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Author Topic: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]  (Read 21938 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Year 1, Early Spring, Week 1: Buried Alive]
« Reply #150 on: June 29, 2016, 10:42:20 pm »

((I'm hoping we can cure everyone (except Lorkotol, who seems to have decided that sneaking off to deal with hostile natives when he's injured is a better idea then getting healed) of their random afflictions. I'm hoping if it works out that we can semi regularly work together like this to cure peoples injuries, perhaps even apply protection buffs along with it, for a general upkeep in health... I'd probably hope that we don't end up doing it every single turn, but I figure, you know, we had a few injuries, and we're probably in one of the most dangerous parts of the game right now, what with a hostile fishman tribe and no defenses. So, might as well keep up in tip top shape if we've got the time.))
Well, I have to get there before Tove ruins our first (formal) impression with them. Seriously, is she trying to go in first? We should bring the mind-control specialist(s) in after the mind-controlees won't kill us on the spot for treating them like servants.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Year 1, Early Spring, Week 1: Buried Alive]
« Reply #151 on: June 29, 2016, 11:44:59 pm »

Early Spring, Week 2: Burst

Easiest way to control a spider? Establish it's territory, Direct it to weave a web far away from camp, and discard anything it cannot eat in the camp, in return for more hair if it needs it, Conjured via Conjuration.  Encourage it further with one unit of Meat in the desired nesting spot.   Spiders dislike Danger after all, so this camp should be an area to not mess with.

Study Doof Hearts using Alchemy, what purpose may they serve?

[0=0, 0 Flaws][2+1+0=3, 1 Flaw] The spider eats your face. It sits roughly where it's supposed to digesting the various fluids it's slurped from you, so that's nice, but you could really use a healer right now.

[0=0, 0 Flaws] You try to perform alchemy but the screaming keeps getting in the way.

Face Eaten
-1 Doof Heart

Of course, lumbering behemoth of flesh!  I'll gladly help you out.  Just promise to eat me last. Isias and muscly monster start patching people up.  Isias first casts some protection magic on him, and then her, for general purpose protection/protection against getting flaws.  Then we vitamancy everyone who's injured.

Also guys, water and food seems vital.  I'm not exactly equipped to go explore how other tribes do things.  We need someone a bit more intimidating and good at stuff.  Any volunteers? Also... Are we going to pay a ransom, or just let them eat him?
"Ah hah hah. Yes of course I'll eat you last rude little one." Tove lied as she gave a large fang filled smile towards Isias and mentally put him on the top of the list to eat.

Tove assisted the healing of people with her flesh magic and polymorphing. Certainly a master of healing and a master of the body could cure any wounds when working together!
[3+2+1+1+1+0=8, 1 Flaw] Isias surrounds himself and Tove with protective magics, and even split between the two of them the effects are rather pronounced. No fleshy backlashes here, nosir! Against them, anyway.

[3+1+1+1+1+0=7, 0 Flaws] The two of you together are a force to be reckoned with, and you set about healing everyone's ills. And believe me, there are a LOT of ills. Nero didn't even have a face any more.

Lorkotol: No longer Slashed Up
Tove: No longer Slashed Up
Isias: No more Stinging Head x2
Albert: No longer Slashed Up
Nero: No more Frost-Scarred Hands
Nero: Now has a face

Isias: +3 Protection, +3 Vitamancy
Tove: +3 Flesh

Once the people of the camp were healed to whatever low standard they managed to achieve. Tove said to whatever other members of the group were still around and alive "Now then. Once again I'm going to head an expedition with an eye towards natives. This time however, we know where they are, so hopefully we won't get so lost. Also one of 'ours' is going to die if we fail to convince them of our superiority. Anyone who thinks they will be helpful are welcome to come. But be warned that the likely outcome seems to be quite violent. So make sure you have a stomach for slaughter."

