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Author Topic: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 6: Discount Bloodbath  (Read 43530 times)


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #195 on: June 18, 2016, 12:04:37 pm »

I had to.
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« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 07:57:19 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #196 on: June 18, 2016, 12:18:47 pm »

Make his hair stun enemies with it's sheer might when they first gaze upon it :p


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #197 on: June 18, 2016, 12:21:27 pm »

Make his hair stun enemies with it's sheer might when they first gaze upon it :p
I think that would probably qualify as an ability rather than equipment, and yes I do know you're joking.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #198 on: June 18, 2016, 12:22:03 pm »

his gi is infused with the power of sega
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #199 on: June 18, 2016, 12:24:34 pm »

Make his hair stun enemies with it's sheer might when they first gaze upon it :p
I think that would probably qualify as an ability rather than equipment, and yes I do know you're joking.
Nah. Equipment providing regeneration is valid, so I don't see why equipment stunning things wouldn't be.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #200 on: June 18, 2016, 12:34:38 pm »

Nah. Equipment providing regeneration is valid, so I don't see why equipment stunning things wouldn't be.
eh, I was more saying it because it's his hair, but I'll go with it and see if it's allowed, if not I'll go for the Sega infused gi


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #201 on: June 18, 2016, 02:18:43 pm »

Insta-stun is preeeeeety strong.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #202 on: June 18, 2016, 02:24:34 pm »

Insta-stun is preeeeeety strong.
I guess it is even WITH the only works once per person thing? If so I'll change it. I just gotta figure out what something being infused with the power of Sega would actually even DO.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #203 on: June 18, 2016, 02:33:41 pm »

Insta-stun is preeeeeety strong.
I guess it is even WITH the only works once per person thing? If so I'll change it. I just gotta figure out what something being infused with the power of Sega would actually even DO.
Maybe have a roll for stun?


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #204 on: June 18, 2016, 03:40:45 pm »

Willpower roll for stun then.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #205 on: June 18, 2016, 03:57:46 pm »

Boom, done. His hair now requires you to succeed a willpower roll on your first time seeing it or be stunned


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #206 on: June 20, 2016, 01:45:12 pm »

Next turn when?
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 2: First Dinosaur Casualty
« Reply #208 on: June 21, 2016, 03:28:35 am »

Chapter 4: The Contract Pays Off
Location: Grand Fairbank Mall, Toronto, Canada
"We'll build a wall, and make the Magical Girls pay for it." - Kyubey

The Viking at Stamford Bridge steps out of the exploded remains of the bear statue and looks around for his first worthy foe, and the first person he spots is none other than Coldsteel the Hedgehog. He heaves his giant axe above his head, its metallic blade shining under the electronic lights as he runs at Coldsteel yelling "TYR!" The Viking in now in a state of Berserker Rage, a red aura of fury surrounding his body, his skin shining, his eyes pulsating and spittle frothing from his mouth onto his beard. [5+3 vs. 7] The roaring Viking brings his weapon down upon the hedgehog who avoids with a sick combat roll he learned from his time at Sonic Fighting Academy. Despite the defensive maneuver Coldsteel has one of his hedgehog spikes lopped off anyways, the appendage now bleeds. The Viking takes some deep breathes and his aura fades. 

"*heh. guess you missed the punchline", says Sans as he playfully twirls a bone above his right hand. Sans' eye flashes blue and Kyoko grasps at her chest right over her left breast, as it is overcome with a sensation that isn't pain, but feels invasive nonetheless, a blue glow visible from deep inside of her that resonates in her chest. [3+1 vs. 5-1] Sans points his index finger at the ceiling and Kyoko goes flying upwards, slamming into the roofing above by her back, causing a small crater to appear in the ceiling and some of the dust collected up there to come floating down; despite the trauma, Kyoko no-sells the attack and appears to have taken no damage, and struggles to free herself from Sans grasp to no avail. [1+1 vs. 4-1] [Willpower vs. Control: 9 vs. 4+3] Kyoko somehow manages the willpower to launch herself off of the ceiling, and just in time as several bones smash through the ceiling like a cluster of spears, putting holes in various spots as the bones appear from nothing. Kyoko propels herself downwards at Sans [5+1 vs. 3+1] and before he can teleport away, the magical girl brings her fist down upon his skull. Sans takes a step back and rubs the targeted area which now sports a small cartoonish bruise, "*you remind me of a kid I know, someone with heart, just like you." He shrugs, "*well, see ya' later," and disintegrates into dust.
The Gaster Blasters disintegrate.
Kyoko punched out Sans! [+1 Kill]
+Ability: Cutting Field Projection (Active): Kyoko can launch an invisible Field of Extreme Sharpness approximately 5x5 meters in size in any direction. 2 Turn Cooldown.

