Using perfect world, it basically just pastes a pre-set value matrix on top of existing world gen parameters, controlling most ~region tile level features like any pre-set value world. It is a powerful tool - even bit overblown for this purpose.
However, you picked existing world gen parameters that specified minimum volcano count, and then ensured there would be no squares with 100 volcanisms (required for volcanoes to form).
You'd have the same problem if you'd tell your tropical forest world to have 65k glaciers when there aren't any glaciers, for instance.
Evil and good can only be pigeonholed through biome sizes.
Now, I'm a bit cranky, so let me walk you through this...
What is a forest?
wiki forest: out forest is a biome. What's a biome?
wiki biome: Okay, so how do I generate a given biome?
wiki...oh it's already on that page:, looks like 66+ rainfall and 33+ drainage is needed. To the advanced world gen!
Hm, look, rainfall and drainage. Lets up both minimums to 66 and 33.
What else? Well, dwarves need non-savage non-good non-evil mountains, and there must be oceans. The elevation already accomplishes the mountains, and as for the ocean...I guess it shouldn't be all that all-encompassing, so better increase min elevation to 90.
And of course, if the forests must be tropical, they need enough temperature for that - and for there to not be a pole. Set minimum temperature to 85 and maximum to 100, then scroll down for pole and partial/complete ocean numbers.
What can go wrong at this point? Well, no clusters of high savagery that I assume are desired. A mesh size is basically drop of a broad value onto the canvas, so might load up on calm and high savagery.
Here, I set the mesh size to 4x4 and give 50 for 0-20 and 80-100 savagery both, with other remaining 1s. Of course, since this is using a mesh size, normal savagery variance has tendency to override it, so better set savagery variances to zero.
Of course, the world still has no glaciers!
Better tell it to not keep generating looking out for one. In fact, if you're messing around with world gen values, removing "minimum" and "desired" for all things is a good idea. If you don't plan or desire for evil or good or mountain peaks, better not include them.
Then, cavern minimums to 50 too, and off we go!
Here, it has some plains, humans and rocky wastelands because of not messing with "oreographic preciptation" settings, thus reducing rainfall in those areas.
But hey, at least there's a an untamed tropical forest to the west, with 5 neighbours to boot!
Granted, with just 85 min temp there's still a lot of temperate forest :p
Have fun, and know what you're pasting!
PS: Oh yeah. You get shallow metals too if you upgrade the mineral scarcity from default 2500 to something lower, like 500.
PPS: If you want the high savagery to be entirely on the west side and low on the east side, you must use pre-set values, though. I assumed for now that this was just a desire for untamed forest :v