, neither he nor his mother get eaten by the demon either... in fact, the demon would become kind of irrelevant at the end.
[ November 24, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]