Tove headed off to the fishman village to make contact with them. If they are hostile start smashing heads with enchanted muscles and use flesh+polymorphing to defend myself via ether turning them into something less then impressive combat wise, or by simply ruining their bodies by removing and swapping around important bits. If this fight breaks out I'm not against subjugating them via violence, if possible given their numbers and strength and whatnot, if not hopefully I can at least save what's his face. Hopefully though I can manage to establish a dialog with them. And by that I mean ally their fears long enough for me to secretly cast spells of flesh using polymorphing, mind, and seduction to instill within them their brains a deep desire to serve me. Ether way, number one priority is... *Sigh* saving Harry Kelln (number zero priority is of course not getting killed or captured myself

((Well, there you go guys, 1-2 people down, time for some waitlisters to get in.))
[1+0=1, 1 Flaw][1+0=1, 1 Flaw] The fishpeople don't attack you immediately, meaning they don't seriously attack you immediately, instead preferring to shoo you off with brooms, apparently thinking you some kind of excessively large, excessively fat vermin.

You're not sure if you're supposed to murder them all at this point or what.

+1 Diplomacy
Now +0 Dabbling Diplomat

Isias also continues working on making stone walls and such, of course
Isias already spent one action protecting himself from backlash and one action healing himself and his incompetent allies.

"I'm a trained diplomat and dabbling priest, so I think that I am best qualified to rescue Harry."

While Tove is busy with healing people, I'll get a head start on rescuing Harry, using Commune magic to help find him if necessary.

Once there:
"Hello, fishmen! I am here to negotiate the release of my friend over there, Harry. May I speak with your religious and/or political leader?"

If meeting with the religious leader:
Find out what the fishmen's religion is like, and why they want to sacrifice Harry. Is there a possible substitute for Harry's life in the ritual? What are the holy symbols and items of the fishmen's religion, and what are their taboos and encouraged practices? Does the religious leader know what the purple crystal is/does?
If meeting with the political leader:
Ask the fishmen's leader why the fishmen want to sacrifice Harry, and what they're willing to accept as payment for his life. After the hostage situation is dealt with, see if they desire any particular kinds of materials or knowledge or know anything about what the purple crystal is and/or does.

If attacked:
Gate in some creatures from the elemental planes of Peace and Healing. Don't try to bring them under my control, and only put anti-outsider wards around myself if the gated in creatures try to destroy me. Put up some anti-arrow wards, though.

Say... Do you suppose that shadestyle's character can teleport Harry (which sounds like "hairy") back to us?
[1+0=1, 0 Flaws] You manage to get let into the fishman village without immediately being flensed and eaten or blowing everything asunder, which for a mage is really just phenomenal work, you probably deserve a medal. That almost sounds sarcastic until you see Tove hissing and fleeing from several broom-wielding fishmen, the former ranting about her fertile magnificence and the latter about bloated creepsies.

Anyway, the fishman leader/shaman-thing is decked out in an impressive headdress consisting of a long-ish purplish skull with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many eye holes and some fancy black plumes with all manner of near-incandescent teal markings on them. Her staff is a glossy black and looks vaguely like petrified centipedes, and curls around a glowing teal orb giving off mist. Various bone and claw trinkets dangle from various places, rounding out the shaman feel.

[0+0=0, 0 Flaws] Unfortunately that's where your luck runs out. She insists that an outsider could never comprehend the mysteries of the beyond, save for drinking a mighty magical draught to experience true enlightenment. You know enough about Communion to know most drug-based religious experiences involve plopping your senses into the halls of a given deity to be awed and overwhelmed by its whatever it happens to be famous and/or worshiped for.

You get the feeling that they're willing to trade him back, at least, but you can't tell and they might not know themselves for how much.

+1 Diplomacy

Quote from: Harry
These fishmen are weird. Also you're bound and probably going to be eaten. You know what's always awesome though?

[0=0, 1 Flaw][1+1+1+1+0=4, 1 Flaw] Not that. That is so opposite of awesome that they savagely beat you for it. You don't think you should do that again unless you're in battle.

[0=0, 0 Flaws][1+0=1, 1 Flaw] Unfortunately you're not really what they call the learning type, so you keep at it. You're getting better! Mostly because it's hard to make that ear-piercing shriek with your ribcage beaten, but still! The fishmen even get a kick out of beating you while you sing, thereby playing you like an instrument. Anything that keeps you novel keeps you out of a cauldron or off an altar, right? Right?

Savagely Beaten

Quote from: Albert Stone
With no ambitions whatsoever this week, Albert opts to work out.

[1+1+1+1+1+1+1+0=7, 1 Flaw][0=0, 1 Flaw] As it turns out, when Albert opts to destroy something it gets destroyed, be that meddling fools or solid stone. With no particular vision in mind, he carves a downward staircase into a small storage room.

