I might have more to say later, but two comments on what you have said:
I agree that the word foundry seems to imply heavy military industry... I still don't like the gear making reactions though. Perhaps let it keep the rare metal making, but other than that have it serve as a version of the Orcish factory that works with better materials and produces better gear types. Perhaps it could even output large batches of some kind of high value block in place of bricks.
I was thinking... you put those reactions back down on par with what they would (and do) cost to make at a forge... and put them in batches of say 5/10 at a time... (set up your stockpiles so they don't drag away all the metal bars made at the shop and the time for moving items is virtually 1 tick/bar)... maybe even reduce the cost by 1 or 2 bars.... Was considering setting up an entire category system similar to say the forge:
Use {Metal} in molds
.Mold armors (a)
.Mold weapons (w)
.Mold other (o)
repeat for orichalcum, deepbronze, bloodsteel, etc. set up the orc foundry to do the base metals and the ancient foundry for the upper metals.
and yes keep the valuable metal making... was thinking of changing the bar ratio or adding something to it. I want to make it accept mithril as dust, so as to remove the multiple step process of grinding, using, melting objects to get to mithril bars. it will make the 2 more equal in production. maybe adding in another ingredient to the mix for deep bronze as the value of the bars to make deep bronze is less than half that of orichalcum, but the bar value of both is 40. basically the value of the materials to make each is 100 for 120 in deep bronze, 200 for 120 in orichalcum. Orichalcum is by far the harder to make,so maybe adding say 3 bloodsteel bars to the deep bronze reaction... to up the value put into deep bronze and to make them more equal in reaction/production restriction.
Maybe do both of those (i.e. the bloodsteel in deep bronze, and the mithril dust straight in orichalcum). The mithril dust idea makes mithril items found be melted and then grinded(adding one step to them), but eliminates 2 steps from processing raw mithril for orichalcum. the bloodsteel adds further versatility and end game use to bonemeal/bonemold/bloodsteel reactions... then with what I add to your later suggestions... the industry becomes involved in many stages.
I personally like the Bonemold/Bloodsteel industry. Its great if you lack the micromanaging skill or wood supply to shoot straight for heavy raiding right out the gate like you advocate for. A few ideas to make the industry more useful though...
A: Bonemold/Bloodsteel daggers at the factory as an alternative to copper
See I was considering the orc foundry needed a more robust list of reactions... one of the things I was thinking was that bonemold could be used as.... Bone Mold...
simply put you could fashion molds with it that are used at the orc foundry and the ancient foundry. The molds would have 90% salvage rate, so you wouldn't need to keep making thousands of them, just 5 or so on hand. each mold could be for a different item, daggers, axes, etc. the mold plus x metal bars would return a 5 count of items and the mold 90% of the time. This would make sense as foundries require molds that are potentially breakable. again you would basically build a category menu as your production possibility would go up... could cross platform the molds from the orc foundry up to the ancient foundry and use them there with higher end goods... or not... discussion is fun. but then yeah you could have bloodsteel daggers... It also would slow the easy access into mass weapons for raiding making raiding less overpowered.
B: More uses for Flux (Bonemeal). Perhaps it can be sold, or required by Ancient Foundry reactions. (Combine with a reduction in flux drop rate at the Dwarf Labor Cell)
Like the mold idea for bonemold, flux from bonemeal is interesting.... flux is a high phosphorus containing material... and bonemeal should contain plenty as why its a part of various fertilizer products...
C: Perhaps an Infernal Forge. Raid the plans from this building from the Succubi. The infernal forge could use various combinations of bonemetals and corpse byproducts (perhaps some souls as well) to produce the upgraded Succubi versions of Bronze and Steel (can't recall the names), magical ammo, and perhaps even animated constructs.
Stygium and Afelsteel... They are in the raws... they can get them from traders occasionally(as anvils, bars, etc.), but there is no specific reactions of making them. They are not currently in use in the succubus mod. I'd hate to add anything more to the orcfort/succubus reactions until I know more about the future of the succubus mod from Boltgun. I'll message him... but he's been moving them away from the whole corpses and body parts industry on the whole. currently bonemeal/mold/bloodsteel is really only an orc thing.
the only other "specialty" inorganics in use in the succubus mod are slade(not really added in, just actually accessible easily), tempered glass, and layered glass.
I added slade furniture to one of the raids, slade is base value 1 so its not highly valuable, but it is REALLY cool for rarity.
so in the end I like thee idea of the infernal forge, but I don't think stygium and afelsteel is going to making a come back, in the succubus. and I'm not sure the cross over value of these materials in comparison to deep bronze, orichalcum, bronze, steel. If boltgun is going to remove them completely they could become a part of the bonmeal->bonemold->bloodsteel chain....
Require the new Succubus Captive in the shop, make it a spiteful thing to force them to work with such vile metals since the current succubus have seemed to abandon working with corpses.
D: Perhaps add a lightweight, high value, and awesome colored decorative bonemetal. Perhaps Bonemeal + Ash + Tallow to make a white aluminum stand-in Glossbone. This way it is both easier to craft and haul the furniture made from the bones of your enemies.
That's an awesome idea all together. What would be the color?
and to add one to this... I was thinking that maybe a low weight byproduct could be made that would be a "wood" replacement for ship building, for embark locations where wood is scarce/non existent. this material could be such a thing.
back to the money thing. It was suggested to me that maybe skullcups should be a replacement for orc money, either of platinum coins or bonemold coins. basically 1 skullcup would equal say a 500 stack of bonemold coins. Skullcup would be a special inorganic material added in so that cups made from it would be called skull cups, description this is a cup made from skull, lol. This would then replace the bonemold coins as pay to orc soldiers for raiding, and bonemold transactions. they would also be usable as actual cups, being dragged around the taverns, etc. We could even have gold/silver versions to replace those coins, and
the soldier version be iron skull or bonemold skull. We set up reactions at say the craftorc for turning 1 bar+1 skull into the {inorganic bar skull} cup. No forging coins, and having quality would make sense.
additionally... I was thinking that we could have civ raids bring back corpses/bones/skulls/etc too, say 1 to 4 but average at 1 (4 products of 1, all of them at 25% chance). These corpses could then be used in the production line as its sometimes hard to hunt for enough animals in early to midgame for enough material for the industry. I'm wondering what the product line would have to be for a corpse to drop. a corpse would then be dragged to the butcher chopped into meat, bones, and a skull. the skull goes to be made into a cup, the bones can be used in the dismemberment theater (or the corpse, another interesting realistic addition, your doctors actually practicing on a humanoid corpse!), the meat can be squeezed for blood, the entire raiding industry becomes entrenched in the bone industry.
Kick those ideas around while I go start working on the foundry reactions.