Sovereign of Stories (tentative name) is a game where you vie for points and control of an ever changing story, the game can handle any number of players, so I hope a good number are interested.
You can find the rules here.I think it is probably best if we ignore the optional rules, for now at least.
Obviously as this is intended to be played in meat space there will need to be some additions, which can be found in the spoiler below:
We will be using a common system in other games based around "Claims", you may only add to the story if you have Claimed and there can only be one Claim going at a time, if somebody else has Claimed you will have to wait until either their Claim expires or they make use of their Claim.
Once a Storyteller has posted their addition everyone has 24 hours to Claim using an Interrupt, they will need to note what they are using to Interrupt. After they post a claim with what they are using to interrupt they have 12 hours to post their continuation. If they fail to post in time then they lose their Claim.
If it has been at least 24 hours and there is no Claim then the next person in the player list may Claim without needing to Interrupt. However other players can still Claim with an Interrupt.
If has been 72 hours since the last addition and at least 24 hours since the last Claim expired (assuming there have been any) ANYONE may claim without having an Interrupt (they may still use one if they so wish).
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, I will do my best to answer as soon as I get a chance (considering the fact I'm practically a hermit that shouldn't be all that long). Also if you have any ideas on how to make the rules clearer I am all ears.
All I need from you to sign up is to /in and send me 15 "cards", you don't need to actually make them actual cards just the names, if you can't come up with 15 I am more than willing to fill in the holes.
High tyrol
(None yet)