This also means you finally have someplace to sleep inside, and it only took you two weeks! Also it had nothing to do with you, which maybe makes you slightly bashful, but you were busy! Not succeeding at things, but that just made it all the more irrelevant what you were doing at the time. You think. This excuse is not going as well as you wanted it to.

[0=0, 0 Flaws][1+0=1, 0 Flaws] He then caves himself in very slightly. You feel better.

+1 Mining
Now +0 Dabbling Miner
+7 Tiles/Stone
Bruised Shoulders

Quote from: Sir Knightly
Sir Knightly finds himself contemplating just lying down and resting. Maybe having servants shove food through a crack in his ever-hungry barrow. Maybe let somebody else take over the business of doing stuff. Yes...

[1+1+0=2, 0 Flaws][1+1+0=2, 0 Flaws] He keeps trying, though he learns more than he accomplishes. Well, that's a sound investment, right?

[1+0=1, 1 Flaw][1+0=1, 0 Flaws] That barrow sounds pretty creepy, which is pretty cool. Scraaaaaaape, scraaaaaaaaape, The Iron Knight is cooooooooooming for youuuuuuuuuuu!

+2 Mining
Now +1 Novice Miner

Quote from: Polmarop
Polmarop tries his hand at mining again. OH BOY!

[1+0=1, 0 Flaws][0=0, 0 Flaws] He actually makes progress! Albert's storage room is slightly expanded.

[0=0, 0 Flaws][0=0, 0 Flaws] He gets back to dancing soon enough, though.

+1 Pit, +1 Stone
+1 Mining
Now +0 Dabbling Miner

At the end of the week, Polmarop calls another meeting. This isn't going to become a standard routine, is it?

He opens by rifling through several papers, studying them intensely. Which doesn't always mean his eyes or face are always pointed at them, mind. You also give 3:2 odds those papers have less than nothing to do with what he's about to talk about.

"How go efforts to excavate our glorious citadel?" he finally begins. You all sort of clear your throats and look at other people.

"How go efforts to free your imprisoned companion?" he continues. Tove and Lorkotol both clear their throats rather loudly.

"How go efforts to not starve in the rocky ruins of this grim domain?" Everyone looks around at everyone else again.

Polmarop gives a thoughtful HMMMMM while stroking his chin and looking off into space.

"Clearly this is a matter of decorum!" he then announces, and it is here that you truly realize you have made a mistake.

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at Lorkotol, "Henceforth, you shall be Master of Thralls! Sally forth, and bring these cretins under our sway!"

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at Tove, whose mouth is still open in protest at that kobold stealing her spot. "Henceforth, you shall be Mistress of Gluttony! Sally forth, and bring to us such a bounteous feast that all shall know of our magnificence!"

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at Isias while completely ignoring the infuriated strangling motions Tove is making in his direction, "Henceforth you shall be Master of Impeccable Vitalities! Sally forth, and ensure that your fellows are vigorous and swole!"

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at Albert, "Henceforth you shall be Master of Precious Liquids! Sally forth, and ensure our supply of any and all fluids as should be required!"

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at... the barrow Sir Knightly entombed himself under last week. "Henceforth you shall be Master of Sepulchers of Safety! Sally forth, and ensure that we might never lack for comfortable graves to remain safe within!"

"You there!" he shouts, pointing at Nero, "Henceforth you shall be Master of Base Labors! Sally forth, and ensure that all menial tasks remain beneath our magnificence!"

Polmarop nods to himself repeatedly while you process your new... title. He'll do this sometimes, especially when things are going poorly. If you're lucky you can sometimes trade or ride out whatever possessed him to declare you whatever with no ill effects. If you're really lucky you'll be able to actually do what you're supposed to and leverage that into getting more stuff... not that he has any stuff to give at the moment. If you're unlucky he'll start blaming you for as long as "your" problem doesn't fix itself.

Spoiler: Fortress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inhabitants (click to show/hide)
Anyone who doesn't post an action next turn is in serious danger of not keeping their marrow.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #152 on: June 29, 2016, 11:56:47 pm »

you see Tove hissing and fleeing from several broom-wielding fishmen, the former ranting about her fertile magnificence and the latter about bloated creepsies.

