Generic City's Generic Mall
4 Turns until the Police Arrive at this location...That's one long escalator.
Break free of the pile and start punching the nearest living person.
(1) You attempt to punch your way out of the pile, but your leg winds up getting stuck in one of the dead bodies.
Grab a chainsaw and reenact Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
(3) You manage to find a chainsaw in a department store. However, there's no gasoline.
Violently unscrew the eyes of everybody in the vicinity.
(4) You manage to stab one person in the eye, but the screwdriver gets stuck. (1 MV Added)
appear, find gasoline for my grandma.
(1) You trip on a large pile of dead bodies and pin someone with their foot in a corpse (NRDL) down. They look pissed.
Make a speech to all nearby passerby revealing to them this is all just a game, and that they are all dreaming. Convince them that only by self-terminating will they be free and wake up.
(6) Your speech is so convincing, you manage to convince yourself and some other passersby as well. You jump off the side of a balcony, but only land on top of a pile of bodies, trapping yourself with your arm having punched into a corpse. No wait, that was an injured person until you punched through them. The others who jumped fell onto the regular concrete and were killed or injured. (1 MV Added)
Generic City's North Ireland Station
Throw someone in the way of a moving bus/train/car/anything moving fast enough to cause severe injury.
(5) You shove a random guy onto the tracks as a train comes along. Someone nearby is contacting the police. (1 MV Added)
Begin composing a musical response to Edvard Grieg's Holberg Suite, to be played by various strings and clarinet. Reflect on how great a plan this is to destroy all of humanity. Wonder if drinking jet fuel mixed with absinthe has impaired or enhanced my decision-making ability.
(2) You being composing a musical response to Edvard Grieg's Holberg Suite with your trusty kazoo. People are too distracted by someone being shoved onto the tracks to notice your symphony.
Appear nuke North Ireland! Starting the Irish vs British War!
(-) The Mayhem level is not strong enough to create a nuke. You need to increase the mayhem level to perform this action.
Shout ALBA GU BRATH and bite someone's face off while singing "I'll Take the Low Road"
(5) You bite off the face of the person in front of you in line for tickets. You hear someone calling the police. (1 MV Added)
15 Fools Killed
26 Fools Injured
1 Man stabbed with Screwdriver
1 Screwdriver Bought
1 Injured Killed
5 Fools Killed
7 Fools Injured
1 Annoyed
1 Face Torn Off
1 Person Killed
1 Man shoved onto the Tracks
Mayhem Level:
IIIII (Large Pet Dog)