Aeyza fires his adhesive grappling to the top of one of the tallest walls in Toyland and zips up to it quickly, sticking to its surface by his grip like a frog with webbed feet. With his right hand he takes out his railcannon, searching for the most dangerous person around him to fire upon. So far, no one meets that criteria; he hears of a battle going on a good distance away in an aisle he can not see, though none of the combat is directed towards him. In a nearby castle, a group of soldiers in white armor run about but are not targeting him, so they must either be unaware of his presence or apathetic of him. At this time, if he wants to get into a battle he may have to initiate it...

With no opposition, the Huntress continues walking down the fully functioning but eerily deserted mall, then again it was hard to call this place eerie when you compared it to the world she had originated from. She passes a multitude of stores, craft and antique stores, book stores, even a grocery store and a gym. She makes it to the intersection of the 'Y' shape of the mall, which culminates in a large sign and entryway greeting her to 'Adventureland', and she can already see inside which holds the carousels, roller coasters, water slides, skating rink, rock climbing wall and arcade. All of the rides and attractions are active despite no one attending nor actually riding them. Of course, if these nostalgic amusements didn't interest her, there were two parallel pathways on the edges of Adventureland that simply went further into the mall.

Rez laughs with glee as the crimson essence drips from McKatana's arm, before coughing up a good deal of his own blood. "AH! So you do bleed! Wonderful! NOW FACE MY BLOOD RITE!" He charges, or more accurately stumbles at McKatana, holding his Bloodletter dagger up like he was a deranged serial killer. [2+2-1-1 vs. 10+1] The Samurai doesn't even shift a muscle as Rez just stumbles his way into the side of a shed and drops his dagger, spilling his blood onto the side of the toolshed and depreciating its value for any future buyers. McKatana holds his trusted blade firmly, "YOU DISHONORABRU FOOL! SHAMEFUR DISPRAY! I WILL CUT YOU DOWN JUST LIKE I DID HITLER!" [7+2+2-1 vs. 10-1+2] As Rez turns around to face McKatana, the Samurai slashes his neck, but Rez is saved as it is not a full on decapitation, the blade only nicks the side of his neck doing little more damage than a shaving cut. As McKatana curses himself for failing to land a killing blow, Rez throws half of the contents of his Magical Blood Flask on the ground, adding to the total amount of blood on the ground already produced by McKatana, dead Mecha-Hitler and himself. All of the blood is quickly pulled into the air, forming a sphere of the liquid. "BLOOD RITE FINISHER!" [2 vs. 3+1] The blood ball flies at McKatana who dives underneath it, and it goes crashing into a toilet, creating an explosion of blood and porcelain. McKatana ends his dive right at Rez's feet, [8+2+2 vs. 4+2-1] and quickly gets on his knees to deliver an agile diagonal Katana slash that starts at Rez's left kidney and goes up through his right shoulder. This single cut splits Rez into two parts which collapse on top of each other, and he lets out one breath that is disturbingly not of fear or pain or even calm, but joy.
McKatana has cut down Rez! [+1 Kill]
+Ability: Weight Manipulation (Active): McKatana can manipulate the weight properties of any object he can touch. The more dramatic the weight change, the harder this ability is to use.

Kyoko takes a moment to eat some Pocky.

The Road Warrior fires a flare into the sky to signify another Brother committed to the cause and the victorious screams and engine-roaring of the Brothers-From-Beyond answer him back, whether they be coming from the Great Roadway in the Sky or simply the nearby freeway. "Brothers! Ride with me eternal, shining and chrome!" The three of them ride straight into Toyworld, smashing open the entry door nearly taking it off its hinges as they enter the partially-destroyed part of the mall where the sprinklers shower them from above. [Driving: 5+1] The floors, slick with sprinkler fluid, make it difficult to find traction but The Road Warrior and his accompaniment face no major problems until they see a skeleton flinging a girl into the ceiling. Not usually one to play the knight in shining armor, The Road Warrior yells "VALHALLAAAAAA!" sending his screaming brothers and him into a frenzy as they turn the corner with their guns out, just in time to see Kyoko leap from the ceiling to punch Sans into dust. The three of them stop, silent except for the sputtering of their engines. The Brother at Arms comments, "That lass is pretty good."

