The design you have in OP would usually work on elves clothed in wood (there might be some situations where creatures jumping over the hole collide with minecart, not sure if that would throw off the cart), though using rollers might leave them vulnerable to being shut down by building destroyers (though magma-unsafe BDs might not, given inability to path to them).
...I'm not sure whether mid-air roller would give a cart falling through itself speed - pressure plates don't notice falling carts - but the cart needs to be going not too fast and magma has significant friction anyway, so if you want to use one for acceleration you will probably put it on magma track anyway (careful with the power source).
My experience on water mister minecarts suggests that as long as there is 5/7 liquid in a tile (4/7 doing almost nothing iirc), you will get mist on dropping in from flying in or skipping.
Furthermore, it is possible to have the mist generated with 2 z-levels, as long as the cart was sent flying by hitting a rough patch of floor beforehand.
There are two major weaknesses with any system of magma mist generation:
First, it sets some things on fire. You'll probably* lose access to burnable things as well running the risk of them running into your fort, making your populace catch fire and Sankis setting fire to booze stockpile.
Second, it is somewhat ineffective on things that do not burn, doing no direct damage to, say,
dragons. Thank you, Max™.
Third, if I were to implement one despite the caveats, I'd probably make use of good mist having considerable plume beyond initial square - if I don't care about the risk of carts being stolen mid-operation by, say, a master thief demon or some fps loss, perhaps a retracting bridge over downstairs with minecarts skipping on magma right beneath. Or from the sides.
Perhaps slightly safer (for the carts) would be letting it drift in from above through unpathable floor grates or from the sides through fortifications (might be jumpable and certainly dodgable) /deconstruction-toggled raised bridges, though that would necessarily generate less mist.
Even more safer would be using several minecarts to transport magma high above (so a dodger won't dodge through grates) with the original magma either eliminated or picked up by having the minecart go back down, teleport through a wall, pick up magma, then teleport through, thus necessitating that even a magma-immune flying buildingdestroyer master thief, climber and jumper will be juggled through constantly changing target, unable to path to any one cart for long.
Additional note, here: I notice that waterguns generate a lot of mist per shot. If you had the mist generated by a magmagun, it would be possible to kill almost anything° immune to magma mist anyway, provided they get hit by the ball of magma.
Fourth, there are several threads on similar topic with variety of designs, here's just one: search for "magma mist" turns up a lot more interesting things than just that, of course.
* Hm, I wonder if anything happens when you have magma mister and water mister next to each other...Time for SCIENCE!
° I'd guess you'd need at least a hydra made of adamantine with ten times the healing rate to have a chance against high cadence max speed magma minecart cannon. None have been sighted so far, but I imagine you could mod in one.
That impulse stuff is quite nice, but I somewhat guess this will be fixed sooner or later
Could be bit difficult without removing track/ramps from game entirely, given currently all proper ramps are impulse ramps - the simplest way to do it that I can think of is to remove their acceleration and completely change gravity to mostly apply on z-level changes - which would have quite a bit of "time to look beneath your feet before you start to fall" as well as giving minecarts low level antigravity.
...So, uh, it seems magma mist is bit less of a firehazard than I expected:
That cart flying through magma mist is still at subterran temp. Didn't catch fire.
Also, generation is bit different. My usual water skipping system didn't work so had to drop items in.
Still, nothing interesting on having two mists on same square:
No obsidian coatings or anything, albeit water mist wasn't visible when viewed.
(I also learned you can quench magma-dumped meltable ores - but the result will be ultra-light (11 urists instead of 1932) furrowed-looking object that eventually disappears and is unusable for building or smelting. )