((I don't see why you were so worried about my diplomatic abilities ATHATH. Everything seems to be going magnificently.))

((I vote we eat the fishmen btw. Two birds. One stone.))
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 11:58:53 pm by Criptfeind »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Year 1, Early Spring, Week 1: Buried Alive]
« Reply #153 on: June 29, 2016, 11:59:20 pm »

Isias also continues working on making stone walls and such, of course
Isias already spent one action protecting himself from backlash and one action healing himself and his incompetent allies.
That's right, incompetent allies.  And now it's my job to keep you guys as lovely as can be, so I expect the utmost care from all of you!  Also you're welcome for the new face.  Flesh monster helped too.

((So... I can do my job pretty okay.  Anyone else want help doing theirs?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #154 on: June 30, 2016, 12:00:43 am »

Fishmen. Where there's fish, there's water.

Try to find a source of water out there somewhere. Consider the possibility of connecting it to our base with a channel, or carrying it in buckets.

If I still have an action left, see if it's possible to use fire magic to boil water and purify it.
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #155 on: June 30, 2016, 12:01:57 am »

Tell the shaman that I have strange magics, and that they should not cross me, else my wrath be upon them!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #156 on: June 30, 2016, 12:03:22 am »

((Thinking about it I'm a master of flesh and pretty good at turning things into other things. Assuming there's no pesky laws of magic against it I might be able to solve our food issues by transmuting stretches of unimportant material such as the ground, trees, or inactive players into eatable meat... Is that... Something I can do Irony?

Also a vitamancer might help here, to make them like, living logs of flesh, so they stay alive and fresh and probably in extraordinary amounts of pain until we eat them))
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 12:09:57 am by Criptfeind »

chaotic skies

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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #157 on: June 30, 2016, 12:12:30 am »

<<I can't wait until people start dying to experiments and crazy stuff...then it becomes fun!>>
Don't let me start a forum game, smack me with a paper towel roll if needed

Professional Thread Necromancer


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #158 on: June 30, 2016, 12:23:42 am »

((I refuse to eat raw flesh. Eww)


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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #159 on: June 30, 2016, 09:30:41 am »

((... All flesh is raw until you cook it.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #160 on: June 30, 2016, 09:59:30 am »

((Can someone PLEASE heal me?  Literally missing a face.

Use Hair Magic, Ripping it to shreds.
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #161 on: June 30, 2016, 10:01:16 am »

((Pay more attention mate! We already healed you!))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #162 on: June 30, 2016, 10:16:12 am »

((Thinking about it I'm a master of flesh and pretty good at turning things into other things. Assuming there's no pesky laws of magic against it I might be able to solve our food issues by transmuting stretches of unimportant material such as the ground, trees, or inactive players into eatable meat... Is that... Something I can do Irony?

Also a vitamancer might help here, to make them like, living logs of flesh, so they stay alive and fresh and probably in extraordinary amounts of pain until we eat them))
((Technically, though it's probably not the best idea. It's easier to turn like into like, so transforming rocks into meat would be pretty tricky. Trees into meat would be easier but still pretty challenging.

Transforming inactive players to meat, on the other hand, is surprisingly simple!))

((Can someone PLEASE heal me?  Literally missing a face.

Use Hair Magic, Ripping it to shreds.
[3+2+1+1+0=7, 3 Flaws] You burst it like a hair balloon. Its death screech brings an ominous but faint echo from the hills. That's probably nothing.

Hair spider slain!
No XP, gg too ez
Probably haven't attracted skittering horrors from your surroundings.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #163 on: June 30, 2016, 10:30:33 am »

We're done here, Conjure hair, Weave hair around walls for strength and stability.
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arcane Exile [Early Spring, Week 2: Burst]
« Reply #164 on: June 30, 2016, 10:49:47 am »

((Can someone PLEASE heal me?  Literally missing a face.

Use Hair Magic, Ripping it to shreds.

((We already got your face back, I thought))\
((... All flesh is raw until you cook it.))
((All flesh is also moving and living until you kill it.  Doesn't mean that I want to eat living animals))
Well dear fellows, assuming that no one needs any specific help, and seeing that no one really needs healing either, I shall continue on my rock wall.  I'll cast protection on myself, and then continue raising some rock structures.
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