Johnny launches into soliloquy while scanning the area for Kars' hiding spot, "You're pretty pathetic, Pillarman. Thinking you could hide from my Stand. As for your question! My technique is called Sleepy Haze Ripple. It gives the appearence of everything slowing down around me, but in truth! My own movements have been sped up! I'm not slowing down your light, but avoiding it all together!" [10 vs. 7] Johnny sees a glimmer of movements coming from one of the coat displays and sends Dog Days to attack it from behind. [6+2 vs. 7+2] Kars leaps out from the coat pile as Dog Days begins to strike with lightning fast punches, while the Pillarman responds with lightning fast dodging. [2+2 vs. 2+2] He swings a quick light blade at Dog Days but the poochy stand backflips out of the way and onto the head of a mannequin. While Kars is focused on Days, Johnny charges him and throws his fists like bullets from a machine gun, "TORIYA TORIYA TORIYA!!!" [5+2+2 vs. 7+2] Kars is able to block some of the punches, but the Sleepy Haze Ripple slows him down to a point where he can not block a straight jab to the chin which sends him flying back into the same pile of coats he was hiding in, knocking them all over.

While Kyoko is eating Pocky above a pile of Sans while the Brothers show her silent admiration, the AL-2048 is busy giving the Stormtroopers directives to line up on the battlements at the top of the giant plastic castle. Their leader gives them a hand sign and the squadron resumes firing upon the magical girl. [3 vs. 4+1] Kyoko nearly drops her Pocky but catches it as a flurry of laser blasts hits the area around her, and near where the bikers are idling as well. Kyoko leaps on top of the aisle and begins jumping from aisle-top to aisle-top running towards the castle under the light show created by the blasters. [10+1 vs 9] When she nears the castle, there is simply too much firepower for her to continue on and she takes shelter in a RV aisle. She grabs one of the remote controlled vehicles and scales the aisle, running for the castle once again while under fire. She throws the toy car at the castle with such force that it hits the wounded Stormtroopers helmet with enough force to crack it and sends him unconscious and tumbling over the battlements to the ground below, a fatal ten foot drop. With their numbers reduced to a third and Kyoko getting closer and closer, the Stormtroopers resort to using their Thermal Charges like hand grenades. [6 vs. 8+1] Kyoko fearlessly charges the castle even with now large explosions decimating the area around her and leaps from the last aisle nearest to the castle battlements, a twenty foot jump, and she lands it effortlessly. [7+1 vs. 2] AL-2048 helplessly watches from the Throne Room of the castle as the rest of his men are battered and tossed aside like ragdolls in the presence of an angry toddler, her moves superior to trained blaster fire, her punches and kicks rendering Stromtrooper armor as effective as Styrofoam. Could she be a new breed of Jedi, one that doesn't wield a lightsaber yet is just as dangerous? When the last Stormtrooper is punted off the battlements, Kyoko turns her head and stares down at the Stromtrooper commander through a plastic window.

McKatana wonders if he could wield 9 Katanas at the same time.

Dundee, without saying a word this time, just motions to the camera to follow him as he sneaks up behind Johnny Jokotaru and his stand. [7 vs. 4+3+2] Dundee wraps his arm around the back of Johnny's neck but the Joestar simply seems to phase, or melt, out of his grip. [9+2+2 vs. 7] Johnny's feelings towards Dundee turn from amusement to irritation, leading him to immediately start punching the shit of out of the show host. "TORIYA TORIYA TORIYA!!!" Cthulu Dundee is caught off guard as dozens of punches rock his body, all of it caught on tape, and it doesn't stop there. [5+2+2 vs. 6] After many more punches are landed, a strong hook sends Dundee into the air, "DEATH! SPIRAL! UPPERCUT!!!" [4+2+2 vs. 1] As Dundee falls back towards the ground, he never makes it as Johnny leaps up and hits him in the jaw with a uppercut so powerful it pierces the sound barrier. The impact sends Dundee upwards through the roof and sailing through the sky, disappearing with a single shine in the daytime sky.
The Camera Crew stops recording their footage and decides they have enough to air the next episode.
Johnny got pissed at Cthulu Dundee! [+1 Kill]
+Ability: Attack Movement Manipulation (Active): If a Ranged Attack targets Johnny during this turn, it is redirected towards a hostile target in the area, including the user of the Ranger Attack. 2 Turn Cooldown.

The Evul Mage attempts to rouse himself from a state of unconsciousness. [Constitution: 8] He does so successfully, and flies towards the Castle on his Deadly Invisible Solar-Powered Broomstick. As he near her, he shoots out Dark Explosions at the battlements, while screaming nonsense about lasers. [7 vs. 6+1] [10 vs. 4+1] The Magic Staff of Darkness sends two orbs of Dark Evil Explosioness at the Battlements, which then explode on contact, the first explosion merely destroys the part of the front gate and wall, but the second takes out a chunk of battlemenet and Kyoko goes flying, slamming into one of the towers in the corner of the castle and sliding part of the way down its sloped surface; Kyoko's right leg takes the brunt of the damage, now bearing some nasty looking burn marks. The Evul Mage laughs evilly as his staff sends out two more orbs at Kyoko's position as she lay on the top of the tower, [8 vs. 10-2+1] [4 vs. 7+2] but she immediately springs back into action as she leaps off the tower right before a dark orb obliterates it, and the second orb flies into the side of the castle, damaging its wall. Kyoko attempts to ignore the pain, [Willpower: 1+3] but her right leg is searing. She leaps at the mage [7+1-2 vs. 1] and despite the damage he's done to her, she lands a flying uppercut right under his chin and the mage falls into a boucy house, his jaw almost totally coming off of his face.

Coldsteel stares down the Viking at Stamford Bridge, grinning arrogantly despite the fact that the Norse badass had already scored a hit on him, after all, he liked hurtin' people, even if those people were himself. "heh... a viking... your not gonna be the king of ANYTHING when im threw with u..." A black glowing spear made of vaguely defined magical chaos energy manifests in Coldsteel's hand and he throws it at the Viking like a Javelin, [9+3 vs. 8-2] which sails into the Viking's right shoulder and impales deeply into the bone and muscle, blood splattering behind the warrior while the spear disappears but the wound remains. Coldsteel likes hurtin' vikings, and so he follows up his chaos attack by running up and jabbing at the Viking with a punch way cooler and stronger than Knuckles could ever do, [5+3 vs. 3-2] and with a single punch shatters the Viking's entire ribcage. The Viking drops his Axe and gaps for air, backing away and going down to his knees, even a historical legend who had fought off dozens of Englishmen singlehandedly could not stop the wrath of a shitty Sonic OC. [Willpower: 9] Despite being hurt in ways that would have sent a normal human into unconscious shock or even death, the Viking refused to let the hedgehog do him in so easily. He rises back to his feet and roars mightly like a wounded creature that would rather die on its feet than cowering.

Kars gets up from the coat pile staggered, trying to reflect upon Johnny's last moves that somehow breached his defenses, and watches him pummel the literal life out of Cthulu Dundee with an admittedly impressive series of punches. "What is this? Some sort of Ripple technique? It is 「Useless」. 「Useless, Useless, Useless」!!! you cannot slow down the fastest thing in the universe: Light!" Just as Johnny uppercutted Dundee into kingdom come, Kars launched at the Stand user from behind wielding both of his Light Blades, "Ultimate Light Blade Surprise Attack !!!"    [5+2 vs. 7+2+2] Johnny's ripple slows down time enough that he can sense the attack coming and jumps out of the way as Kars inadvertently cuts a member of Cthulu Dundee's camera team into pieces. [2+2+2 vs. 6+2] Johnny rushes Kars with a punch but the Pillarman kicks him away, out of punching range.
Kars' ribs completely heal.

The Huntress is altered to sudden movement as the Peacekeeper enters her vicinity. While the Huntress gets into a fighting stance, ready to use sword or blade, the Peacekeeper lowers their rifle. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

Skullduggery Pleasant returns with a new and improved gun, pulling his Bentley up to the entrance of Ditches & Hoes.

In Toyworld, a statue of Segata Sanshiro comes to life in the Sega Saturn Aisle. (The mall is so comprehensive that yes, it still sells Sega Saturns.)

« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 03:35:01 am by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Carnage Fiesta 1999 X Reloaded - Chapter 3: The Great Stalemate
« Reply #209 on: June 21, 2016, 03:30:33 am »

Spoiler: AL-2048 (Kashyyk) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 01:17:20 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.
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